
The Summoned Extra Is Way Too OverPowered

Tadano Kasumi you're average office worker and loner lives an unfortunate life that met an unexpected end after deciding to live a little for once. This end causes him to be pulled along with the hero's destined to save the world. You don't have to be a destined hero to be overpowered. Join Tadano on his amazing journey in another world where he will pick up skills and abilities to live the way he want all while hiding his true abilities

Yanushi_Sama · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Chapter Six - The Extra’s First Hunt

>Ping - You have successfully defeated a sentient, Goblin Level 6 has been defeated. Exp gained {300x10}

"Nice." I stood up looking down at the limp yellow body below me. The stick I had sharpened was protruding from the chest of the goblin after I stabbed it through the back.

But still sentient and not monster like the that's odd. When I killed the grasshoppers earlier they were registered as monsters.

"Oh well no use worrying about it." I shrugged it and started to reminisce on the goblin I took out earlier

It was way easier than I thought. All I did was dash towards the goblin and pierced it from behind. Still it's odd, are goblins usually green in fantasy works.

I tugged on my makeshift weapon but it wouldn't come lose.

Ping calculating levels based on EXP gained… Synchronization in progress (20%)

Hmm I see, well I'll just keep hunting then.


My skill detected a small group of 8 monsters about 4 Meters East. I bend down and took up the rusty short sword the goblin earlier had. It was a standard iron sword build with a doubled edged and a flat blade, it did have a bit of weight but it wasn't difficult to use.

I swung it around a few times reminiscing on the martial arts classes I was forced to take in my younger years by my parents who both owners of a Dojo while also being first rate martial artists in many different martial arts apart from swordsmanship and archery, they also practiced stuff like Judo, karate, taekwondo etc...

A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered my dreaded past of ass whooping, I guess it did pay off tho.

I dashed towards the mobs I had detected earlier.

After arriving at my destination I crouched beneath some shrubs and looked out towards the goblins.

"Grrr ruh Brel blip" The tallest goblin Among the other seven spoke. It had a muscular build with the generic green skin goblins in fantasy have.

{Sounds r@cist to me}


Hob Goblin {lvl 17}

Goblin a {6}


The only danger present would be the Hobgoblin it had the highest level I've seen since coming in this forest. The other goblins had an average level of four and the highest being six. The lower level goblins all had yellow skin. I guess when they evolve their colors change.

I stood up still standing behind the shrubs to hide my presence.

"In… out… phew." I adjusted my breath and took a stance placing all the power in my right leg, then with my left leg I gripped the earth.

This was a technique my father taught me when he trained me in Judo. Using this technique he made a boost that threw him forward giving him the upper hand to over power his opponent with the drive forces powers.

This time I was using this stance technique for something else. I slowly closed my eyes feeling a gentle breeze blow along my skin then I used the power in my left leg as I positioned myself to make a dash with a boost from the power I was building up in my right leg.

I bent in a start position and bend the toes in my right foot as if to hold onto the earth, similar to how monkeys hold branches with their toes. I adjusted my gaze onto my target, the yellow goblin in closest distance to me. I flipped the way I held the blade posting the handle forward and the blade pointing behind me on the outside of my forearm.

With my stance readied I pushed forward using the power from my left leg, the grip in my right toes adjusted my trajectory and before the goblins realized it and was right behind my target. Using momentum I swung my arm towards the goblin decapitating it in a single swing that caused my body to spin to my left.

I then gripped the earth again keeping the kinetic energy flowing I continued the spin while rotating the blade in my arms holding the sword like it was intended to be held. With this spin I was face to face with another goblin who was about to react to me slaying his comrade but my instantaneous movement was too quick for him to follow through as I slit his throat. Then ducked from the incoming swing of the hobgoblin.

I was now down on the ground almost flat, I swung my leg and swept the hobgoblin off his foot then rolled away from the other three goblins who pounced at the spot that I was. I then used the strength in my arms to boost myself off the ground then I dove a top the goblin dog pile driving my sword through the goblin on top causing it to pierce through the other two goblins below.

I then stood up and realized I couldn't remove the sword from the goblins.

"Five down, two left to go." I wiped a splash of green blood from my right cheek using my sleeve as I looked at the hobgoblin and his sole remaining minion standing a few feet away from me. He wasn't focused on me he was more concerned about the bodies behind me with a worried expression on his face. He then looked towards his left where a shivering figure layer covered under a piece of cloth.

I grabbed two rusty short swords off the ground and readied my stance again this time dashing towards the hobgoblin who grabbed his goblin minion by the neck from behind and tossed him towards me.

I was shocked but reacted as quickly as I could I gripped the earth again and used that to throw myself to the right, that caused the goblin who was airborne to miss my had and stab his blade into my shoulder, I dropped the blade in my left hand and stabbed the goblin through the throat with the one in my right hand causing the goblin and his blade to fall to the ground.

My left hand wasn't completely done for, as it quickly lost strength as the pain from the wound began to spread.

I didn't even get time to check on my wound as I looked down a massive shadow towered over me, I jumped back and tripped rolling on the floor before quickly jumping back to my feet and charging at the hobgoblin that just slashed into the floor. Using his strength that was superior to mine he swung up with his blade at me. I parried it using the flat edge of my blade while using the brunt of the force as power for momentum to move over to the right before following through and slashing the left side of the hobgoblin.

The beast before let out a vicious bellow from the pain and swung his left hand using the back of his hand to slap me over. The beast the charged at me who was still airborne swing his blade down on me causing me to smash into the ground as I blocked it with the flat of my blade.

I kicked at his foot but he didn't fall instead he staggered back while fighting to stayed on his feet, that gave me enough time to get onto my feet and pounce with all my remaining strength and drive my blade into the hobgoblins chest.

His lifeless body then fell on the ground and landed at my feet staggering a bit from my first actual hunt, the pain from my left shoulder and the hits I took from the hobgoblin made me a bit nauseous on the verge of fainting. I then looked back over to where the person wrapped in cloth was laying.

I gathered all the strength I could muster and forced myself over to the figure.

"A-are you okay?" I asked as my sight went dark