
The Sinister Six: The Fight For Justice

This is the story of what happens if Some of the Iconic Marvel universe's Hero's and Villain's Switch places. Follow the story of the Sinister Six. So Nicknamed this by Spiderman and the Daily Bugle as a way to Frighten off the public and to scare those who would ever come across this Great team of Hero's.

E_N_Macey · Tranh châm biếm
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Issue Number 3

In this issue we follow the Story of the Scarlet Goblin aka Peter Parker, Where did he go after he left the Warehouse?.

We begin this Issue where the first one left off with Peter Flying away on his Glider. As he flies through the skies Scanning the streets below and the Roof tops of the Buildings, Hunting for any Criminals that are causing trouble on the streets of New York. As Peter flies over the streets of the great city of New York but all he see's is harmony. He soon stops on the roof of a nearby tower and walks off his board onto the roof.

He looks out towards the Quite ness of New York at night and soon sits down on the edge of the building and puts his head into his hands and says "Oh Harry what have you done. Why'd you go and kill Max." After a few minutes Pete got out his phone and started to text Gwen Stacy the message he sends reads "Hey Kitty Cat, You out tonight?"

He soon gets a reply back from Gwen saying "I'm Running Solo tonight Handsome, I'll send you my location perhaps you can come and keep me company" Followed by 3 kissy face emojis. Pete soon gets up checks the location she sent him and put his Phone away after Messaging her back saying "On my way, Kitty." Pete then Jumps on the Glider and Starts to fly towards Gwen's location.

Shhhhhoooooom goes the Glider as it flies through the sky towards Gwen's location. As Pete arrives at the roof Top in which Gwen told him to go to. Soon Pete Saw the Black Cat and he walked off his Glider and put it into Camo mode telling it to hover above the building in silence. Pete Walks towards the Black cat and removes his helmet and strokes her cheek and says "Hello there Gwen, Your looking beautiful tonight."

Gwen lifts her hand up next to Pete's head and press's the Button next to where his ear would be and says "The Words Purrrrfect. Pete." Gwen then flung her arms around Pete and Pete did the same back to her and the Pair Kissed. Gwen then took Pete's hand and pulled him towards the door and the pair went inside down to Gwen's apartment down stairs.

The next morning Pete walked out to the Roof once again in his full Scarlet Goblin night time suit and as he approaches the edge he summons his Glider and as the Glider Reached him he steps onto it and Fly's off and heads towards The Osborn Tower located in Manhattan. Pete Soon activates his suits adaptation of the illusion tech he helped Mysterio make and the Turned himself invisible as he flew towards the Tower. He then enters a secrete Hanger inside the Tower cloaked by Mysterio Illusion tech. He then parks the glider up alongside many other suits and Gliders and Disembarks from the Glider and heads over to a changing room to take off the suit and change into some regular clothes.

He walks out of the Changing room and places the Goblin suit up on top of the Glider and the Mask Back onto the shelf full of other Goblin masks and Helmets. Pete then walks over to a Elevator and push's the button and calls the elevator. The Elevator soon arrives and Pete takes it down to the bottom floor. As he arrives on the bottom floor he walks out and takes the main elevator Upstairs.

As the Elevator stops Peter walks out and see's Harry sat down on the sofa worried. Pete walks over to him and sits next to him and asks "What's wrong?" Harry worryingly says with a scarred tone "Dad's here." Pete looks at Harry and asks "Where's Dad?, Why's he here?, Shouldn't he be in the white house?, He's the President." Suddenly Norman walks through the door behind them and Norman walks up to the Pair and says "Peter, How the Hell are you?"