
Reaching peak high god and Tier 10 Qi Pill


Emperor use his fist and punch at me.

I was shock why he did that and I use my finger skill.

*Flicker at my disposal* BAAANG

The whole palace shook as they trade blow.

You could see shock in the emperor eye as they traded blow.

Emperor used a skill directly toward me.


I used mine to.

*Flick Suddenly*


Countless finger appear as it hit the emperor easily breaking the first fist attack , the emperor eye shrink as he stepped back but still got injury as he cough blood. Emperor hurriedly said.

"Okay enough, I was just testing your strength is not bad kid." Said the emperor smiling at me.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to use that move but I was forced to" I said.

"HAHAHA not bad kid , your definitely worthy to marry my daughter!" The emperor said, Shen yin instantly got red but did not say anything.

"Ahah you must be jesting , emperor." I Said with awkward voice.

"Shen yin , this is definitely heaven given chance you two should get marry quickly , hahahah definitely strong to protect you and stronger than me." The emperor direct the word to Shen yin while laughing.

Shen yin got even more redder as she said.

"Dad!, stop making fun of me!!" Shen yin yell with a cute voice.

"Haha , so Qin Nan is your name eh, my name is Shen Hie just call me by my name since we are family now young lad, hahahahha.

"Yes , Shen Hie" i said with a calm expression.

"haha really straightforward i like it." he turn around to look at Shen Yin and said

"What happen, my dear daughter and how did u end of meeting this young lad?" he ask her

"Qin Nan Saved me when my brother try to kill me with his lackey, that how i meet him." Shen Yin Said to her dad.

Soon as they heard her Shen Gao Pupil Shrunk as it kneel on the ground.

"WHATT!!?, You Useless son HOW DARE YOU TRY TO KILL YOUR OWN SISTER!!." the emperor spoke loud shaking the entire continent with angry tone.

"Father , i.. i... is my fault i am sorry father please forgive me , i deserve death." he said in scared voice.

"YES YOU DO" as the emperor move his hand to kill Shen Gao his leg went weak as he fail down like if his leg didn't have a bone.

"Emperor , i think you should just punish him instead of killing him, after all his your son." i spoke , the Emperor stop his attack and look at Shen Gao.

"Fine, be lucky Qin Nan spoke for you , you should be thankful."

It took quite while for Shen Gao to digest what happen as he hurriedly bow and thank me.

"is fine , just be careful what you do in future there will be 2nd chance but not 3rd chance , do not try to waste your life just because of greediness. i said with serious expression.

"i will engrave what you say in my brain, thank you sir Qin.

"Well Shen Hie i came here to ask , if i could take Shen Yin with me to immortal world , am planning on going there.

The Emperor look with shocked expression but calm down and looked at Shen Yin

"As Long as Shen Yin accept , than that fine, what do you say Daughter.?"

Soon as she heard her father saying that she jump feeling excitement and she hurriedly say yes to her dad.

"aiyoo, little girl you grown up huh, even want to leave your father just to be with the guy you love."

She Blush as she became red as a candle, seeing that both emperor and i laugh.

"why don't you stay here for a night" Emperor ask me , but i had to go level up so i had to reject it.

"Sorry , but i can't i have important matter to do , i will return tomorrow and come take here.

When Shen Yin heard that she started to blush again.. he thought how cute..

I left the place after that and ask the system , yo system what you find High god realm beasts?

[found couple of it host, would you like to go to the location?]

yes of course if not why would i ask...then after a hour i got to forest where high god realm was ordinary, the highest level was high god realm level 9.

after that i started killing with joined finger skill, i thought i was able to push back and even injury a high god realm with my strongest move Flick Suddenly, i wonder how op the blade of divine god skill is.

ROaaRRrr* a huge aura blasted the whole Forest. look like that the king of the forest.

The Beast Looked at me and Started to Attack me.

*Bang Bang Bang* our fish collide as i use my finer skill set i push the beast back.

*Flicks At my Disposal*

*CRAaaacKK* *BOOOOOOM* the beast was push back the tall mountain and things near them turn into dust.


*BOOOM* the beast got injury as it couldn't take the damage it fell back and started using it own skill.

*Flick Suddenly*


i used my strongest as it tore the beast in meat paste.

[host gained 100m xp, 100m system point]

Leveled up!

Leveled up!

Leveled up!


[Congratulation you reach High God 6th level]

as the message popped up i was excited , i jump from saint level 8 to High God 6th level. if anyone knew of this they will certainly die from the shock.

I started killing beast for hours, as i heard another system message.

[Congrats , Host you reach high god level 9]

Sweet time to go take a bath , took me quick to get to the inn the speed he has now is unimaginable.

~ahhhh that felt great hot shower is always great , system i have a question, is there anyway to increase Shen Yin Cultivation Faster?

[Yes , host can buy new pills on shop.]

I open up the shop and look through pill section , there was new pills.



-Tier 1 Qi Pill- 10m points

-Tier 10 Qi pill - 100 system point


Sweet Explain them system!

[Qi pills - Cultivate the Qi Helps Breakthrough faster , Tier 1 - can easily breakthrough by 1 level, so tier 10 pills will help the user level up 10 times, No Side Effects, can only use this once a year.]

Great Buy 2x tier 10 pills i said with excited voice.

[you have 1000m system point left, please check your inventory to take the item out.]

i search the inventory and found it and took it out.

Thanks for reading. please do tell me if have any ideas.

NoOneWonderrcreators' thoughts