
The Strongest Naruto

A rerun of Naruto. the only difference is Naruto's personality and some slight difference in plot...

JustaLazyGuy · Tranh châm biếm
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100 Chs

Chapter 41 - Chuunin Exam(12)

Chapter 41 - Chuunin Exam(12)

(A/N: I'm sorry for not being able to write in the past 2-3 days. I wasn't feeling well. And today my hands are shaking a bit… haha…)




The jounins watching from above stared at Naruto in disbelief.

Asuma beside Kakashi asked "T-That was the fourth's…"

Kakashi sighed and replied "Yup…"

Gai looked at Kakashi in disbelief then at Naruto "He's 12 years old and a genin… right…?"

"Yup." Kakashi again replied nonchalantly

Orochimaru who was disguised as one of the examiners licked his lips and let out killing intent in Naruto's direction 'Maybe I should take him as an experiment too…'

Naruto seemed to have detected his killing intent and threw a kunai in his direction.

Orochimaru dodged the kunai that was traveling at incredible speed.

Clank! As soon as the kunai hit the wall Naruto teleported and said with full on killing intent "I won't forget that feeling you snake bastard!"

Naruto held a [Rasengan] in his hand that was at stage 3 this time unlike when he was fighting Kiba. and jumped from the wall intending to hit Orochimaru."

"Kekeke! I let my guard down." Orochimaru laughed and put Naruto in a genjutsu.

Naruto noticed it the moment he was put into a genjutsu and with his free hand, he formed a hand seal "Release!"

"Not bad. But it's too late." Orochimaru. Kicked Naruto in the stomach.

"Gah!" sending him flying away and crashing to the wall on the opposite side of the stage.



He tried to struggle from his position but the pain was just too much to recover quickly.

He underestimated the snake bastard. It seems like he was holding back when he was fighting against him in the forest.

Under the puzzled look of the genins, the exam was put into a halt.

Kakashi, Gai, Asuma, and the rest of the Jounins noticed the abnormality in Naruto's movement and surrounded.

Orochimaru laughed like a maniac. "A room full of jounins and the one who noticed me was actually a brat."

"Orochimaru!" Kakashi put on a vigilant face and his sharingan was already out of his forehead protector.

As they surrounded him, Hiruzen came falling down from the ceiling with a unique staff in hand "Let's go, Enma!"


Orochimaru dodged and immediately headed into the direction of those he thought were weak and slithered past them like a snake.

He found that in that direction Naruto had a kunai there. And within an instant Naruto appeared with his hands surrounded by ethereal white [Wind Style: Chakra Blade]. He jumped in the direction of Orochimaru intending to behead.

And again with a glance, he put Naruto in a genjutsu 'Shit' "Release!"

"Again. Too late." and kicked Naruto in the stomach "Guah!" He groaned in pain as blood came out of his mouth.

He was sent flying in Hiruzen's direction

Thud! Hiruzen immediately caught Naruto by his back to reduce the damage dealt to him.

Gai jumped and with Orochimaru as a target. "Dynamic Entry."

Orochimaru dodged

Kakashi with his [Chidori] in his hand. Running in the direction of Orochimaru intending to pierce through his chest.


Orochimaru let himself be grazed on purpose for blood to come out and used [Body Flicker] to the other side of the arena.

With the distance created, he put his thumb on the blood and drew a line in a seal in his other hand and said with a smile "I guess it's too much for me to be fighting a lot of elite jounins and a hokage at the same time."

[Reverse Summoning Technique]


He escaped the grasp of a bunch of Elite Jounins and a Hokage.

Cough! Cough!

Hiruzen asked as he let down his guard as Orochimaru had already escaped. "Are you alright, Naruto?"

With a pale face, Naruto nodded "Orochimaru was it? Do you know him? Jii-chan?"

Hiruzen nodded "That's right… That was my previous disciple that's gone rogue… but how did you sense him?"

Naruto let out a dry laugh "I fought him in the forest but it seems like he was holding back and testing my prowess. But why'd your student go rogue? Did you make a move on his woman?"

Hiruzen's face twitched at the ability of Naruto to joke at such a serious moment and sighed "It's a long story… I'll tell you another time."

Naruto chuckled "Alright, teach me a jutsu next time to deal with his genjutsu, it was annoying."

"Well… I'll have someone else teach you. I think it should be about time for him to return."


"Well… you'll find out in a few days."

Naruto nodded in reply

The other Elite Jounins looked at Naruto with a pale face, they couldn't even move at Orochimaru's killing intent but the kid was fighting against him although he was on the losing end, they were only targets to be killed since they couldn't move.

Under the astonished gazes of the genins at Naruto's prowess they heard Hiruzen say "Hayate proceed with the exam."

Hayate who was still shocked replied "Y-Yes."

Cough! "Winner of the match. Uzumaki Naruto."

Inuzuka Kiba was brought out of the arena in stretchers. Although he wasn't heavily injured, he was still unconscious.

Sasuke who watched all of that happen gritted his teeth 'It was that guy again.

It looks like he was holding back during our match.

At least Naruto could fight despite being on the losing end but if it was me? Would I be able to at least put up a fight like Naruto? I need more strength!'

"S-Sasuke-kun… That was… right?" Sakura asked

Sasuke looked at her and nodded solemnly.

Haku suddenly appeared in front of Naruto full of worry "Are you alright? Naruto?"

Naruto chuckled, "I'm fine, Haku. Maybe I'll be all healed up if you kiss me again."

Haku blushed and supported Naruto to stand up. "I'll help you to the medic room."

Naruto stood up and replied with a smile "No need. I'm fine."

Naruto put his hands on the railing as he watched the jounins dealing with the mess that had been created.

Haku stood beside Naruto to watch them as well.

Suddenly, Hinata approached and handed something to Naruto while blushing "N-Naruto-kun…"

Haku squinted while Naruto reacted "Hm? A medicinal cream? For me?"

Hinata nodded bashfully.

Naruto received the container and replied with a smile "Thanks, Hinata."

Hinata had smoke coming out of ear from happiness

Haku commented "I won't allow it, okay?"

Naruto chuckled "I know~ you're such a jealous girlfriend, Haku. help me apply it."

Hinata walked away dejectedly after being happy for a bit because she saw the interaction between Naruto and Haku and went to Kiba to also give him some.

Haku was a bit irritated but took the cream and applied it on Naruto's injured arms from the crash to the wall when Orochimaru kicked him. "Done."

Naruto replied "Thanks. Haku. now in my stomach."

Haku squinted upon seeing that his stomach was all black from bruises. And touched it a bit "Does it hurt?"

Naruto who let out a dry laugh from the pain replied "Yup. That snake bastard wasn't holding back one bit and struck at the same place."

Haku nodded and applied the cream

"Ow, ow, ow."

Haku said as she applied more "Try to hold it back, I'm about to finish."

Naruto nodded and gritted his teeth

(A/N: Is it just me or this convo is a bit… sus?)

"Done" Haku stood up

Naruto replied "Thanks"

Haku kissed him on the cheeks caught off guard he chuckled "You can do it on the lips, you know?"

Haku bashfully replied "Ecchi."

"Kisamaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!" Zabuza angrily screamed as he saw it this time and ran in Naruto direction.

(A/N: For anyone who doesn't know, "Kisama" means "You bastard".)

Naruto's face paled and hid behind Haku.

Haku spread her arms to defend Naruto

Zabuza stopped and asked "What are you doing? Haku? This bastard said he won't make a move yet!"

Naruto retorted "I didn't do it! Haku kissed me herself."

Haku lightly laughed, "That's right."

Zabuza scolded "Alright. Kisses are fine but no kids yet alright?"

Haku blushed and Naruto chuckled "Yes~ Father-in-law~"

Zabuza's face twitched and clicked his tongue as he walked away "Tsk!"


Hyuga Hinata vs Hyuga Neji


"The two participants please come to the stage."

As soon as the match was announced Hinata who was slowly walking onto the stage clearly had a nervous look.

"Hm? If I'm not wrong, that's the kind of fear induced by trauma right?" Naruto asked Haku

Haku nodded and replied "That's right. I saw it before on kidnapped children that've been abused by their kidnappers."

Naruto rubbed his chin and muttered "They're clearly from the same family but they have a bad relationship?"

Haku replied "I scouted the info of most genins in this exam, it looks like Hyuga Neji is from the branch family and Hyuga Hinata is from the Main Family."

"Eh? Then shouldn't it be the other way around?"

Haku shook her head "I don't know the details but it's probably the result of the relationship between the Branch Family and Main Family. It's been bad according to sources."

"I see… I just hope Hinata could at least display all of her powers in the fight so she won't be beaten to a pulp. Such a nice girl."

"Hm? I said I won't allow it."

"I know! You don't have to tell me again and again. You're the only girl for me."

Haku nodded "Keep it that way."




(A/N: Leave a power stone if you like the story. Thanks.)