
The Star that Went Against Darkness

In the land of Elysium, magic flowed like a river through the veins of the world. It was a realm where every whisper of the wind carried the potential for enchantment, and every shadow held the secrets of ancient sorcery. Our tale follows a young man named Alaric Nightshade, born into a world teetering on the brink of chaos. Magic, once revered and cherished, had become feared and outlawed by the ruling elite, who sought to control its power for their own selfish desires. Over generations, magic power within humanity had waned to a pitiful extent. Alaric possessed a rare gift: the ability to wield magic unlike any seen in generations. But he concealed his abilities, knowing the consequences of discovery were dire. One fateful night, Alaric stumbled upon a hidden enclave of magic users known as the Arcanists. Led by the enigmatic sage, Aurelia Moonshadow, the Arcanists were guardians of ancient wisdom and defenders of the old ways. Aurelia sensed Alaric's potential and offered him sanctuary within their ranks. Without hesitation, he accepted, drawn by the promise of understanding his powers and shaping his own destiny. As Alaric delved deeper into the enticing mysteries of magic, he uncovered a dark prophecy foretelling the return of an ancient evil known only to the most ancient of tomes. With each passing day, whispers of unrest grew louder, and the fabric of reality itself began to unravel. With no one left with the strength to stop this evil, humanity despaired. Alaric faced a daunting truth: the future was uncertain, and even the strongest magic could not guarantee victory. In a world where every choice carried weight and consequence, he stood as a brilliant star in the face of unending darkness.

raging_eggs · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Background details

Addressed to my dearest reader,

Elysium is a fictional land where magic exists. Within this land, there are four kingdoms. This means that they are ruled by kings or queens.

The first and oldest kingdom is called Arcadia. This is a kingdom of mages, accepting to everyone who practices magic, regardless of species or race. Their ruler in power is a peaceful one. A queen called Catherine Elderwood rules Arcadia and aids in any humanitarian mission that benefits mages.

The second kingdom is called Techna. A kingdom built from dreams and hopes alone, a group of humans who initially began with magic, but eventually expanded to include non-mages. Then, when the new king replaced the old king, mages were hunted and magic was outlawed. Needless to say, they loathe magic to an incredible extent. They are also prideful and snobbish, and lay waste to anyone or any kingdom who dares to oppose their authority. Their king is Alexander Magolis. He rules with an iron fist. 

The third kingdom is called Regalis. Ah, this kingdom. If the first kingdom was the oldest, then this would be the complete opposite. A subdivision of Techna, this was a division who wished for peace and meanders instead of ruling effectively. Due to a lack of experience, Regalis often finds itself in trouble with other nations in terms of diplomatic relationships, except for Arcadia. Their king is Nicholas Riler. Half brother of Alexander, he was exiled from Techna and brought with him a sizeable government and population. He aspires to lead Regalis to success one day.

The fourth, and also the most mysterious kingdom, is named Evermere. Located within the deep mountains of Elysium, it is the hardest to travel to. It is said that their forges run eternally and produce the best tools and weapons. Some also say their mages are the best. Others speculate this kingdom doesn't even exist. Whether you believe them, is entirely up to you. After all, the future is uncertain, and eventually you too, will know.