

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Punishment on The Astray Knights (II)

Chapter 24 Punishment on The Astray Knights (II)


One of the Knights hurriedly extinguishes the fire using his mantle.

But it is useless because the flame is not easily extinguishable by a mere mantle or drop of rain.

The knights become frustrated when the money is all gone, burnt by the flame.

Of course, they will be stressed since all they want is money.

The only person that still calmly sees the money burnt is me.

"So… do you still need 'forgiveness'?"

I ask casually, making all the Knights reveal angry faces again.

"You crazy Wizard! Do you think it's funny?! You will pay for your humiliation!"

I shrugged toward the rage Knight.

"Ah, I like it when you guys are being honest. And dumb, of course."


Two Knights Tankers move toward me with a raising shield, creating a magical barrier protecting all the Knight.

Behind the Knights tanker, I see the Knight Invaders preparing their silver sword to decapitate my head.

I aimed my right palm, barraging them with my shooting stars, gradually cracking their magical barrier.

Despite the rapid of my shooting stars, the Knights still move forcefully to closer their range.

I'll admit, they're pretty tenacious to embrace all my magic attacks.

However, they were too busy to move forward.

They did not realize I had just planned one of my Fire Explosion traps while I took a step back to stay far from them.

I keep The Soul's Strike cracking the Knight's magic barrier rapidly until they have finally arrived in the area of my Fire Explosion traps.

They become more aggressive move when they see me just stop.

But it ended easily after I snapped my finger, activating the trap into a massive flame explosion that threw each Knight in a random direction.

The magic barrier instantly broke into pieces, along with the fall of the Knights.

The flame emerges wildly, burning each Knight's armor intensely until it penetrates their skin deadly.



All the Knights rolled their body to dampen the fire.

Hoping the drop of rain from the sky will help them to survive in the middle of their skin burning.

It is useless since the rain is not strong enough to engulf my flame magic.

A few seconds passed; all the Knights stopped their trembling as a sign their life force was gone.

Only one Knight still survived the flame, staring at me hopelessly.

It's the B-rank Knight Tanker, the one that becomes the leader of this bandit.

I don't know how, but the Knight managed to dampen the flame because he used an ultra-recovery of Knight Tanker that only can casted once per battle.

"P-please… spare me…"

The Knight asks forgiveness even though his face is already burnt.

"There are two sins you have committed."

I said calmly.

"First, you dare to threaten my family. That's the unforgivable one, and only severe punishment like this can pay for your wickedness."

"S-spare me… I beg you… Please…"

The Knight cries in guilt and despair.

He still insists on staying alive.

Or was he still determined to kill me?

The moment he suddenly stood while slashing his silver sword toward my neck, I quickly ducked to evade it.

Thankfully Agility improvement helps face this kind of surprise attack.

As I look at the Knight's rage and desperate stare, he slashes his sword vertically to cleave my head.

But I have already come closer and shortened my range.

My right palm clenched as the Soul's Spirit had gifted its power to my fist.

Again, the improvement of my Strength generates an outstanding result.

I never thought my jab, enhanced with Soul's Spirit power, could break the Knight's chin and helmet.

The Knight fell head over heels and dropped his sword, almost unconscious because of my jab.

I understand the fist is not strong as the magic attack, but at least it helps counter the melee attack.

"Ohh… hhaaahhh…. Spare me…. I'm sorry… spare me…."

The Knights mumbled while stammering.

He cries for help.

I know it might be his trick to manipulate me again.

As a human, something inside me pushes me to forgive all of them, despite their mischief.

Even in this current condition, I bet he can't fight anymore.

But my mind drifted.

For a second, I see Amdarais staring at me without a word.

I know he let me decide the fate of this Knight.

"There's a second sin…."

I said it toneless, which strangely made the Knight tremble in fear.

"…you know too much about me. Only death can pay this sin."

"W-wait…! I-I beg you-"

The shooting stars flew and penetrated the Knight's head in a second I aimed it.

The Knight fell with a hole in his head, no longer moving, and let the flame burnt all over their body.


Amdarais laugh satisfyingly while clapping on me, celebrating the death of those hyenas.

Under the raindrop, I became speechless, looking at all those knights dead because of my hand.

Before I became a magician, the case of knights killing each other happened sometime.

The Knight Associations worldwide had the same agreement for creating the law to punish this kind of Knight.

It is reasonable because they want the Knight focuses on the Monster who invade earth, not killing each other.

They have to take the mischievous Knight to jail.

But, in this case, I'll punish them myself because some of it comes from my revenge.

Another reason is that they know too much about the fact that I'm a magician.

I know my mind still flying on this train of thought.

However, its already happened.

I don't know what'll happen next, but my life as a magician continues.

It's my second life chance, and I will do anything for it.

"Let's go back to my sisters and Fenris. I bet the Reinforcement Team almost arrived."

I said as I turned my back and stretched my hand to extinguish the magic firewall.

Amdarais followed me with chuckling.

"Speaking of which, are you alright with the treasure you just burnt it?"

"You mean… the money? It's alright. Half of it is counterfeit money."

"Hahahahaha…. Always calculating, eh? It's just strange that you're not finishing her…."

"Nah, why bother to kill Fenris. She is the good one. Don't easily throw a kind person's life like that just for your tiny gain, you know."

"Well, since you do not choose to kill the Fenris, you need the plan to ensure that the Knights will believe your story."

"Don't worry. I already prepared 'the story' for the Knight Associations."


'The instant karma: Six Astray Knights found Dead in the Temple Dungeon'

The next day, the news about the death of the evil Knights spread globally.

Their corpses had been lifted by the Reinforcement Team.

Since the Dungeon Boss of the Temple had been defeated, the Reinforcement Team took me, my sisters, and Fenris back hurriedly before the gate completely closed.

Of course, the Reinforcement Team asked me many questions regarding the malicious Knights.

But I only answered with: 'Fenris save my sisters and me' and 'I don't know what happened precisely. Everything became clear after Fenris came, but she passed away.'

Fortunately, the Knight Associations believed my story because I was known as the lame and weakest Knight.

At least, now everything about me is secured because all the attention moves toward Fenris.

"Brother, is she going to be alright?"

Serena asks me a question while I, Serena, and Citra are on the way to the hospital room where Fenris rests.

"She's fine. I heard from the doctor that she had gained consciousness and not had a severe injury."

"Knight is such a scary job, brother. I hope she is okay."

I patted Citra's head.

"Sure, sure. Let us visit Miss Fenris properly, okay?"

Serena and Citra nodded together.

When we arrived at the hospital room, Fenris surprisingly stared at us.

"Mister Rezvan?!"

"W-whoa, calm down, Miss. Fenris. No need to jump out the bed."

I hold Fenris to keep lying on the bed.

"A-ah, sorry… I just barely woke, and you and your sister come first on my thought."

"No worries, Miss. Fenris. We're all fine. Thanks to you, we are saved."

Fenris paused for a while.

She still not grasps what really happened, which is good for me.

"I am trying to remember what happened in Temple Dungeon. First, the malicious Knights, the halflings, then everything becomes fuzzy if I want to understand the specific…."

"To put it simply way, your plan works, Miss. Fenris. You managed to hold the Ice Wolf, who died because of his mistake."

"Oh, really?"

I nodded with a smile, trying hard to ensure Fenris believed my fairy tale.

"Oh yes, absolutely, Miss. Fenris. I might not see anything in detail, but your guarding is top-notch. If not, maybe my sister and I would be dead in a second."

Fenris frowned although I had given my reassuring.

I can feel she had something missed, even though she doesn't know what it is.

"…then what about the Malicious Knights?"

Fenris asked me curiously.

"Well, those Knights…are dead, Miss. Fenris. I don't know what happened to them, but they are being defeated by something out of the temple dungeon."

"Hmm… they're dead, huh…."

Fenris still sulks into her curiousness.

She is a sharp person who loves to explore details over anything.

"A-anyway…. I know it is not much because we are not that rich. But please take it as a thankful gift for saving us, Miss. Fenris!"

I hurriedly divert her attention while showing Serena and Citra, who bring white flowers of daisies and some orange fruits.

"T-thank you, Miss. Fenris!"

Serena and Citra said it bashfully while giving Fenris the flowers and fruits.

Fenris, who was initially serious, became flustered.

"O-oh…thank you so much. Aren't you two the sisters of Mister Rezvan…? What's your name?"

"I'm Serena!"

"M-my name is Citra, Miss…."

I never thought Serena and Citra were willing to have a conversation with Fenris so quickly.

They are usually timid with new people.

They probably haven't much time for conversation with adult women who are nice to them.

Even though I just stood and listened to all these two ramblings, one hour passed.

Surprisingly enough, even Fenris seems to enjoy her chit-chat with my sisters so much.

"Okay, I think it's time for Miss Fenris to rest, kids. So let's give her some time, okay?"

I ended as the time had gone by long than I expected.

Even far away, I can hear the step of Knight Association Representatives coming to this room to visit Fenris.

I should stay away from them, so they're not suspecting me.

Serena and Citra nodded after a long silence.

From their frowned face, I can feel they still want to spend time with Fenris.

"I-I guess we'll meet again if you're agreed, of course, Mister Rezvan."

Fenris feels the same as my sisters do.

But she also understands that the Knight Association will ask her plenty of questions regarding the Tower Dungeon at this time.

"Of course, Miss. Fenris. We'll always welcome you."

"Glad to hear that, Mister Rezvan."

Fenris smiles, relieved.

It was the first time I had seen a girl of the same age smile sincerely like that in front of me.

Whether the smile is genuine or not, she is a Knight, and I'm a magician.

We're different from each other, so it would be complicated if I let myself sulk into this strange feeling.

I smiled along with my sisters, then we left the room.

"Take care, Mister Rezvan! Serena! Citra!"

Fenris shouted in a sad voice.

"You too, Miss. Fenris. Hope you doing well!"

My sister and I said together as we left.