
The Sinister Six: The Fight For Justice

This is the story of what happens if Some of the Iconic Marvel universe's Hero's and Villain's Switch places. Follow the story of the Sinister Six. So Nicknamed this by Spiderman and the Daily Bugle as a way to Frighten off the public and to scare those who would ever come across this Great team of Hero's.

E_N_Macey · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Issue Number 9

We begin this issue 2 days after we left off in the last issue in the early hours of the morning. Pete is waiting on the roof of a building in the outskirts of Manhattan. Pete's wearing his full Scarlet Goblin Night time armour as he watches out over the City Skyline. Soon Two people started to walk up behind him and Pete then asks "How'd it go?"

Pete then turned around and looked at Black Cat and Splicer and Splicer walks up to Pete and Passes him a SD drive and says "Everything you want is on here. Access codes the Backdoor Key. The lot. Now hand us our Payment Pete."

Pete looks at MJ and says "Just one more thing first. What Of J Jonah Jameson what's up with him?."

Splicer looks at Gwen and looks back at Pete and says "We don't know what's wrong with him. All we know is he's definitely not a Skrull we ran enough tests to be certain of that. However he is in a lot of pain and agony. He screams a lot and he talks to himself but in such a way it sounds like he's talking to voice in his head."

Pete's eye opened up with fear as he realizes what's going on and says "OH NO, I think I know what's with him. I need to act swiftly and carefully with the operation." MJ coughs and points towards the Brief case and the Duffle bags and asks "Can we go now?" Pete looks at them and says "Yes go, But if I found out what you've given me here is fake then MJ, I'll be coming for you."

Pete then places the SD drive into a protective case and places it into his suits Pocket and walks onto his Glider and Flies away. Meanwhile Black Cat and Splicer Pick up there payments and start to head back to MJ's apartment.

Pete heads straight for the Sinister Six Bunker and heads down towards it Via one of the old Gas Maintenance tunnels. He left the Glider outside in the Air. He soon arrives at the Bunker and Knocks on the door and says "It's me, OPEN UP." The door soon opens up and Shocker looks at the Scarlet Goblin and says "Hi Boss come in, Come in."

Pete Walks in and then heads over to the Sofa and picks up one of his laptops he stashed here in the Bunker and Plugs in the SD Drive into the Laptop and Uttered to himself "Come on MJ don't of Scammed me now." Soon the SD drive worked and Pete looks through the files and then places the laptop down and stands up in front of the Sinister Six and says "Alright so listened up. We Got a big big Problem." Shocker then asks "What is it?"

Pete removes his Goblin mask and says "I've got the results back from the Scarlet Cat and I believe J Jonah Jameson is Infected with a Symbiote."

Flash still sitting down starts to shake his leg with immense Nerves and asks "Are you Certain?" Pete walks over and sits next to Flash and says "Unfortunately I am. The only good news I can give you is the conformation it isn't Carnage, He's still locked up safe and tight."

Flash then looks at Pete with fear in his eyes and asks "Is it Venom" To which Pete replies "I don't know. I'm Sorry."

Flash then get's up and leaves the room heading into the Barracks and Pete looks towards Mysterio and says "Could you go and look after Flash?" Mysterio Nods and gets up out his chair and heads over into the Barracks.

Pete then looks at the remaining 4 and drops a Projector device just like the one he left at the Scarlet Cat base and says "So the Operation against the Bugle has now become a rescue op without killing JJJ, Remove the Symbiote and most importantly Capture or if needs be Kill the Symbiote. This must all happen without Spiderman realizing until it's too late. So Shall we begin."

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