
Reaching Heavenly God Realm and Immortal World

As i took the qi pill out from the inventory , i immediately use the pill , to bad it take 1 year to use it again.


Leveled up!

Leveled up!

Leveled up!


[Congratulation Host You Reach Heavenly God Realm level 9!)

"Sweet this is a big improvement hahah this should make it easier to kill the beasts on immortal world.

-The Next Day-

Time to leave mortal world and ascend Immortal world.

he instantly appear at the emperor , even the emperor felt the pressure coming from my aura.

"Hello Father in law i said" i greet the emperor, the emperor laugh saying haha your quiet the bold one aren't you.

"Listen up Qin Nan , no Matter what happens you have to protect Shen Yin, if something happens to her i would make you Pay.!" emperor said in serious voice.

"Don't worry father in law i wont let anyone touch her if they even touch a hair in her body ,they will die under my hand." i said , Shen Yin heard what i said as she turn red as a tomatoes.

"Lets go Shen Yin." i grabbed her hand and fly up, she was blushing and looking at me with her red as cheek.


The void tear as they enter the rift.

--unknown time


A Void appear in middle of forest and 2 figure appear out of it , it was Qin Nan and Shen Yin.

"haha we made it." as i looked at her and told her , she nodded as she look at the world she was surprised the forest was so large , she wonder how long it will take to get out from it.

System how much to make Qin Hou Heavenly Peak Realm Expert?

[500m , proceed?]

'Yes' i said

[done , host has 500m system point left.]

Qin Hou Come out i said, as he came out the aura was so suppressing the nearby beast all flee for there life fast as they can. Even Shen Yin was lost for word , last time i check the Phoenix was only god realm 9th level but now i can't even see it;s level.

System where the nearby City??

[100 miles to the north."]

I thanked the system , i grab Shen Yin hand and fly up to Hou and landed on his back, and he started flying north, Shen Yin Was surprised by the speed of the Phoenix.

"Oh yea, Shen Yin this is my companion , Qin Hou." i told her cause she look confused.

"ah, Hello Qin Hou" she said to him , the bird replied back to her.

"Shen Yin i want to give you something."as i took the pill out of my inventory i pass it to her,

"this a Qi pill that will aid u in your Cultivation , once you eat it cultivate the qi. she was surprised seeing a dense amount of Qi in the pill , as she eat the pill she started to cultivate.

*BAng* x10

She felt surge of Qi going inside her body as she focus as her cultivation level raise by tremendous amount.

She was freaking shocked Seeing her current Cultivation Level, it was High God Realm level 9 it was freaking high realm. She looked at me and started crying.

"Qin Nan , Thank You i don't know how to repay the kindness" said Shen Yin still in crying face.

"Aw, don't cry Shen Yin it a gift from me to you, and you can repay me by always being by my side." i said with a calm tone, when she heard that she stop crying and nodded her head.

5 hours later --

"look like we are here." i said waking the sleeping beauty up, she looked at the city below as she was surprised, it was 10x bigger than the city in mortal world.

we got up from Hou and descended in the ground and walk through the city gate there was a big sign saying 'Heavenly Kingdom'.

we both walk through the gate , when one up the guard came up to us and say

"1 gold each to pass through the gate" said the guard looking at them , but soon when he saw Shen Yin , he was drumstruck seeing a beauty like her existed , his lust being to wile up.

I saw that guard looking at Shen Yin with perverted eyes , i moved in front of Shen Yin and give the guard 2 gold and we move on. he could crush the guard easily because they were only High god realm level 1 , but he didn't since he don't know a lot about this world.

"lets go book room for us , and look around." i said , she nodded and we went to nearby inn.

"Hey, book us room with 2 Bed." i asked the receptionist.

"that will be 10 gold each day"

i took out 100 gold and give it to the receptionist as she handed us the key , we went outside.


A loud clap was heard , we went to look what it was , there lied a bloody man with his face messed up.

"how dare you block the young master way , are you seeking DEATH?!" said one of the lackey.

Ah not this again i hate arrogant young master i said to myself, Shen Yin was same she clench her fist seeing this, i whisper in her saying she can teach them listen as she nodded.

Well they were only Saint level 9 so it did not matter.

"I suggest you stop doing and go your own way." said Shen yin, everyone was shock seeing her because she was like celestial fairy , so beautiful , even the arrogant young master eye shone seeing her.

"I WANT HER , I WANT HER" the arrogant young master said to his lackey, the lackey understood and prepare to capture her , but to bad they meet the wrong person.

As the lackey was about to get near her , she slightly punch them sending the lackeys flying like broken kite, everyone was astonish, Not only she is beautiful she is powerful to.!

"You..You do u know who i am? , i am the Young lord of Long family!" said the arrogant young master, everyone was surprised once more.

"OMG, did he say Long family..Don't they have Heavenly peak level ancestor protecting that family??" everyone started gossiping.

"HAHAH that right , are you SCARED now?, hahah don't worry , if you come with me i won't hurt you.!? the arrogant young master said with a lust full eye.

everyone felt bad for her , because she was strong but there is always sky above sky, even thou they couldn't tell her cultivation level they thought she most be God level 1.

Shen Yin could not take it anymore as she punch the void and cripple the young master cultivation.

"SCRAM for me.." she said to the arrogant young master with angry tone , she hated this kind of people more so she cripple him.

"You.. i will remember this." he ran fast as he can, while everyone was shocked, everyone started to pity her if the old ancestor come out she will be done for, that what everyone thought.

One fact they did not know was if the old ancestor come to cause trouble it will be end for long family.!

Last Chapter for today , might release more tomorrow if i have time to write, thanks for reading

NoOneWonderrcreators' thoughts