
The Sins of The Past Seldom Stay Buried

A young man walked through a recent battlefield, his eyes wide and mist filled. Countless bodies laid strewn across the barren field. The young man himself, drenched in both old, dried blood and more recent blood that still trickled down his body. "Is this all I am? Merely a tool of War used for another's dubious schemes? I can't do this anymore, I refuse!"

Otaku_Central · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

The Warrior and The Estranged Young Girl

On a cold and rainy night, the clash of steel against steel and cries from opposing forces filled the cool night air. Flashes of lightning every few seconds would Illuminate the land in a brief white light. With each flash, the battle raged on as the two forces eventually came to a stalemate. Both sides were exhausted, and moral quickly plummeted amongst the soldiers of both sides.

"If only Ardwulf were here." One of the soldiers muttered and kicked an empty helmet across the ground.

"The Black Whirlwind. Was he really that strong?" One of the soldiers questioned as he sat down with his bowel of gruel.

"You never saw him on the battlefield?" The first soldier stared at him in disbelief. "He was like an artist on those campaigns. Any field he stepped on always ended in our favor. He would, for lack of a better word, dance beautifully around the battlefield. Soldiers were felled with each swing. He never missed his targets, and he never lost." The soldier banged his metal breastplate. "He was a true warrior that any Valarin soldier would be honored to emulate. I met him once, you know. He was so cool and collected." The soldier boasted and held up his own helmet. "He even signed my armor, see?" He held it up and written perfectly in black ink it read; The Black Whirlwind. Always seek to better yourself each day.

"Wow. Truly an inspiration. He's from the Estald family, if memory serves me, correct?" The second soldier stared in admiration at the signature of Valarin's most accomplished and strongest warrior.

"Indeed. Known throughout Valarin as the Emperor's Shield. The Estald can trace their lineage back to the years when the Great Empire was first coming into existence." A young woman walked up slowly and joined in the conversation.

"It's...her..." One of the soldiers whispered.

"Cora, The Blazing Witch...! Ardwulf's right hand and second in command of The Sapphire Wolves."

[At a large port city around the same time]

"Achoo!" A young man let out a loud sneeze in a dark alley. A small sniffle escaped his lips. "Someone must be talking about me." He looked up at the clear night sky. 'What am I supposed to do now?' His long white hair came down to his mid-back and was neatly braided. The breeze caused his hair to sway gently.

"No, stop! Stay away from me!" A young feminine voice echoed down the alley where this young man was lost in thought.

"Hm? What's going on?" The young man looked down the alley and started making his way down cautiously.

"Just hold still, girlie. We promise we won't hurt you. Much." A snicker escaped from a man's lips.

"Get away!" The woman screamed. Sounds of a scuffle could be heard before a loud groaning voice echoed soon after.

"Ah...you, you bitch! She...oh god it hurts so much. She kicked me right in the balls!" The man was wheezing and struggled to breath these words. "Get her! I want her..." His sentence was cut short as the pain caused him to upchuck his lunch.

"Somebody, please he--" The young girl screamed and her sentence was cut short when she came barreling straight into the young man.

"Hey, hey." The young man gently wrapped one arm around her. "It's okay." He tried to sooth the trembling woman.

"W-who...?" The girl looked up with mist filled eyes. "Please, help me..."

'She's trembling something awful.' The man thought to himself as he raised his right hand slowly. "Luminous Tempest. Heed my call. I, Ardwulf Estald, seek your power." A magic circle appeared in front of them and the head of a dragon emerged from the circle. The shaft of a weapon popped out when the dragon's mouth opened wide. "Thank you." Ardwulf grabbed the shaft and removed the weapon in one fluid movement, spinning the six foot long weapon above his head with one hand.

An obsidian headed spear appeared in his hand. It was a weapon created for combat and well worn. The knife-like, very sharp head was securely bound to the shaft with a series of slots and teeth. The 6ft shaft was made of the rarest ebony (dense, strong dark wood) and decorated with gemstones.

"Who...are you...?" The young woman sobbed and she became fear strickened when the three men who were chasing her approached them.

"Well, well. What do we have here? A stranger playing Knight? Kekeke. Just give us the woman and you won't get hurt." The man who spoke had both hands clasped on his junk.

"What if..." Ardwulf used his left arm to gently lift the woman off the ground as he pulled her into his chest tightly. "I refuse?" He questioned and spun the spear above his head several times before pointing the obsidian headed blade at the three assailants.

The young girl squeeled softly as she was pulled into this man's powerful chest. "You don't have to put yourself in danger for me." She whispered softly and tried to save this man's life. 'And yet I...want him to stay. I feel...safe.'

"Miss, I won't let them lay a single finger on you. I swear on my honor." Ardwulf smirked at the three men. "If you have the balls to test me..." A small chuckle escaped his lips as he eyed the wounded leader. "Sorry, I couldn't resist. Well, if you want her, try and claim her."

"Why...you..." The man's face turned deep red and he was shaking with rage. "Kill him and bring me the girl!"

The two men each pulled out small bladed weapons and stepped toward Ardwulf.

"Mister Ardwulf..." The woman buried her face into his chest.

"That's far enough!" Ardwulf's voice boomed as his power surged forth in waves. An aura of black wind enveloped both Ardwulf and the young woman in his arm.

"Geh...what the..? The pressure from him is intense! Boss?" One of the underlings turned to their supior.

"The Chief wants that girl. I don't care if you have to kill him or rough up the girl. Just take him down!" The leader barked.

"The Chief? I see." Ardwulf started walking forward with the young girl in his left arm. Her feet dangled just above the ground as this man held her tight in one arm, and his weapon in the other.

"Stop! I said stop!" The nearest rogue rushed forward, blade held in front of him.

"Out of my way." Ardwulf growled as the dagger was thrust towards his chest.

"That's it? All that talk and he...WHAT!" The boss looked at his subordinate as he fell to his knees. 'Impossible. I..I saw the blade pierce his chest.'

"Oh, sorry. Is this yours?" Ardwulf questioned as he pulled the dagger from his chest. A small amount of blood spurt out onto the ground. "I don't like keeping things that aren't mine. Have it back." He commented and threw the dagger back at the assailant.

The blade flew through the air and connected with its owners face, the hilt smacked him hard and knocked him to the ground. He was unconsciousness and seeing stars.

"Mister...Ardwulf..." The young girl sobbed and buried her face into his chest. 'He's hurt. It's all my fault.'

"Hey. No tears, alright?" Ardwulf used his right hand, the spear still held tight, and gently dried her eyes with his thumb. "You never told me your name." He mentioned as he pointed his spear, Luminous Tempest, at the next target.

"Don't ignore us! You won't get away with this insult!" The second rogue dashed forward and started slashing wildly at Ardwulf. All his attacks were on point, but Ardwulf simply wasn't being hit. "How? How can he not be moving, but still avoid my attacks!"

"Ardwulf...My name..." She squealed as the second bandit started to attack them. 'He's so strong. Just who is he?' She watched in awe as this man avoided every attack slung his way. "Please call me Celica."

"Celica. It's a beautiful name. One second." Ardwulf interrupted his conversation as the rogue rushed him once more. "I'm bored of these games. Luminous Tempest, let's finish this now." Ardwulf jumped backwards ten feet and crouched down low. He rushed forward, twirling his spear around his body with one hand.

The rogue, unable to predict this man's next attack, tried his best to block his vital points.

"Useless." Ardwulf commented as he spun his spear around, knocking the rogue upside the head with the heavy shaft of his weapon. One quick attack to the temple and the second rogue was down. Ardwulf pointed his spear at the last man standing. "Shall we keep playing this game? Or would you rather pass on a message to your boss?"

'Insane...this man is a monster!' The leader swallowed hard and his will to fight was shattered. "W-what kind of message?" His head hung low, a blank expression on his face.

"Miss Celica is now under my protection. If you, him, or anyone is this city tries to harm or kidnap her again.." Ardwulf's eyes filled with malice. "I will burn this city to the ground just to find the culprits. Do I make myself clear?" His voice boomed loudly through the empty alley.

"R-right...of course!" The leader bowed his head low. "He'll get the message! I promise!" With the conversation ended, the man turned tail and ran, leaving his subordinates to fend for themselves.

The battle over, Ardwulf called for the magic circle. The dragon's head appeared once more and the mouth opened again. "Thank you, my partner. Please rest." The circle, along with Luminous Tempest, disappeared into thin air. He put Celica back down on her own two feet.

"Mister...Ardwulf..." Celica stared up at this tall man in awe. His weapon was inserted into the awaiting mouth of the dragon. She took this time to look her savior up and down.

Standing at a daunting 6'4", this fair skinned man had an unremarkable feel about him. If she hadn't witnessed first hand this man's skill, she would have mistaken him for a simple traveler. A particularly notable feature was his faint freckles, and he had a massive scar on his chest. He had a square face with a softly shaped jaw, a small nose, and angled lips. His dark green eyes were angular and he had thin eyebrows. His hair was mid-back length, fine, and a beautiful shade of white.

"So handsome..." Celica muttered and quickly covered her face with her hands to hide her blushing face. "Ah, sorry, that slipped out."

"Haha. No need to feel embarrassed. I get that a lot, but, I am flattered none the less." Ardwulf chuckled softly.

'Who is he? That murderous aura is gone and he's almost like a completely different person.' Celica thought to herself as she peeked at her savior through her fingers.

"But, man. I seriously thought I was going to die. Lady luck was actually watching out for me tonight!" Ardwulf exhaled a sigh of relief.

'Hm? Luck...? That was more than luck, but...' Celica bowed her head low. "Thank you, Mister Ardwulf. For everything." She started digging through her purse.

"Hey, now, Mister is a tad rude. I'm not THAT old." Ardwulf joked and eyed her curiously as she began digging through her belongings.

"Oh, of course...Ardwulf." Celica corrected herself and her cheeks tinged a little pink. "Here. For your trouble." She extended her hand towards him, a small number of coins laid in her palm.

"Celica..." Ardwulf stepped forward and reached his hand out slowly. His second hand gently grabbed her wrist. With his free hand, he closed her hand around the money. "I don't need compensation for doing the right thing. Keep it. Please?" He withdrew his hands and smiled warmly at the young woman. He took this chance to get a good look at her.

Standing at a mere 5' 3", this cream skinned woman had a regal feel about her. She had a long face with a rounded jaw, a straight nose, small ears and narrow lips. Her vivid pink eyes were large, and she had plucked eyebrows. Her dark grey hair, decorated with a rainbow of coloured dye, was knee length, straight and pulled into a high ponytail. In the light of the full moon, she looked beautiful and serene, almost like a porcelain doll. Ardwulf felt his heart catch in his throat.

She watched as his outstretched hand closed her own around her money. "Ardwulf. Are you sure? It's the least I can do for getting you involved. You were injured because of me." Celica reached her hand out slowly and gently caressed the stab wound on his chest. 'He already staunched the bleeding, but when?'

"I got involved because I couldn't sit idly by when someone needed my help. Trust me, I did this more for myself than for you. I have my own selfish reasons." Ardwulf's gaze dropped to the ground.

"Selfish or not, your actions are the only reason I'm still here. You saved me from an unknown fate. If your selfish reasons caused that outcome, then, I'm glad you're a selfish human being." Celica tried to cheer him up when she noticed his forlorn expression.

"Celica..." Ardwulf looked up slowly.

"It's okay to be selfish every once in awhile, after all, you're only human. I can't pretend to understand what you might be going through, but I know that you don't have to do it alone. You saved me, Ardwulf. That fact alone has to mean something." Celica lectured the young man in front of her.

"It's...okay..." Ardwulf repeated her lecture. 'She...isn't wrong, right? It's human nature to be selfish at certain times.' He thought to himself and looked up at Celica. "Thank you." He replied half heartedly.

"You saved my life. Your thanks is a little unnecessary at this point." Celica joked and giggled softly. "Why were you out here alone so late at night?"

'She is a kind woman...' Ardwulf thought and eyed her when she questioned him about being here. "I only recently arrived in this city. All the Inns I visited were either closed for the night or booked solid for the next week." He admitted reluctantly.

"Well, that's not surprising. Laham's Annual Festival starts in two days. You must not be from around here or I'm sure you would have booked a room ahead of time." Celica giggled softly at his innocence. "This may sound a bit forward, but well..." She twirled in place nervously and used her right hand to tuck her hair behind her right ear. "My room has two twin beds." Her face tinged red and she hid behind her hands once more. 'What am I saying? Of course that sounds forward! You just met him! What if he thinks your some kind of escort?!' She mentally berated herself at her suggestion.

"Festival, huh? What's that?" Ardwulf questioned curiously. 'I know the word, but I'm not entirely sure I understand what it means.' He thought to himself. However, her next set of words caught him completely off guard. "Ah, um..." Ardwulf scratched the back of his head nervously. 'Well, that was sudden. It's not like sleeping here in the alley is an ideal strategy. Especially after tonight's events. It is possible they could come looking for me.' Ardwulf's mind was churning over the pros and cons of each scenario before swallowing hard. "If you are offering, and you are totally sure of this, then..." Ardwulf folded one arm across his chest and bowed deeply. "I will strive to be the perfect guest and gentlemen."

Celica had shut her eyes tight and trembled nervously. 'He's going to think I'm a weirdo.' She peeked through her fingers once more when he began to speak. "What...?" She gasped in shock when he bowed and agreed to take her up on her offer. Her face was beet red, but she clasped her hands together behind her back and twirled in place. "How long will you be in town, Ardwulf?"

Ardwulf chuckled silently as he watched the young woman's reactions. 'She is so...what's that word? I can't think of it.' He ran his hand backwards through his long white hair. "I'll be here for a few days. What about you?"

"It's the same for me, too. I'm just sort of drifting with the wind for the time being. Then..." Celica ran over her and wrapped herself around Ardwulf's right arm. "Would you like to attend the Festival with me in two days?" She asked shyly and buried her face into the sleeve of his shirt. 'He smells so nice...but also something more. It doesn't matter now.'

Ardwulf tensed up when she ran towards him, but relaxed after she wrapped herself around his arm. 'We are more similar than you know, Celica.' Ardwulf thought to himself as he felt heat rise in his cheeks. "Attend the Festival...together ?"

"Of course, together, silly. Since you won't take compensation, I suppose going out to the Festival with me will have to do, right?" Celica smiled up at this dauntingly tall man. She stuck her tongue out at him playfully.

'I'm guessing I don't have much choice. She seems like quite the stubborn one. Just like a certain someone I know.' He thought to himself and mentally sighed in defeat. "Well, I could think of nothing better than to have a beautiful woman wrapped around my arm." Ardwulf grinned down at the young woman. 'You've put me into unfamiliar territory, so I won't let you go without a few playful remarks.'

"B-Beautiful...?" Celica whispered and hid her deep red face in his sleeve. "You...really think so?"

"Of course." Ardwulf looked at the young woman who had latched herself to him. 'Her legs are still trembling. Poor thing.' Ardwulf bent down slowly and placed his right arm behind her legs. His left hand wrapped around her upper back as he rose to his feet, lifting up Celica into a Princess Carry.

"Ahh. Ardwulf!" Celica squeeled and slapped his chest gently. "Next time give me a warning, jerk!" She pouted softly and placed one hand on her racing heart. 'That was...unexpected.'

"I apologize, Lady Celica. You still seemed to be in shock, so I thought this would easier on you. Which Inn are you staying at currently?" Ardwulf questioned as he apologized for grabbing her so haphazardly. He started making his way from the alley and towards the main thoroughfares of the Golden City of Laham.

"Ah, what...but I can..." Celica went to protest but the strength finally left her body and the will to protest further was lost. 'He's so kind...but those eyes of his...' She thought and gazed up at him softly. 'They don't hold the same look when he was protecting me from those thugs.'

"Is something wrong, Lady Celica?" Ardwulf questioned as he finally found his way from the maze of back alleys.

"Just Celica. Please?" She pleaded as she gripped the v-neck of his shirt tightly in both her hands.

'Hm? She doesn't like be addressed as Lady Celica? Well, that's fine, since I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable.' Ardwulf thought to himself. "Of course. I'm sorry, Celica." He smiled softly at the young girl. "Well, which way?" He asked as they stepped out onto the main streets of the Golden City. The Capital of Longrest certainly lived up to its name.

"Down that way. It's the Cracked Chalice Inn." Celica replied sheepishly. "It's closer to the Laham Docks."

"Oh, yeah. That was the first Inn I tried. I enjoyed the smell of the sea, so I wanted a room closer to it." Ardwulf commented and started making his way down the street. The usually busy market place still saw several shoppers coming and going, but nowhere near the mass of people that occurred during the day.

"Yeah, and the warm sea breeze is relaxing and...a little nostalgic." Celica turned back and stared up at Ardwulf. "Why did you try so hard to save me? You don't even know me." Her gaze drifted down as she stared at his wound.

"Do I need a reason to save someone who is in trouble?" Ardwulf's eyes held a small hint of sadness. "Celica, I've taken many lives in my long life. I know that I may never atone for all the death and despair I've created, but at the very least, I want to try and make the world a better place before my eventual death."

"Ardwulf..." Celica covered her mouth with one hand as a single tear slid down her cheek. "I'm sorry." She gently looped her arms around his neck and buried her face into his chest. "I can't understand why you did those horrible things, but I can certainly understand wanting to rectify your misdeeds." She sobbed softly into the young man's chest. 'I feel so foolish. My reason isn't justified. I was just acting like a spoiled brat.'

"There is no need to cry for me. Despite the fact that I had no say in the lives I've taken, I still followed orders all the same, even if I was brainwashed, it doesn't excuse what I've done. Save your tears for someone who deserves them, Celica." Ardwulf's head drooped down and his long white hair covered his face. 'Yes, it's better this way. I'll leave first thing in the morning. I only bring out the worst in people. She doesn't need someone like me around.' Ardwulf had made his decision. Tomorrow before the sun rose, he would disappear from her life, like he had so many other people before.

"Ardwulf..." Celica's grip around his neck tightened. "You're still going to the Festival with me, aren't you?" She looked up into Ardwulf's dark green eyes with a pleading expression.

"Ah, Celica...you can't do that..." Ardwulf sighed reluctantly. 'She isn't playing fair.'

"Why? You WERE going with me, right?" Celica pouted and puffed up her cheeks.

'I hadn't actually planned on that...' Ardwulf thought and scratched his cheek shyly. Letting out another sigh of defeat, he came to a stop in front of a two story building. A wood sign hung above the door with a picture of a broken chalice. "Will that make you less mad at me?"

'He actually planned on leaving me without a word!' Celica puffed up her cheeks even more. When Ardwulf finally agreed, her face relaxed a little bit. "It would!" She giggled happily and placed her fingers together. "How about some grub? The owner here makes some of the best food in town." Celica smiled and gently stepped down, leaving the safety of Ardwulf's arms.

"You sure are a pushy one." Ardwulf sighed and placed one hand on his face. 'What am I doing?'

"Oh you like it." Celica retorted and grabbed Ardwulf's hand. "Come on. Let's eat. All this excitement has made me super hungry." She pushed open the door and stepped inside the noisy Tavern/Inn, pulling Ardwulf along with her.

"Ah, Welcome back, Celica! Where have you...been...?" The old man behind the bar greeted the young woman's return and stopped when he saw her enter holding a man's hand. "Ah, I see you found a handsome man to keep you warm!" The old man bellowed and let out a hearty laugh.

"Ah!" Celica squeeled when she realized she and Ardwulf were still holding hands. "It's not like that!!" She half shouted and took a seat at one of the empty tables.

The other patrons laughed at the young woman's outburst.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the disruption. Sir, the next round for everyone here is on me." Ardwulf bowed and the tavern burst out in cheers. "Pour me a double." He continued and sat down across from Celica.

"I didn't take you for a drinker. Hey, Tony. Two orders of Bluefin Tuna!" Celica ordered their dinner as a petite waitress brought out fresh mugs of ale for everyone in the tavern.

"On it, Celica. Ten minutes. I need two orders of Bluefin Tuna!" The old Barkeep, Tony, shouted behind the grill to his cooks.

Ardwulf grabbed his mug and took a huge swig. "Mm. Juniper, Sage, Cinnamon. What a perfect blend. This ale is really delicious." He sat his mug down and looked across the table at Celica as the two of them locked eyes. "I'm actually not. I couldn't do much drinking. My job forbid most forms of alcohol given my position."

'His eyes...' Celica felt the heat rise in her cheeks. 'The way he looks at me, it makes me feel hot.' She stared down at the mug placed in front of her. "What was your job, if you can't answer then I understand." She gingerly picked up the mug and took a small sip. "Wow. That's really sweet." She took another small sip and sat the mug back down.

Ardwulf shifted in the chair uncomfortably. 'She's staring at me. Why am I feeling so self conscious?' He downed the rest of his ale. "Let me get another one of these, please!" He shouted to the nearest barmaid. "Well, I was a soldier and commanded my own unit." He finally answered her question as another mug was placed in front of him.

'A soldier? I wonder for which army.' Celica took another sip from her own mug. "You might want to slow down if you've never been a big drinker. Tony's ale is the strongest in the city." She added and ran a finger across the rim of her mug. "A soldier. I suppose that must be why you are so strong." She stared across the table at the young man, a soft smile graced the corner of her lips.

Tony watched as the young girl traced her finger around the rim of her cup. 'So obvious, and yet she doesn't know it.' Tony chuckled softly as he made his way towards their table. "Sorry to interrupt your little romantic conversation, but your food is ready." Tony cleared his throat and laid down the two plates of food.

"TONY!!" Celica blurted out and slammed her fists on the table. "Just kill me now." She laid her on the table and frantically scratched the top of her head. 'Stop embarrassing me, Tony.'

The whole tavern burst into laughter once more at the young woman's overly dramatic reactions.

Ardwulf chuckled softly and scratched his cheek shyly. 'They certainly seem to love her here.' He smiled softly and picked up a fork and knife. "Better eat up before it gets cold, Celica." He placed both hands together and closed his eyes. "Thank you for this food." He cut into the piping hot fish in front of him and took a small bite. "Mm. This is delicious. I didn't know you could get food to taste this good." He cut into the fish once more.

"Ardwulf..." Celica pouted and sat up to stare at the young man across the table. "Fine." She mimicked his actions and closed her eyes. "Thank you for this food." She started to dig into her own dinner.

After fifteen had passed, Ardwulf placed his utensils on the table and leaned back in the chair. "Wow." He picked up his mug and down the last of his ale. His face was flushed and his head was swimming. "I think you were right about the strength of that ale." He commented and closed his eyes as a small hiccup escaped his lips.

"Ahahaha. The young soldier can't hold his booze!" Tony bellowed out once more and laughed loudly as the rest of the tavern joined in the laughter.

"Ah, be quiet. My head feels like a school of fish are swimming around up there." Ardwulf complained and another hiccup escaped his lips again.

The tavern roared in laughter once more.

"Celica, you might need to help him upstairs!" Tony shouted and slapped the young soldier on the back with a hearty laugh.

"No, no I can manage." Ardwulf managed to get these words out with a heavy slur.

"Ardwulf, I told you..." Celica shook her head and sighed in defeat. She stood and walked over to his side. "Come on, you lush." She wrapped one of Ardwulf's arms around her neck and supported his weight as she helped him rise to his feet. "Up we go."

"Sorry." Ardwulf breathed heavily, the smell of alcohol hung heavy on his breath. "So this is what it being drunk feels like?" He questioned rhetorically as the two of them started to walk up the stairs towards the rooms above the tavern.

"Have fun you two!" One of the patrons howled loudly as the two disappeared up the stairs.

"Those idiots." Celica cursed under her breath and struggled down the hallway. "How much more can they torment me!" She sighed heavily as she managed to get to her room.

"Maybe it was a bad idea for me to take you up on that offer." Ardwulf slurred heavily. "And I shouldn't have had that third ale."

"Oh, be quiet you lush. I'm just venting." Celica managed to open the door and the two of them stumbled inside. She laid Ardwulf down on the bed with some difficulty before turning around to shut and lock the door. She looked back at him and sighed. "At least take off your boots." She walked over and sat down on the edge of his bed. Celica reached over and started to undo the laces on his boots.

"You don't have to do that. I can handle that myself. " Ardwulf tried to sit up but collapsed back down almost immediately. "...Or not..."

"I'm almost done anyway." Celica pulled off both of his boots and sat them on the floor by the bed. "You are a pain." She muttered and leaned back on the bed. "I can't say anything. Two ales and my head is spinning, too." She placed the back of her hand on her forehead and closed her eyes. "Hey, Ardwulf...?"

"That's my name." Ardwulf opened one eye and looked down at the semi drunk Celica.

"You'll still be here when I wake up, won't you?" Celica questioned sadly and looked back up at the drunk soldier.

"Celica..." Ardwulf sighed and placed his right hand on top of her head. "Yeah. I won't leave without a proper goodbye." He gently rubbed the top of her head and closed his eyes.

Celica blushed a little bit, causing her flushed face to darken even more. She crawled up the bed and laid down beside him. "Promise?"

"Celica..." Ardwulf watched her climb up the bed towards him. "You really don't play fair..." He slurred his words once more.

Celica placed her hands on his chest and lifted herself upwards. She stared down at the young man. "Promise me, Ardwulf, please?"

'Those eyes of hers...' Ardwulf mentally sighed and nodded. "Fine, I promise. Now will you go to sleep? I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open." His eyelids became so heavy he couldn't keep them open anymore. "Goodnight, Celica." With those last words, Ardwulf drifted off into a drunken stupor.

"Good." Celica yawned and laid her head upon Ardwulf's chest. 'I should move to my bed...' This last thought crossed her mind before she, too, passed out with her head on his chest.

Welcome to my latest Novel. I hope you guys enjoy it! I went back to my usual genre, something I'm more comfortable with.

Otaku_Centralcreators' thoughts