
The Son of Marvel

What happens when a random working joe dies on the job, and the poor schmuck doesn't even realize it. That is when this particular putz wakes up from his perceived nap to a completely different perspective and a whole new world to be completely normal. What this guy doesn't realize is that this new world is far from normal. (I am a new writer so bear with me, and because of my American public-school education even though English is my native language. Grammar and punctuation is not my strong point.) No harem and some lite romance elements

UnlimitedRage · Phim ảnh
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42 Chs

Chapter 38

POV Vega

I quickly got to work letting out all of the people that the Collector kept in display cases throughout his museum. I rushed around the whole complex trying to work as fast as possible, because these people need to be reassured that they are no longer slaves.

As I stood in front of the last one my heat skipped a beat. Inside this one was an old man in an astronaut suit, this old man with big glasses and a heart warming smile on his face looked me up and down. He then looked me dead in the eye and said, "you did good kid."

I was shocked to my core, because it's Stan Lee him self. The man, the myth, the legend was right in front of me. Vibrating my hand at the right frequency I shattered his prison allowing this god to walk free. His demeanor is still relaxed like he has not a care in the world.

I then thought internally, he would have any problems in this world. This is his universe we are all just visiting trying to live out a dream he created. I give him the goofiest grin I can manage and get down on one knee. "Sir it is an honor and a privilege to have an adventure in your universe. I would ask if you would do me the honor and making the happiest man alive."

He looks down at me and smiles, "that's a weird way to put it son. But I guess if your trying to live up to your full potential, one can never have to much inspiration." He thinks for a moment and looks at my armor with a symbol on its chest and a red cape flowing in the background. He tells me the words I have been waiting to hear all my life.

"It's got to come from inside of you. From within your very soul, that spark, that drive to help others simply because you can, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, makes a man a real superhero." Receiving his holy creed, I look on in reverence as he begins to disappear before my eyes.

The last part of his body to disappear is his hand. He is giving me a thumbs up and I heard a finale whisper linger in the air. "Nuff said," engraving this moment deep with in my begin. I made my way to the gathered crowd of people.

They had congregated around the drooling mess of the Collector. All of them where looking at him in hatred, and with my arrival they all turned towards me. Carina seemed to be the spokesperson for the group because she stepped towards me and said.

"What is to be done with us now, are we to be your slaves as we were the Collectors?" She finishes talking and turn to look back at the Collector, probably making sure he isn't faking brain damage.

I the gears are turning in my mind and suddenly I have a eureka moment. "No, none of you will be slaves any longer, you are all free men and women. I will arrange for transportation off this god forsaken station for those of you interested in leaving. But those who have no friends or family left, for those that are lost in the darkness. I give the opportunity to stay with me and help me in my quest to bring a little light into this universe."

They smile at the first part, glad that they will not be forced to stay somewhere they don't want to. At the other half of my sentence they pause in contemplation.

I speak to give them more clarity, "for those of you that would stay with me. It will be dangerous work, we will be traveling the universe to right wrong any time we come across them. We will face threats so that normal people across the galaxy can live in peace. But I promise you this if you stay and fight by my side to the best of your abilities."

I pause and continue, "that promise is that we will all be equal in this crusade across the stars. We will be comrades and if we are doing something wrong, and you have a different opinion. You only have to speak up, everyone has a unique perspective and their opinions will be valued."

I finished talking and wait for them to make a their choices. I don't wait long before the only frost giant of the group comes toward me and knells before me and says. "I Skjold, of the Jotun Tribe swear fealty to you Light Bringer. If you keep your promise, I shall follow you to the end."

I nod at him and offer my hand to help him up. He hesitates and with a shake of his massive head, he takes my offered hand and hauls himself up to tower above me.

He releases my hand and looks at it, knowing what he is looking for I show him me hand. He is expecting that his powers had some how hurt me. Wiggling my fingers back and forth showing that there is no damage, a grin forms on his terrifying face. He says, "you will make a good war chief."

Not elaborating any further he walks pass me and stands behind on my left. After him the flood gates where open about half of the people gathered here. Agreed to help me either because they had no place else to go or they wanted to make a difference.

I called the Nova Corp on my communicator to update them on the situation. They agreed to send ships for the former slaves that wished to head back to their homes. When I finished talking to them Carina walked up to me and said. "I will lead the refugees to Xandar and try to find my family, but before I leave allow me to help you in locating all of the treasures that the Collector has. He has a vault in the back of the compound that houses some of the rarest materials and equipment in the galaxy."

She leads me to the vault doors that she is talking about. She stops in front of a holo screen and typed in a password. The vault door shutter up and it reveals its contents. Rows upon rows of raw materials, weapons, armors, and magical artifacts.

Carina continues to type on the data pad, after she is done typing. She removes it from the wall and hands it to me and says. "You now have unlimited access to the vault's contents, and this data pad hold all of the information of every single thing inside. The Collector studied these objects extensively and noted down all of the properties of them. I leave this horde in your care, you will put it to better use then I."

With a nod in understanding I say, "thank you all of this will come in handy for the wars to come." With a kind smile on her face she heads back to the group that is leaving. Skjold has taken temporary charge of the people that are staying with me, there is a total of 50 people that have joined my cause today. It is now part of my job to keep them safe and happy.

I walk back to my new crew, every single one of them is unique. They are a diverse group made up of all the intelligent species that make up the marvel universe. These are the people who will help me spread hope to the citizens of the galaxy.