
the fall in love

But what made his heart stop beating whenever they were close was whenever she hugged him because she didn't hug anyone she was so shy and gentle when she was hugging him. He couldn't believe how much he loved her, he didn't know how he could live a life without her.

One night at home they both sat watching TV and eating pizza, neither of them spoke a word but he noticed how she kept stealing glances at him and smiling every now and then. Songki decided it would be better to ask her if she wants to have dinner somewhere nice tomorrow he didn't know how to act around her without acting weird and annoying so he just waited for her to finish eating and said goodbye to her and left. He drove home and walked straight to his room slamming the door shut before changing into his pajamas and climbing under the covers of his bed, he closed his eyes waiting for sleep to come but sleep never arrived until midnight and by then Songki was too exhausted to fall asleep so he decided to text her.

Songki <3: hey are u free tomorrow

He sighed as it read like over three hundred times he knew he shouldn't bother her but he couldn't help himself. He waited for several minutes before finally receiving a reply.

Chaeryeong: No sorry :(I'm busy tomorrow I'll send my schedule through social media tonight

Songkyung: oh okay i hope you have fun!!!

Chaeryeong: Thanks!! Have fun :)

Songkyung: I will :P

Chapter 3

Songkyung is having a very bad day and she can't seem to figure out where it went wrong. Her mom tried to cook breakfast for her when she got home yesterday but she somehow messed the frying pan and burned herself badly. So she took her painkillers and headed straight to the bathroom to clean up the mess. She was drying the burn site and applying ointment to it when her cellphone rang on her night stand, it wasn't a notification indicating new messages it was a call from someone who is supposed to be her boss at work informing her that a customer has died.

When her mom told her that she won't be able to come to work today she expected her to tell her that her family is sick so she can stay home with them. Instead she was supposed to be working in her place and when she got home she was surprised to find her mom in such a terrible state she had to take her to emergency services. Apparently they think she is having a heart attack so they insisted on sending her home which means she couldn''t go to school today.

As she cleaned everything up she realized that she forgot to buy groceries today since she was so upset about today's incident she completely forgot that she has to go grocery shopping and now the only thing she has to do is walk there and walk home again, she groaned knowing this was going to take longer than usual. She finished cleaning and headed to the living room ready to take a shower.

Just then she heard her doorbell ring. Knowing no one was at home she assumed it's the delivery man so she called out that she was coming. As she opened the door and reached the hall she thought she had seen the strangest sight possible, there stood a tall handsome guy wearing a blue sweater, jeans and vans. It's been a long time since she last saw someone that looks similar to the one she once fell in love with, she froze in her spot. Her heart starts thumping loudly and suddenly the world around her disappears. All she hears is the loud pounding of her heartbeat in her ears and when she snapped out of her trance her heart started to beat faster. The stranger noticed this cause he started laughing nervously, he then held his hands up in front of him showing that he meant her no harm.

"Who are you?" She managed to choke out the words through gritted teeth.I'm uh...sorry I didn't mean to scare you I'm looking for Ms Kang? I just need to give her these papers" He said gesturing towards the papers he was carrying inside his jacket.

She nodded her head and quickly unlocked her door letting him in and closing it after him. Without saying anything he handed her all the documents which she took from him and locked her door again. She looked through the papers and after reading through them her eyes shot up to see the man standing behind her.

"What's your name?" She asked sternly.

"Um, Lee Sangmin" He replied not wanting to lie to the woman in front of him.

"Where did you get those papers? And how did you even know I worked here?"

"I um...I followed you"

She rolled her eyes at the boy and sighed knowing that she shouldn't be surprised, he always finds a way to sneak up on her.

"What do you want?" She asked folding the papers up and placing it on the table.

"Well, I want to hire you as my personal assistant" He replied smirking at her as he leaned back against her desk.

"Excuse me?"She asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah I mean I need an extra pair of hands around the office everyday because well I haven't been able to find my wife in six months" he explained.

Songkyung scoffed and shook her head at him. She knew he wouldn't take the hint and continue to flirt with her, he doesn't have any guts.

"Look kid I appreciate your offer but no thanks"

He looked at her in disbelief and let out an annoyed huff as he walked past her and sat down on her couch, his face becoming dark.

"Listen lady you might think it's funny to play hard to get but you should know that I am the one who pays the bills and I can assure you that I have plenty of money to pay you well"

"Then why aren't you doing so" she asked glaring at him as she moved closer to him sitting right next to him on the couch.

"Because my wife left me! Because I have no fucking clue where she is or why she left me! I spent six whole months looking everywhere for her. I've lost weight, I haven't slept for weeks. I had to beg my parents for money