
The Strongest Villainous Demon Dad

"I'll do anything to protect her" Lord Levi is an unrivaled demon king, in a world governed by the strongest of beings, in an attempt to destroy the human race with his undead invasions, he died for some reasons he couldn't tell. However, he Reincarnated with a human gene, with no evidence to prove he was the demon king or even a demon. Underneath his creed of becoming the strongest being, Levi discovers some threats that could wipe out the entire human gene, and an immense invasion plotted to end the human gene, an invasion which he had ordered. This left King Levi to question the reasons for his reincarnation with a human gene, and also a human daughter.

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19 Chs

[Reincarnation And Death]

Click, Click, Click.

Underneath the roof of an apartment, precisely a hotel. A young slender man was typing as if his life relied on it. Battling the laptop's buttons with his bandaged fingers, his red oculus had black circles underneath them, and he seemed like one who hadn't slept for weeks now. Beside him was a hot coffee and some pills in a plastic container, which read [Dangerous to human health, do not consume].

He was going to die soon enough though. Die without cleaning his misplaced room.

However, this young man wants to end his life after he has updated the novel he is writing. He took a sip of coffee and grimaced.

"Ah.. what a bitter taste"

His creed was, that if he dies, he might reincarnate inside his novel. He was already tired of this world to begin with. He eventually stopped typing and took a pen on his table, wrote a few things on a piece of paper, and opened the plastic container.

Before he could place the pills inside his jaws, he fell face flat against the laptop's controls and with that, his eyes fell shut, as well as his epidermis began turning pale and cold.




That was the only idea King Levi could get roaming his head. A few hours ago he was sleeping in his royale chamber and now he sees himself in nothing but vast darkness.

'How am I here, did I die? No way, I haven't annihilated the human race yet... I haven't fulfilled father's desires, I can't be dead, not now, not when..', Levi's thought was Short-lived when he began seeing a light within the darkness.

It was an unequivocal light, it was like closing your eyes and having a peep with one of them.

'Is that light? yes, that's light, maybe I'm about to wake up... For a moment there I thought I had died'

Levi just let himself float towards the light within the darkness, in a theoretical manner, he was letting the force of gravity do its work.


The coffee man's eyes were already shut, and within a nanosecond, a white shard of light left his body and within that same nanosecond, a red shard of light entered.

Levi's eyes began to shutter open, at first he was reluctant to wake up. But there was a little peep within those reluctant oculus. His eyes caught something that jolts him up.

[Dangerous to human health, do not consume]

With the minor line he peeped, Levi roused and clutched the plastic container. As he leaned up, Levi discovered he wasn't in his chamber, rather he was in a messed-up room. And a light ray from a laptop screen connects with his face.

"Where I'm I?"

Levi's voice echoed in the air as his astonishment about his habitat flared.

As if the universe could hear him, the habitat altered to darkness once more, but this time, Levi was sitting on the chair. Nearly like floating as he stares at the blue screen, displaying what could be said as a person's life.

"Wait.. this human died thinking he was gonna reincarnate inside his book, hahaha.. what? Does he think this is some sort of manga, the guy does write fiction though... hahaha, I won't blame him"

As fast as one could blink, the habitat changed once more to the messed up room. As Levi's brain began to process what he had just seen, he freaked out as his eyeballs flared.

'I'm...I'm... I'm in a human body? No..no..no, I can't have the human gene.. not when I'm about to destroy the humans, not when..oh no, this is not happening, maybe the system could help'


Levi snapped his fingers with the expectancy of something appearing right in front of him.


He snapped again, but this time louder than the last one.'I was sleeping in my royale chamber, how did I end up here, could I have been poisoned? No, poisons don't work on a demon king, I had ordered the undead demon troops to destroy the human race, I can't be a human'



[Name: King Levi West

Race: Human | Gene: Human]

[Unlocked skills: 5 | Locked Skills: 995]

[World: Human | Main abilities: ????]

[Health: 100


Levi leaned against the chair as he released a sigh of frustration. After he had glanced as much as he wanted, he snapped again, dismissing the blue holographic screen in front of him.

Levi's facial expression was calm, but right inside of him, chains of anger and destruction began to break free, chains we weren't sure how long they would hold him back, those chains were placed there by his father. To avoid Levi from destroying the whole world, if not the universe. Out of frustration, he saw the letter which the coffee man had written.

The letter reads. [ I'm sorry Gypsy, I cannot take care of you, the world is high of magic and demons, and also those tower vomiting demons, please forgive me, for leaving you alone in this world, oh, I haven't paid the hotel fees, so I suggest you run away from this hotel]

Levi squeezed the paper and tossed it in the basket close to the door. It honestly entered, unbelievable.

'To think such an asshole would have a direct resemblance with me, this guy is stupid. And his black hair looks coarse, and what's up with these dark circles and finger bandaging'


'I don't have time for this, there must be a tower nearby... Climbing it to the top would allow me to ask a question, I have to find out how I died, why the human race, human race that's about to be extinct, I loath these creatures'

Click, click Click Click click.

Levi's fingers were almost as if it was ubiquitous but nowhere around the borders of the buttons. After his search, he finally found what he was looking for, a tower.

These towers were invoked in this world by Levi himself, who would have guessed he would be killing his kind, well ex-kind.

As Levi got off the chair, a red screen emerged in front of him, no way he would misinterpret his system for the tower's invitation to climb the screen. He was also the one who planted such a system.

Levi was only a genius when it came to villainous ideas, since he was a demon, he had seen his father destroy many races. In a way, that was his upbringing and his creed.

[You'll be transported to the tower climb in five minutes]

[Time remaining: 0 hours 5 mins 0 sec]

For those that want to be tower climbers, once you think about the tower and battle it, you would be transported to the tower and face vicious monsters, Instantly. Likely die without knowing what you did wrong.

This was a way Levi reduced the human race drastically, and also the tower vomits demons. So there would be humans who would want to get rid of it, and the only way is to clear the whole trial, given by the tower. The painful truth is, that it gets harder with every climb.

Although our Protagonist's physique may resemble that of a novice and a weakling, he sets out to fight with the dead within the tower.

Minutes later...

Levi finally dressed himself in an article of red hooded sweater, and a black shirt inside it, the black shirt matched the black jeans, as well as the laced canvas.

His rough hair was now in order and was coating his left oculus, this was his demon style. Not some tired-of-life coffee man.

'I guess I'm ready!..nope not quite yet', Levi thought and stretched his hands forward as a steel dagger of dark golden mixed with black materialized right in his grip, with the assortment of a thick red and black fog.

'Now I'm all set to go

[Levi will now be Entering his first climb in five seconds]






[Ready Player One..?]
