
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Kỳ huyễn
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57 Chs

Guidileye Hanse

That night felt heavy for Diana as she couldn't sleep well, she was unable to get it off her mind and the boys seeing this slept by her side for the night, they didn't want her to be down at all.

The next day arrived and Diana had gone back to her normal self, no longer in a somber mood, her pale face and red eyes had gone to normal, she's now her usual self, after their morning routine they were gathered on the school field, they didn't have any lesson or training today as today is the special day they've all been waiting for.

They have been instructed to wait on the school field for the mage who will transport them and the teachers going with them.

They have all gotten into their groups, there's no problem with people not having group, those who were unable to find group, the teachers shared them in other groups.

Timi and his group were staying on one side away from others, Diana didn't look like someone who lost her dad yesterday as she had kept her promise of forgetting about it, she stood there with her two level three blades by her side, Temmy also had a level two twin chain with her, Gary had come along with a level three large sword and a level three yellow armor, they were surprised seeing someone as weak as him using a level three weapon and armor but he already explained to them that he came from a rich family but he came here because he want to get stronger and protect himself, surely his family will grant him anything he wanted.

Idan also with his level one sword, he didn't have any money to buy a higher one. Timi was the only one with no weapon as his gauntlet had broken the other day but he assured them he will use his fist.

"Shouldn't you go to Sunny and ask for weapon." Temmy asked. All the student in the school had upgraded their weapon to higher level or level above their former weapon, normally they will only be allowed to use level one weapon while training, people with no weapon will be granted free level one weapon in the school but while going to hunt or an outing they're allowed to use any weapon as long as it's for them, they're also allowed to use their armor while going for a hunt or any outing but only there uniform was allowed in training and now some student with good background had high level armor on them.

"Don't worry, my fist is better than those weapon of yours." Timi replied.

"Huh? So you'll be the only one with no weapon." Idan said. "Why didn't you use Diana's level one blades." He asked

"It's already with him." Diana said as she walks towards him and forcefully turn his back towards the group and they could see two blades sticking out of his clothe from the scabbard, nobody had noticed it before.

"So you stole it already." Idan said.

"I didn't, she gave it to me." Timi replied.

Four men in yellow robe walk towards the field and the student could see their teachers and sergeant following behind them, Sunny look around and he could Timi and his group at the back.

'I guess she's gotten over it.' He thought looking at Diana who was smiling.

They were shared into two set, fifty group in each set and ten teachers and five sergeants with them, they were well organized, Sunny was quite disappointed as he wasn't put in the set where Timi's group was and Timi and his friends were also sad.

Each group was given a small bag with healing pills and water inside, this was provided to them in case any student was to get injured and they were given a communicating crystal, one to each group.

"I'll carry the bags." Gary said as the man dropped small bag for them and a container where the beast core collected will be gathered. The group had noticed that Gary is a timid and quite type.

"Don't worry, someone has already applied for the job." Diana said looking towards Idan, the others were wondering who the person is but as they noticed Diana they quickly understood her words.

"Hey, stop looking at me like that, I don't like it." Idan complained.

"You should carry the bag." Diana replied.

"What the…, Carry the bags? You mean I should carry bag for your people, you forgot I'm the strongest student here I can beat every one of you without breaking a sweat." Idan yelled and the people next to them thought a fight was about to break out including Gary.

"Yeah, the strongest should do the work for others." Diana replied with a smile on her face.

"The strongest do the work? Who among you agree with that." Idan asked.

"I agreed." Temmy said walking towards Diana.

"I'll go with the girls." Timi said as he quickly followed Temmy behind with a smile of his face. Gary stood there motionless, he hadn't known them for long so he didn't know if this is a joke or a fight will break out.

Diana couldn't keep her smile as she had gotten him, Idan had always be the one who tease her but now she had gotten her revenge.

"Okay, majority carries the vote." She said as she moves forward, she's the leader of their group.

"Diana, I promise you'll regret this." Idan said as he picked up the bag, after they have been organized the four mages walk forward, they held each other's hand in pair, their hands glowing yellow before two large circle appeared, the first set walk in the first circle with teachers and sergeant and two mages behind them and the second set did the same.

Walking through the circle they got a strange feeling in their stomach, none of them had entered a teleporter circle before so they were not used to this feeling but it didn't last a minutes before the feeling got away, after five minutes or so, they appear on the other side.

Timi and his group were with the second set so their hunting ground is at the eastern part of the city, stepping out of the portal they could see an empty vast land with a few green grass on it, looking to their front there's a large forest about 400 metre away from them with tall trees, they look back and could see a large black gate not too far from them and a gigantic building inside, guards were stationed outside the gate, it was covering the entire space around the area, from the building towards the edge of the forest, leaving the empty vast land at the middle, this is to protect people around the area from beast attack, at the front of the gate, they could see few words written on it.

>>Guidileye Hanse>>.

"This is Guidileye Hanse, a rank A+ hanse, the strongest and biggest hanse in Plataeu kingdom, many of the third year student's dream is to join this hanse." One of their teachers said as she walk towards the group, she's a young beautiful lady with a light toned skin and her golden hair could be seen flowing with the air.

"Miss Bora, what is an Hanse." A female student asked. Miss Bora teaches the general class in the morning and she teaches them history.

"Hanse act like the Demon Hunters." She started as they walk towards the forest. "The demon hunters only go on a mission of killing demons, hanse go on a mission of killing beast and trade the beast core for coins, not only did they trade beast core but they also produce weapons, armor, different pills and some other things, they also offer protection to some nobles and also act like an escort, in the past we call them Guilds.

There are different hanse out there and they are rank from F which is the lowest to A+, any hanse above ranked A are refers to as A+. Before any hunter can become an official adventurer, they must be join one hanse." She explained.

"Guidileye is the most populous hanse in plateau kingdom, the only hanse with four base in this kingdom. They have completed so many mission and have fought so many battles with other hanse, many of their members are at the A+ rank. There are times where a little argument would occur between two or more hanse and it will lead to war, other hanse are not to intervene in this.

There's also what is called Hans league, this is a competition among all the hanse within a kingdom where they will send their strongest fighters to represent them in this competition and the winning hanse will represent the kingdom in the earth Hans league which always happens among the six kingdoms on earth. Guidileye has always been the one representing plateau kingdom because they're the strongest hanse in our kingdom but they always comes last in the earth Hans league." Miss Bora explained to them and the student were surprised to hear that there kingdom always comes last in the earth Hans league.

"Ma'am what about the military there are strong people in our school why are they not representing the kingdom." Timi asked as he was thinking about someone particularly.

"The soldiers were not allowed in a competition because it may lead to war that's why the officials initiate the earth Hans league but there's a competition that was organize for the student which you people will also participate in at the end of this year, it always comes to play every year." She explained to them and some of them were excited thinking they will all participate in the student league.

When there were about 20 meters away from the entrance of the forest they stopped and a camp was built for the the teachers and the sergeant, they've brought some tools with them already. After that the student entered the thick forest to begin their adventures.

One chapter daily as promised.

Don't forget to vote and see how the adventure goes.

JWB_Kantecreators' thoughts