
he missed her smile

At school today he kept thinking about her wondering why was she ignoring him, why did she leave him. And he kept thinking about her because he hasn't seen her in months she might change her mind about him and that'll make him feel less lonely. He spent the rest of the day with his head down pretending to pay attention in his lessons but in reality he was listening to his teachers words, watching his classmates laughing, imagining them all together. It's been weeks since the day he saw her he misses her and it hurts to know that she hates him and he will never find happiness again. At school today he pretended to study while he looked at his surroundings hoping to catch sight of her but she was nowhere to be found so he let it go. When classes were finally done he quickly took his stuff and left before he could bump into her and ruin the mood he was in. He hurried towards home praying he will get to meet her soon. He was surprised when he stepped inside his house and instead of seeing his mother he saw his sister who was sitting at the dining table typing on her phone reading a book. She raised her eyes and greeted him with a warm smile.

"How was school? You look tired so I brought dinner for you" she said It was okay thank you, I'm going to eat now bye." Songki replied not really interested in talking.

"Okay" She replied walking back to her seat. Songki ate dinner silently feeling guilty for not talking to her all the time, he promised himself to do it today, so he put his plate in the kitchen sink and went upstairs. As he approached the door he heard soft giggles from inside, it sounded like she was enjoying herself while singing. That was the most beautiful sound Songki had ever heard, he felt tears pricking on his eyes knowing that she enjoyed herself so much. He knocked softly on the door wanting to know where she is, he heard her say something he couldn't understand but when he opened the door he found her lying on her bed with a smile on her face. She looked so peaceful, he couldn't take his eyes off her and just smiled. She noticed him standing at the doorway and sat up on her bed.

"Hey! What brings you here? Did you miss me already?" She joked nudging his arm playfully.

"Yeah I missed you" He answered with a big grin on his face. His heart started beating fast and he suddenly felt nervous, she was right in front of him, yet she didn' up to give him the food on the table.didn't say anything she just gave him a bright smile and walked past him to lay back in her bed. He was still standing there trying to process the fact she said she missed him as well as the smile she gave him, but she never seemed to notice how uncomfortable he was as she laid down completely asleep while playing with a cat that was in her bed.

After a while he heard soft snores come from behind him and his heart stopped. Was it only him or was the girl sleeping beside him actually sleeping? He sighed as he slowly walked to sit on the edge of her bed looking down at her sleeping face. He looked at her with fondness, he wanted to touch her hair and brush it off her face so he placed his hand carefully caressing it. Suddenly the door opened revealing his father who had walked in on them holding two bottles of beer and a bag of popcorn.

"Oh you're home" his father said in surprise.

"Yes sir" Songki responded not taking his eyes off her sleeping face.

"I came home early to watch some movies with you"

"But you don't watch movies with your son do you?"

"Don't worry dad I'll stay out of your way" Songki says trying to avoid a fight.Okay fine, whatever you do stay away from that girl okay? Don't make trouble for yourself."

"Okay I promise dad"

"Good because I have work to do, see ya" His father said before leaving the room.

Songki sighed deeply as he laid on her bed thinking of what he should do, tomorrow he had to go to school so he didn't want to wake her up. He wondered how to bring the topic of her to him without being rude. He decided to try it first he walked towards her and whispered in her ear: "Hey…hey"

She woke up immediately sitting up with her eyes wide open staring at him. She didn't speak she just stayed there shocked. Then her eyes started to glisten with tears, as if her eyes were filled with water. They continued starring at each other till she ran out her room running downstairs leaving the door open behind her as she rushed towards the kitchen leaving behind a confused Songki. Songki didn't know if what just happened was real or if she dreamt it, however he did remember that she didn't like the mention of him and him being her brother. After that the girl was distant toward him and avoided to meet him unless necessary.Okay fine, whatever you do stay away from that girl okay? Don't make trouble for yourself."

"Okay I promise dad"

"Good because I have work to do, see ya" His father said before leaving the room.

Songki sighed deeply as he laid on her bed thinking of what he should do, tomorrow he had to go to school so he didn't want to wake her up. He wondered how to bring the topic of her to him without being rude. He decided to try it first he walked towards her and whispered in her ear: "Hey…hey"

She woke up immediately sitting up with her eyes wide open staring at him. She didn't speak she just stayed there shocked. Then her eyes started to glisten with tears, as if her eyes were filled with water. They continued starring at each other till she ran out her room running downstairs leaving the door open behind her as she rushed towards the kitchen leaving behind a confused Songki. Songki didn't know if what just happened was real or if she dreamt it, however he did remember that she didn't like the mention of him and him being her brother. After that the girl was distant toward him and avoided to meet him unless necessary.