
The Summoned Extra Is Way Too OverPowered

Tadano Kasumi you're average office worker and loner lives an unfortunate life that met an unexpected end after deciding to live a little for once. This end causes him to be pulled along with the hero's destined to save the world. You don't have to be a destined hero to be overpowered. Join Tadano on his amazing journey in another world where he will pick up skills and abilities to live the way he want all while hiding his true abilities

Yanushi_Sama · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter Seven - Are You My First Heroine

>Ping calculating levels based on EXP gained... Synchronization in progress (97-98-99%)

Exp gain

Goblins (x7) - (300x10)


Hobgoblin (x1) - (1500x10)


Total Exp Gain =36,000

[Name: Sai]

Species: Human

Age: 17

Level: 19 [950/3700]

Mana: [1250/1250]


Weapon mastery (**- two star)


- weapon mastery provides necessary knowledge on how to wield any weapon held. Affinity and combat knowledge is provided subconsciously.

Weapon handling increases.

Reducing weapon deterioration and enhances weapons durability by 20%.

"Woah seven goblins and jumped from level four to nineteen that's crazy. My unique skill is amazing, oh and my weapon mastery and detection went up a star huh, my detection ranged increased by two meters, a solid 12m that's great."

My daze from looking at my status upgrade made me forget about my surroundings for a second but I was soon brought back to my sense by the sounds of foot steps. The sounds were slight but they did produce noise that could be heard with a trained ear or a little concentration.

The footsteps were slowly approaching as if to sneak up on me in this straw hut, the sounds of the foot steps sounded more timid than threatening did my voice scare whoever's out there.

"HUHHHHHHHHHH!?.... Wait a minute straw hut what in the hell?....." I sprung my feet looking around, at first to grasp my surroundings and next to find an item for self defense. 

The hut was empty except for a bed made of straw with the dried a treated skin of a beast as a substitute for sheets. My nose winced as as I came to the realization and the smell of the room hit my nose.

The room was plastered with the scent of animal urine and a unfamiliar sour scent of a wild beast.

The cloth hanging by the entrance shuffled as if someone or something was entering I got in a defensive stance prepared to countered whatever was using this rancid environment as a home.

That's odd I tilted my head slightly to the right, I looked at the caramel brown hair that flowed below the narrow relaxed shoulders that held up the pair of partially covered orbs of a woman's that rested on her chest she had a slender waist that could get her into the top of the miss world competition and in her hands she held a straw  basket filled with herbs. I looked up her green skin to her face which had all the features of a young but mature woman, soft relaxed skin, a gently molded chin with broad deep brown  eyes and fangs that protrude above her top lips from the lower canine sockets.

Wait... odd... green, fangs?

I dashed towards her with a punch that was sure to make an impact.


The straw basket fell spilling the herbs and the female goblin fell to her knees and then into a beautiful Dogeza. One only seen in tv dramas and anime.

I froze just above the groveling figure before me.

Did this goblin just submit to me, Is it out of fear, what do I do with a goblin, I doubt I could take her back to the city as a tamed… wait why am I even thinking that far ahead and I haven't gauged it's intentions for submitting to me.


In that moment while lost in thought a sharp pain brought me back to reality as I fell to my knees under the influence of the pain.

I looked towards the spot and realize it was my left shoulder that has been stabbed in the fight prior to my current situation.

The only difference now is the wound is covered by a leaf. Some trembling green fingers gentle removed the leaf exposing a green paste that had been plastered into my wound.

My tensed muscles relaxed after the fact that this goblin wanted to help me.


I used appraisal on the goblin that stood before me wrapping a massive piece of leaf around my arm.

[Name: Sheena]

Species: Goblina {NAMED}

Age: 19

Level: 21 [100/4100]

Job: Priestess lvl 12 [21/100]

Status: Servitude, {sees you as her savior}



Goblin's cry: inflicts fear in weaker foes and summons nearby comrades.

Strong right: increases the strength in blows inflicted upon enemies using your right hand.

Monsters vow: consuming the flesh of you adversaries strengthens your body and the blood increases you vigor and skills.


Priestess heal: 10 {sealed}

Wall of the Priestess: 10 {sealed}

Precognition: 2

Aura barrier: 17

Intelligence: 33

Speech: 7

Reading (passive): 2

Writing (passive): 1

Loyalty [77/100]

A monster companion gained through Servitude gains the loyalty trait, the higher this trait the lesser the chances of the monster running away or betraying you.

0-20: small level of trust

21-40: obedient

41-60: loyal (wavering)

61-80: servant

81-100: slave

I realized something when I analyzed her status. Unlike humans who gain skills trough leveling up and these skills get stronger by gaining another star, monsters gain skill by their jobs and monster class and theirs skills grow stronger through leveling up.

And not all monster gain intelligence I guess she gained hers from being a named. Based on my knowledge of how fictional worlds operate such thing wouldn't be far fetched.

I felt a gaze and lowered my line of sight towards Sheena who had finned covering my wound.

"Uhm… Thank You?" I replied nervously, she did have the speech skill but it's level is super low and I doubt she'd understand me.

"Gru bra come." She smiled in response and I froze in astonishment I couldn't comprehend the first part of what she said but the final piece made of obvious she understood me and knew how to reply.


Linguistic (*-> ***)

My linguistic Skill grade rose from one to three stars just by understanding what she said.

"My name is SAI and yours?"


It worked it actually worked amazing this is amazing…