
The Sins of The Past Seldom Stay Buried

A young man walked through a recent battlefield, his eyes wide and mist filled. Countless bodies laid strewn across the barren field. The young man himself, drenched in both old, dried blood and more recent blood that still trickled down his body. "Is this all I am? Merely a tool of War used for another's dubious schemes? I can't do this anymore, I refuse!"

Otaku_Central · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Two Lost Souls

The sun came all to quickly for Ardwulf, signaling the start of a new day. "Mmm. Ahhh." A soft yawn escaped his lips and one hand went right to his forehead. 'Oh, god. My head hurts so much. Is this that hangover thing grandad was always bitching about? Why would anyone do this to themselves.' He removed his hand and rolled on to his side as he closed his eyes again. 'Huh? What's that?' Ardwulf questioned as his hand came to rest on a soft, squishy lump.

"Mm, ah." A soft, feminine moan reached his ears.

"Ggh." Ardwulf swallowed hard and opened one eye. The sight nearly caused him to jump out of his skin.

Laying beside him was the semi nude woman from last night, Celica. His hand had come to rest on one of her breasts and his face tinged a dark red as he quickly yanked his hand away. 'We didn't...last night, did we?' Ardwulf crawled from the bed and started quietly pacing back and forth, trying to remember the events of last night.

"Mm." Another small yawn came from Celica as she slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes gently. "Ardwulf, come back. It's cold." She yawned innocently and held her arms out towards him.

"Ah, I...you..um..." Ardwulf started to stumble over his words as his brain rushed to try and calm his nerves.

"What's wrong? Come back to sleep for a little bit." Celica stated again with a little more force behind her voice.

'This woman...' Ardwulf sighed in defeat. "I can't win with you, can I?" He hesitantly made his way back to the bed. "Shouldn't you put on something a little less...umm..revealing?" He questioned and scratched his cheek shyly.

"Later. You slept just fine all night with me like this." Celica retorted.

'But I was drunk!!' Ardwulf screamed internally. "I suppose. Did you help me in here last night?" He asked and slowly, yet with great resistance crawled back into the bed and Celica's awaiting arms.

"Mhmm. You were heavy, too, you big lush." Celica muttered and laid her head back on Ardwulf's chest once he got situated. "How about some breakfast in a little bit? My treat for being the selfish one this time."

"Ah, Celica." Ardwulf shifted around shyly when she wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest. "Thank you. You know, for last night, and for today. I didn't mean to be a burden, but, I had fun for the first time in my life."

"Well, that's good. I had fun, too. And you don't need to thank me. You had a good time last night. The least I could do was help you." Celica replied and squeezed Ardwulf tightly. 'I wonder if I should tell him?' She shook her head slightly. 'No, not now. I'm sorry, Ardwulf. I'm not ready for you know the truth yet.' Her rainbow dyed hair shifted down and covered her face.

'Celica...?' Ardwulf looked down at the young woman when she squeezed him gently. 'This feels like...last night when she clung to me. I want to ask her what's wrong, but it's not my place. If she wants me to know, she'll tell me when she's ready.' Ardwulf placed one hand on the small of her back and gently pulled her close. "So, Celica...I don't remember much from last night. When I woke up, you were dressed like that and in my bed. Did we...?" Ardwulf looked down and gently brushed her hair away from her face.

Celica's cheeks tinged pink when Ardwulf's hand was placed on her lower back and he pulled her closer. 'Hehe. Does he realize what he's doing? Or is this all...What...?' Celica's thoughts were interrupted by Ardwulf's sudden remark. "ARDWULF!" Celica squeeled his name and started gently hitting his chest with her closed fists.

"Ah, haha. Whew." Ardwulf breathed a sigh of relief when she started playfully hitting his chest. "I told you I'd be the perfect guest and gentlemen. If that happened, then I obviously wasn't." Ardwulf placed his hand on top of her head and started rubbing gently.

"O-oh..." Celica stopped and stared down at this young soldier. "No, you were perfect. I laid down on you last night because I was drunk and before I could get up and lay on my own bed, I passed out." She admitted and her cheeks darkened even more when he started rubbing the top of her head. "I slept better then I have in months, though." She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the gentle affection he showered her with.

"Well, as long as I didn't try anything and you're happy." Ardwulf blushed. 'These feelings. Warmth, affection, tenderness, compassion. These are all so new to me. Do I truly deserve this warm feeling, though?' His expression turned sour.

"Ardwulf? Are you alright?" Celica placed both her hands on his chest and shook him gently. 'It seems like we both have our own twisted pasts.'

"Oh, sorry." Ardwulf yawned softly and closed his eyes. "I think I'm with you on sleeping a little longer. My head still feels heavy and fuzzy."

"Could I stay like this with you? I feel safer, considering everything that happened last night." Celica questioned the young man.

"Ah, um..." Ardwulf scratched his cheek shyly. 'I mean, she already has once, what's the harm in letting it go on? As long as she feels comfortable and safe, I can't complain.' Ardwulf nodded and smiled softly. "Come on, then."

"Yay!" Celica cheered quietly and snuggled up against her savior. 'I don't know why, but just being near him puts me at ease.' She thought to herself and laid her head back on his chest. "Sweet dreams." She closed her eyes and started snoring softly.

'Is being with me...really that fun?' Ardwulf thought and wrapped his arms around the young woman. 'I wonder what her story is...' He thought again before dozing off into a light sleep himself.

Two hours passed and a knock came upon the door of their room. "Celica. Celica, you have to wake up!" A hushed whisper came through the wooden door.

"Mm?" Ardwulf moaned softly and looked at the door. "Celica." He gently shook the sleeping woman on his chest. "Someone's calling for you."

"What?" Celica quickly jumped and ran over, placing her ear against the door. "Tony? What's happening?"

"You have to flee, Celica. Their are guards here looking for you. I think they wore the Emblem of the Eimrand Duchies." Tony whispered back through the locked door.

Heavy footsteps started to ascend the stairs. "Search the rooms! She was last seen in this hovel!" A sharp voice sounded up the stairs.

"They...they found me..." Celica whispered and her body started to tremble.

"Celica?" Ardwulf jumped up and ran to her side. "What's wrong? Are you in trouble?"

"..." Celica started to tear up and she clasped both sides of her face with her hands. "I...can't...I don't want to go back. Ardwulf." She turned around and grabbed Ardwulf's shirt, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You don't want to go back? Then, that's all I needed to hear." Ardwulf crouched down and picked Celica up in his arms and into another Princess Carry. "They won't take you." He ran over to the other side of the room and jumped out the open window, clutching Celica in his arms tightly.

"A-Ardwulf...I got you involved in my affairs again." Celica sobbed and squeezed his shirt tightly. 'I would rather die then go back.'

The two soared through the air and plummeted two stories to the ground below. Ardwulf looked up as splintered wood flew through the window above them. "Down there! They're in the streets!" A guard hollered as he peered down at the ground.

"I don't want to go with them, Ardwulf!" Celica sobbed some more and buried her face into chest.

"Then, don't. I'll die before handing you over to them. I know we just met yesterday, but, put your faith in me, Celica." Ardwulf clutched the young girl tight and leaped up thirty feet to the interconnecting roofs of the market place. "The trouble is, where we should go..." He peeked over the side of the roof and then to the ships docked at the Port. "We could head out to sea?"

"As long as they are far behind me, I don't care. It could be the bottom of the ocean for all I care." Celica looked up at her savior. 'This makes it twice that you've saved me.' She thought to herself.

'Very well. To the docks." Ardwulf spun around and started sprinting and jumping across the rooftops, bypassing the massive throng of shoppers below. 'I'm certain her ship was setting out today. If we can make it before they sit sail...' Ardwulf thought and started to sprint faster. 'I don't like showing off my true power, but...' He looked down at Celica. She was still trembling and sobbing. 'For some reason, when I see her like this...' He used one hand and clutched the area of skin above his heart. 'It feels like my heart is heavy. I don't understand this sensation, but I do know, that I don't like this feeling.'

"They are on the rooftops! After them, men!" One of the pursuing Knights blew a loud whistle and began calling out their movements. His men started pushing through the crowds and knocking anyone down who was to slow to clear a path.

'Damn.' Ardwulf thought and started to unlock the restraints on his power.

Another loud whistle being blown pulled Ardwulf from his thoughts. The sound came from the opposite direction and he turned around quickly. 'Reinforcements? ...No. Laham's Knights have arrived.'

"Knights of the Eimrand Duchies, you are hearby ordered to lay down your arms and surrender immediately. I'm not sure what could be running through your Duke's mind, but this invasion of Aziel's most devoted City, could be considered an act of terror. We would be well within our rights to cut you down here and now, but Acting Archbishop Raga has ordered us to see you to our Borders. Your weapons will be returned then." The soldier who spoke wore the Emblem of the Theocracy Knights.

"Like hell!" The commander of the Eimrandian Knights nearly spat his heart out in rage.

The Theocracy Commander blew his whistle again, and three more regiments of Knights surrounded the invading Eimrandian Knights. "I will ask once more, leave with us peacefully, or we will be forced to put you down right here and now."

Ardwulf stared down at the scene below. 'I thought it strange for Eimrandian Knights to push so far into the Theocracy of Longrest's Capital City. Are they here for...her?' His eyes drifted down to the young woman in his arms. 'It doesn't matter.' He shook these thoughts from his mind. "Now's our chance. Never thought I would owe a Longrestian Knight." Ardwulf commented and started dashing towards Laham's Docks once more.

"Nor I. Though, I doubt that gesture was for us. More likely that the Archbishop ordered them to, so she could maintain peace in Laham." Celica commented as she looked up at Ardwulf. 'How does nothing seem to faze you?' She mentally questioned as she turned around in his arms slowly. "It almost feels like we're eloping..." She joked.

"That seems highly likely. Damn it. I wish we had time to stop for a smoke." Ardwulf cussed the last part under his breath. He blushed at her comment about eloping. 'I suppose to most, it might seem that way.' He thought to himself and smiled a bit. "We're almost there. There's a Captain of the vessel we are heading to that I know. She guaranteed me a place on board when I came seeking passage the last time." He continued as he leaped from the rooftops down to the ground below. The smell of the sea grew stronger as the two of them ran through the Harbor District and down onto the wooden docks.

When they came to a stop, they stood in front of a decently sized Schooner. The Stormy Serpent. The waves of the sea rocked the sea faring vessel side to side gently. The wood was a smooth, beautiful red cedar and polished to shine.

"Oy, izzat you, Ardy?" A gruff, feminine voice called down to them.

"Susie, I thought I told you not to call me Ardy." Ardwulf shot back and stared up at the beautiful red headed Captain.

"Susie don't work for me, Sailor. Captain or Miss Tamm are the only things I answer to." Suzanne grinned and eyed the young woman in Ardwulf's arms. "Aw, Ardy, didja kidnap a woman to marry? Ya coulda just asked me. I'm still single." She winked at Ardwulf and Celica. "Well, you guys need a lift?"

'Ardy...Susie...? They seem close...' Celica thought and shifted uncomfortably in Ardwulf's arms. She looped her own arms loosely around his neck. 'Did I just feel...insecure...? But why?'

"Oh, shove off, Captain." Ardwulf replied but the Captain part came out extremely sarcastic. "Long story. Buy me a drink and I may spill the beans. Hang on, Celica." He crouched low and then leaped straight up to the railing of the boat.

"Alright, we're leaving port. Men, raise anchor and release the moor!" Suzanne shouted as she spun around to complete the preparations. "Ardy, get below deck. My guess is you two are the cause of all that commotion at the Markets. I figure you don't got papers and if we get caught trying to leave port, you two will be thrown into a brig. Take my room."

"Thanks, Miss Tamm. Celica, are you alright to walk now?" Ardwulf smiled down at the young woman and gently sat her down on her own two feet. "Are you okay?"

"Mhmm." Celica sniffled and clung to Ardwulf once she was standing again. "No, I'm not..." She held onto Ardwulf tightly.

"Come on, Celica. We can talk below deck." Ardwulf spoke softly and wrapped his free arm around Celica. The two of them made their way to the stairs leading below deck as sailors dashed around the top deck.

"Hard to port!" Captain Tamm's voice was the last one they heard as they made their way down the halls to the Captain's room.

The hallway smelled of mead and gunpowder. As they made their way down, they did their best to avoid blocking the Stormy Serpent's crew. Upon arriving at the Captain's room, there was a small girl, no older then fourteen years old. She was busy tidying up the room and checking a small piece of paper every so often. "Whew. Cap'n should be happy with this. Now I just have to..." She turned around and noticed a young man and woman enter the room. "Ah, sorry. Cap'ns up top if you need sumin."

"Tamm gave me permission to rest down here. If you're finished, please leave us. And tell Tamm thanks for me. Can ya do that, runt?" Ardwulf grinned.

"Ah, sorry. You're a friend of the Cap'ns. Sure I...HEY!" The young girl shouted and puffed up her cheeks. "My names Stefanie. NOT, Runt!" She stuck her tongue out at Ardwulf and rushed from the room. 'He wasn't bad looking, though.' She thought as she put space between her and the cabin.

"Celica. Will you be alright for a few minutes? I need to go up top and smoke. Plus, I have to talk with Tamm about her destination. Not even sure where we're headed." Ardwulf questioned as he helped her to the bed.

"You know that stuffs bad for you." Celica muttered, nagging him a bit about his bad habit.

"Well, if you ever become my wife, you can have a say." Ardwulf joked and winked at Celica. "Until then, are you alright?"

'M-marriage...?' Celica's face lit up bright red. "Oh, shut up and go smoke!" She puffed up her cheeks and shook both her fists up and down. She sighed softly after a moment. "Yeah. I suppose. Can we talk...when you come back down?" She asked and laid down on the bed.

'Her reactions are so cute, but why do I tease her like this? It makes me happy when she gets flustered and overreacts like this.' Ardwulf chuckled softly at his thoughts. "Talk? Of course. Just behave down here, and take your time. I'd like to know what those Eimrandian Knights wanted with you, but it isn't necessary. If you don't want to tell me, I won't force the issue." He gently poked her forehead. "I'll be back."

"I always behave, thank you very much." Celica pouted and rolled over on side, putting her back to Ardwulf. 'I want you to know, because, I want to hire you.' She thought to herself as Ardwulf left the room and shut the door behind him.

'Enough time has passed. I should be safe to head topside. I need a smoke.' Ardwulf thought to himself as he pulled a pack of tobacco out from the inside of his long custom made cloak. He climbed the stairs and the sound of water grew louder. He stepped up onto the top deck and slipped the cigarette between his lips as he shielded his eyes from the hot sun.

"Hey, Ardy. Good timing. We just cleared the toll. Need a light?" Suzanne grinned as she pulled out a zippo lighter.

"Mm. Thanks." Ardwulf nodded and leaned his head over the lighter.

Suzanne lit up the tip of his cigarette. "Got one to spare?" She asked and held out her other hand.

Ardwulf took a long drag from his now lit cig and pulled out his pack again. "More than one. I always carry several. Never know when you'll get a chance to stock up again." He exhaled slowly.

"Huh. Never pegged you for a man of quality. These are the most expensive cigs you can buy." Suzanne commented as she lit up her own cig and dropped the lighter into her pocket. She took a long drag as they both walked to the edge of the boat. They smoked in silence for a moment, just enjoying the waves brushing against the bow of the boat as it cut through the sea.

"Well, just like my other habits, this is another one I picked up from my father. These are his favorite brand." Ardwulf finally broke the silence as he flicked the built up ash from his cigarette. "One of his many vices, I suppose."

"Mm. I feel that. My mother is the reason I became a pirate, after all. She was the most famous female pirate. I hope I'm living up to her expectations." Suzanne exhaled slowly.

"I couldn't say. I would have liked to have met her, though." Ardwulf took another long drag. "How ya been, Captain?" He smiled over at the young woman.

"You would have loved her. She took shit from no one. Not even her husband." Suzanne laughed loudly. "I suppose I'm okay. Daddy passed away last year. I've been at sea since then. Suppose it's my way to avoid thinking about it." She took one last drag and flicked the dead cig into the sea.

"I heard. I'm sorry I couldn't make the funeral." Ardwulf finished his cig and mimicked the young Captain's actions. He turned his back to the side of the ship and propped his elbows up on the railing. "He was a good man. We met in battle many times. Both as allies, and sometimes enemies. He died and left our score at a draw. The bastard."

"I know you had a lot of things going on, but you could at least come pay your respects." Suzanne chided. "Mm. He was indeed. Despite how much mother rode his ass, he loved her." She nodded in agreement. "Oh, yeah. You guys tallied your wins and losses against each other. Wasn't it something like 49-49?"

"Yep. And two ties. One hundred battles and we never had a clear winner. Your old man, despite his age, was a helluva warrior. I wanted to fight him again. Guess our battle will have to wait until the afterlife." Ardwulf ran his hand backwards through his long white hair.

"Yeah. Daddy used to always speak very highly of you. Always said if he had a son, he hoped he would be at least half the man you are. High praise indeed. He never doled out compliments like that. Except when he spoke about you." Suzanne informed the young soldier.

"Ha. Haha. Hahahaha....' Ardwulf burst out into laughter as several tears trickled down his face.

"Ardy..." Suzanne walked over and wrapped Ardwulf in her arms. "You don't have to hold back. He was your Master, after all. It's okay to cry for him."

Ardwulf's tears turned into full blown sobbing. 'Is this...sadness...?' He thought as he held Suzanne tightly, his body shuddering with each breath.

'He's hardly ever shown any emotions before now. Ardwulf, just what happened to you out there?' She thought as she held the young man until his tears had subsided.

"I'm okay." Ardwulf sniffled as he retreated from the embrace. "These are..." He touched his cheek with one hand.

"Tears, Ardy. They're tears, and it's okay to shed them when something sad happens." Suzanne grabbed his shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze.

"I've seen many allies and brothers fall in battle, some of them by my own hands. And I felt nothing Suzanne. But now..." He held his trembling hands in front of his body. "Everything I've done. All the bad shit, all the death and destruction. The people I've killed. I keep seeing them in my head, Suzanne! How do I make it stop?!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and threw his right arm off to the side. "I don't deserve to live. Not with how much death I've brought into this world."

"Ardy..." Suzanne rubbed the top of her head frantically with one hand. "I can't say I have any words of wisdom for all this bullshit, but I know you aren't an evil man, Ardy. My father, your Master, saw goodness within you. The same goodness I see in you, too. A strength that far outstrips the measly power you currently possess. He wouldn't have made you his last disciple if he saw evil in your heart. What you did, you did because you were told. While that may not speak for much, you must know that you were brainwashed, Ardy. All you can do is keep moving forward. Try to give back to a world you took so much from. It may not earn you forgiveness, but someday, you will be acknowledged for your good deeds, rather than your ability to kill."

"Suzanne..." Ardwulf turned his gaze to the ground and stared at his trembling hands again.

"Plus, you got that young cutie with you. You think someone with a kind heart like hers would latch onto an evil man?" Suzanne grinned.

"That damn ability your family possesses can be kind of a nuisance." Ardwulf scratched the back of his head.

"Haha. Being able to see the true character of a person from their heart does have its benefits, though. Now, I've kept you long enough. Go back to her." Suzanne grabbed Ardwulf's shoulders, spun him around, and gently shoved him to the lower deck. "We can talk about your destination over drinks later, once we reach the open sea. Oh, and you can help yourself to the booze and food in the galley."

"You've only gotten more pushy since Captaining your own ship. Yeah, yeah, I'm going." Ardwulf replied and disappeared down the stairs.

'My heart has finally calmed down. Being near him causes my heart to race. And why did I get jealous when he was speaking with her? It's not like we're...' Celica grabbed her head and squeeled softly. "What is wrong with me!!" She shouted and flailed around on the bed a bit. 'He's been gone for awhile.' She chewed on her thumb nervously.

The door to the room clicked and swung open quietly. 'I wonder if she's asleep?' Ardwulf questioned and tried to sneak in quietly.

"Ardwulf!" Celica called out loudly as she bolted upright in a haste.

"Whoa, whoa. It's okay. It's me." Ardwulf quickly spit these words out. "I'm back." He scratched the back of his head nervously, Suzanne's words still echoed at the back of his mind. 'She latched onto me? Is it merely because I saved her life? Would she act like this still if someone else had saved her instead?' He shook his head slightly. 'No, I don't think that's it.'

"Ardwulf?" Celica rose to her feet and slowly made her way to his side. 'Despite going for a smoke, he smells nice. Like the sea.' She reached out and tugged on the sleeve of his shirt.

"Oh, sorry. Tamm had just informed me that my Master died last year. I guess I'm still a little lost, thinking a man as strong as my Master could have died." Ardwulf flat out lied. 'What can I say? I don't even know what I'm feeling...'

"Oh, I'm...sorry to hear that." Celica looped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against him. "Did Tamm train under him, too?"

"C-Celica..." Ardwulf blushed at her sudden display of affection. "Oh, no." He shook his head. "My Master was Tamm's father."

"Oh, that's how you know Tamm?"

"Yep. He used to brag about his precious daughter all the time. Even had a hundred pictures of her that he kept with him at all time. He doted on that woman." Ardwulf smiled at the thoughts of his Master. The two of them locked in combat. His rumbling stomach put an end to any thoughts other than embarrassment. "Ah, haha. I guess I'm hungry." He scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Oh, I see." Celica giggled sweetly. "If he was your Master, I guess he was strong." Celica laughed out loud when Ardwulf's stomach grumbled loudly. "Well, we did sleep in, skipped breakfast, and got chased. It's no wonder." She wrapped her arms around Ardwulf's right arm. "Let's go find the galley. I'll make us something simple. Sound good?"

'She's pretty clingy, but...' Ardwulf scratched his cheek shyly with his free hand. "Sure. Tamm gave us a free reign of the ship. You want some help with the cooking?" He offered as they left Tamm's room and walked down the halls towards the middle of the ship.

"You know how to cook?" Celica questioned in disbelief as she turned to look up at this tall man. "What can't you do?" She smiled warmly at Ardwulf.

"Traveling on your own all the time, you have to learn to take care of yourself. Oh, there's plenty of things I can't do. Off the top of my head, though? I can't even name one." Ardwulf scratched the top of his head when he couldn't focus.

"What about music? Any talent or interests in that?" Celica continued her friendly interrogation.

"I don't know about other instruments, but..." Ardwulf reached into his cloak and pulled out a small, silver harmonica. "I can play this pretty well. My Father taught me how when I was real young. He has such high appreciation for the musical arts."

"I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone in the world who can't appreciate true music." Celica nodded her head as Ardwulf spoke. "Tell ya what, then. Let me cook for you, while you play a song for me. How does that sound?" Celica made her proposition.

'Play for...her?' Ardwulf's cheeks tinged pink. "Well, I suppose I don't mind. I've never had an audience before, though." He scratched his cheek.

"Hehe. Then I'll get to be your first fan." Celica teased the young man she had wrapped herself around and smiled up at him.

"You are to kind, Celica." Ardwulf closed his eyes and chuckled softly. "It should be this one." He came to a stop in front of a double wooden door. Pushing their way inside, they entered a large room with three large tables suited for a crew of seventy-five people. "Wow. Pirates actually have better taste then I thought." He commented.

'He's adorable when he's embarrassed.' Celica giggled softly behind one of her hands. "Yeah, it's pretty stylish." She pulled herself from Ardwulf's side reluctantly and made her way to the kitchen. "Well, I guess I can make anything." She gasped.

The pantry was fully stocked with dried meats, all sorts of vegetables and many varieties of spices. "Whatever works for me. I've never had a woman cook exclusively for me." Ardwulf commented as he took a seat on top of the table. His feet came to rest on the seat as he pulled out a small, silver harmonica.

"Okay. I'll just start grabbing things. It will be nice for me to cook for someone else. Let's make some magic." Celica whispered the last part to herself. 'I'm cooking lunch for a man. This almost feels like...' Her cheeks reddened and she clasped her cheeks between her hands. 'Hehe.' She giggled mentally and sit about making lunch.

"Let me know if you need a hand." Ardwulf called back as he put the harmonica to his lips. With a deep breath, he started blowing a beautiful, upbeat tune. The galley filled with smells of cooking meat and a beautiful melody.

Celica would stop every so often just to enjoy the melody, even humming along every so often.

Chapter Two is live! Really enjoying this. I hope you guys enjoy it.

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