
The Strongest Naruto

A rerun of Naruto. the only difference is Naruto's personality and some slight difference in plot...

JustaLazyGuy · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

Chapter 40 - Chuunin Exam(11)

Chapter 40 - Chuunin Exam(11)




Naruto turned his sight to the girls and smiled "Thank you for your feelings, but I'm sorry, I'm unable to return them."

They looked like they were about to cry as they looked away to get ahold of themselves as the test wasn't over yet.

Gai beside Kakashi looked at Naruto in disbelief and said "Kakashi, your student is so popular just like you in the past. But unlike you, he already has a girl while you're destined to be single forever just reading those inappropriate books."

Kakashi's face twitched "Whatever."

Cough! "We will now continue with the second match!"


Zaku Abumi vs Aburame Shino

"Winner of the match. Aburame Shino."

3rd Match, Tsurugi Misumi vs Kankuro

"Winner of the match, Kankuro!"

4th Match, Yamanaka Ino vs Haruno Sakura.

"We will now continue with the fourth match. Haruno Sakura vs Yamanaka Ino"

As they were heading downstairs.

Ino smiled and said "Are you ready to lose? Sakura?"

Sakura smiled as well innocently but full of mockery "How about you? You just lost a while ago, are you ready to take another loss?"

Ino put on a frustrated face and turned her head away "Hmp! Don't get ahead of yourself! Cry-baby, Sakura!"

Naruto who was watching smirked "Sakura isn't the same as before you know…"

Sakura put on his forehead protector properly in his forehead and Ino does it as well. As for the reason, only the two of them know.

Hayate stared at them and announced "Third Match, Start!"

Sakura threw a kunai from her position

Ino snorted as she dodged "I could dodge that in my sleep."

Sakura smiled and opened her mouth "Katsu!"


"Ahhhhh!" Ino was sent flying by the aftermath of the explosion.

Sakura used [Body Flicker] to appear behind Ino and sent a kick at her back.

"Ghh." Ino groaned in pain as she felt the kick in the middle of her back.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Ino, who was kicked in the back, was sent rolling into the ground.

Sakura put on a solemn face and said "Surrender now. Ino. You're not a match for me now. If there was something I learned from Naruto, it's to always have the advantage in a fight and use everything in your arsenal to your advantage no matter how cowardly."

Naruto cheered "Iyo! That's my student!"

Asuma heard this and asked Kakashi "What's that kid talking about? Isn't Sakura your student?"

Kakashi looked at the fight below and replied "With Naruto in my team, it's like there's two jounins. Sasuke is my protege meanwhile, Sakura is Naruto's. Besides the shadow clones, I never taught him anything, he learned everything all by himself. No… it's not accurate that I taught him, I just showed him the hand seals and demonstrated the jutsu and he copied it before I even knew."

"What? I remember you saying that he'll wipe the floor with you if you two fight but I didn't expect him to be that kind of a genius." Asuma said in surprise as he looked Naruto's way.

"Tsk! Stop mentioning Naruto! But how'd you even learn to use [Body Flicker] like that."

Sakura smiled as she explained "Although [Body Flicker] is a D-rank jutsu, it's difficult to use it in complicated movements, but if it's instantaneous movements from one place to another, it's easy to use. It's all about the application and strategy." Then continued as she mocked "I learned it from N.A.R.U.T.O."

"Tsk!" Ino got triggered and put her arms forward with a hole as a unique hand seal pointing in Sakura's direction.

Sakura snorted and threw a kunai with an explosive tag again in Ino's direction. "Do you think I'll just let you use a jutsu that I don't know of?"

Ino this time was more vigilant and dodged to the left, she looked behind if Sakura was gonna do the same thing but she was wrong. All she saw was a kunai on the ground.

She heard a voice "Katsu!"

(A/N: For those who don't know. Katsu means explode, I just found it cool so I did it even for just one chapter lol.)


The kunai exploded but Ino was prepared although she couldn't dodge, she blocked the impact with her hands. But…

A kunai was before her neck coming from the back "And that's game." Sakura said as she held a kunai in Ino's neck.

Ino looked in shock 'When did Sakura become so strong.'

"Surrender, Ino."

Ino sighed and raised her arms up "I give up."

Hayate looked at Sakura in surprise before announcing "Winner of the fourth match. Haruno Sakura!"

Sakura and Ino walked up the stairs

Ino commented as they were walking up with a smile "Looks like my best friend has become strong."

Sakura smiled in reply and nodded

Sasuke asked Naruto with a confused face "You taught Sakura to fight like that? You don't even have such a fighting style."

Naruto chuckled "That's because all the people I fought are either too weak or the same level as me. That's why I don't fight like that. Let me ask you a question, will you fight straight forward just like we do if we encounter stronger opponents?"

Sasuke looked up and thought for a while before nodding "You're right, my bad."

Naruto nodded

As they finished conversing, Sakura was near them and Naruto approached with a smile and his arms up high "Yay!"

Sakura smiled and also raised her arms "Yay!"


They looked at Sasuke

Sasuke put on a forced smile and raised his arms to try and keep up "Y-Yay…!"

Naruto tried to hold back his laughter while looking at the ground.

Sakura did the same.

Sasuke turned red and said as he looked away "I'm not doing that again…"

Naruto bursted out laughing "Hahahah!"

As they were having a laugh. Hayate announced "Temari, and Tenten please come forward."

Winner! Temari!

The 6th match, Nara Shikamaru vs Kin Tsuchi

Winner! Nara Shikamaru!

(A/N 1: You know my pseudonym right? Yeah… I got lazy writing these scenes and our focus is Naruto so let's skip it, Teehee~)

(A/N 2: Omg, did you just… 'Teehee~'? That's disgusting.)

(A/N 1: … I know… I won't do it again… Sigh… I think I'm going crazy… talking to myself and all…)

The 7th match! Uzumaki Naruto vs Inuzuka Kiba!

"Finally! It's my turn!" Naruto said in excitement but then looked at Kiba "but my opponent is Kiba… I wanted to fight Gaara… sigh…"

Kiba heard that with his sharp hearing and said angrily "What do you mean by that sigh! Naruto!"

"Yes, yes… I'm sorry so please try your best."

Kiba snorted as he jumped to the stage.

Naruto followed by letting himself fall to the stage without force

Hayate announced "Uzumaki Naruto and Inuzuka Kiba, please come forward."

"Fight Start!"

They both jumped back to gain distance first

Kiba with a hand seal used a jutsu [Beast Effect Ninja Art: Quadruped Technique]

Chakra surrounded his body and his nails had gotten longer like a beast and went on all fours and smirked "Here I come! Naruto!"

He jumped from his spot and at an incredible speed he approached Naruto at an incredible speed.

Naruto who saw him move so fast surprised him a bit but Naruto dodged slightly causing Kiba to go through.

Kiba anticipated this as Naruto has always been a genius since the academy and used his nails on the ground to gain traction.

But some tags glowed in the ground.

'Explosive tags?! When did he?!'

Naruto knew what Kiba was thinking so he answered with a smile "When you were in the air. Katsu!"


"Arghhh!" Kiba groaned in pain as he was sent flying by the shockwave of the explosive tags but rotated mid air and dropped to the ground on all fours like a cat.

He ignored the pain and growled like a dog staring at Naruto with killing intent as he smiled

Naruto provoked "You better use all your jutsu or you won't have the chance to use them."

Kiba said "Looks like it."

He called out "Akamaru!"

"Arf!" The dog replied

He fed the dog a pill

"Grrrrrrr!" The dog howled in a ferocious manner and turned red

The red dog, Akamaru jumped on top of Kiba. and both of them "Beast Effect Ninja Art: Beast Human Clone"

Akamaru turned into an exact copy of Kiba.

They both dashed in Naruto's direction simultaneously and Kiba said "[Beast Human Taijutsu Supreme Technique: Piercing Fang!]"

They both rotated in a speed that looked like drills rushing in Naruto direction.

Naruto smiled and threw a kunai above

Hiruzen who was watching smiled and looked below as he continued to smoke his pipe thinking 'I guess I worried too much, with his current abilities, he doesn't need to hide his identity anymore.'

Kiba laughed maniacally "HAHAHHA! Are you going senile at such a young age?! Where are you aiming?!"

As Kiba was about to collide in Naruto's body, Naruto disappeared

"What?!" Kiba reacted in shock but then heard Naruto's voice from above "Over here."

With two [Rasengan] in each hand. He dropped in the direction of Kiba and Akamaru "Rasengan!"

He shouted for cool effect, all the ninjas were shouting their techniques like they were friends so he did the same.





With their eyes going white from the pain, the two groaned in pain as they were both drilled by the [Rasengan] into the ground sending a shockwave into all direction in the arena.




(A/N: Did you enjoy it? I did. Especially the fight with Kiba. I even went crazy and talked to myself, lol. Leave a power stone if you like the story. Thanks!)