
The Sidekick Shenanigans : Balancing Support in The World of Romance

A melancholic man finds himself unexpectedly reincarnated as a supportive character in a dating simulator game. As he navigates this new life, he realizes that his role is to die tragically for the character development of the main target in the female route. Will he be able to handle the pressure and rewrite his fate, or will he succumb to the inevitable tragedy that awaits him? Join him on this hilarious and heartwarming journey as he tries to find meaning in a world where his life is on the line for someone else's romantic storyline.

HydeUs · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Chapter 14. Congratulations Indeed

「Ah, is that you, [Insert Male Player Name]? Have you seen where Prince Lucius went?」

「I... will not allow that common girl to steal Prince Lucius from me!」

「How dare you, [Insert Female Player Name], a commoner, approach Prince Lucius?!」

「No! I didn't do it!!!」

『Since that moment, Prince Lucius' former fiancée was banished by her own family to a noble family on the outskirts of the city, condemned to live in eternal misery for her actions.』


As far as I can recall, that's the extent of what I know about Lysandra, Lucius' fiancée, who played the antagonist role part on female main protagonist. Despite my numerous premium experiences at the time, portraying a female character provided a unique insight...

The antagonist woman now stands by my side, her smooth and delicate hand tightly gripping mine. She continues to sniffle and wipe away tears, her crying having ceased but the traces of emotion still evident.

"What is actually happening here?!" I questioned internally.

"Thank you so much. Indeed, Lysandra tends to wander off frequently due to her habit of daydreaming whenever she encounters something intriguing in new places..." the stout man explained, dabbing at the sweat forming beneath the rolls of fat on his neck with a handkerchief much smaller than his hand. Lysandra, who I could hardly believe I recognized, let go of my hand and continued to gaze at me intently, even though she was now positioned beside a man who appeared to be her father... which implied something significant.

"No need to worry. Prince Lysander located her swiftly, even ahead of the palace guards, and they have been reunited," King Clover declared as he approached them, accompanied by a group of royal guards and Queen Clover, who offered a warm smile to Lysander.

"Is that the case? So, this is Prince Lysander?" The plump man inquired slowly, squinting to examine Prince Lysander's face more attentively than before. Prince Lysander met his gaze before composing himself and courteously introducing himself.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lysander Clover, the second son of the Clover royal family and the younger brother of Prince Lucius."

"Hello, Your Highness Lysander...I hold high expectations for you," responded the stout man before King Clover beckoned for him to enter the palace to continue their conversation.

Observing all the adults entering the palace, Prince Lysander readied himself to follow suit before feeling a tug on his sleeve from behind. When he turned around, he recognized Lysandra Heartwood, whose name and true identity remained a mystery to him.

With a rosy blush on her cheeks and her eyes flickering towards Prince Lysander and his shoes, the young girl nervously swallowed before adjusting the hem of her skirt and giving a slight curtsey. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lysandra Heartwood, the sole daughter of the Heartwood family... delighted to make your acquaintance, Your Highness."

'Could it be... I am to be her betrothed? Simply because I did not die? Is this a blessing?'

"Yes, pleased to meet you, Miss Lysandra...may I use your name?" Prince Lysander responded with a gentle smile, prompting Lysandra to beam and nod enthusiastically, answering with a happy cry, "Y-Yes! Please feel free to address me in any way you wish, Your Highness!"

'Hold on—please, miss. Don't speak like that, or I may end up calling you names like the envious fool, kitten, or the gossipmonger.'

"Thank you, Lysandra. Oh, feel free to call me by my name. I don't mind at all," Prince Lysander replied, offering his arm to Lysandra, who appeared surprised. She took a deep breath before gingerly placing her hand on Prince Lysander's arm and whispering softly, "...I...I'm not sure if my heart is strong enough to speak your name, Your Highness..."

What could this mean? Please don't tell me...

"Let's go inside quickly. Your father will worry again," Prince Lysander urged, and Lysandra nodded slightly. They entered the palace hand in hand. The sight of them entering the palace together, so close, undoubtedly brought joy to everyone there.

"It seems the decision has been made, hasn't it?" King Clover whispered with a wide smile.

"Indeed, there's no doubt. They truly complement each other perfectly," The head of the Heartwood family, a stout man, wiped away his streaming sweat. Queen Clover, seated beside King Clover, tried to hold back her tears as she whispered, "Oh my, my youngest son will soon grow up so fast...I miss him when he was little..."

Trying to ignore the emotional atmosphere, Prince Lysander gave a faint smile as he pulled out a chair for Lysandra to sit before taking a seat beside her. Nearby, Rina wiped her tears, observing Prince Lysander's gentlemanly behavior and realizing how her ward had grown up.

"It seems you both are already aware that you both will be engaged, and thus, the Heartwood family will become part of the Clover royal families. I hope this engagement will bring a brighter future for the Clover Kingdom," King Clover explained, raising his glass to toast with Lysandra's father.

Ignoring the newly mentioned father-in-law's name, Prince Lysander directed his attention to his fiancée beside him. As she felt his gaze, Lysandra's cheeks flushed red, and she bashfully looked down, playing with the edge of her lace dress, enhancing her adorable appearance. Prince Lysander smiled, offering her a pastry, which she accepted, returning his kind gesture with her own sweet smile.

I'm going to marry her... that means I have to be careful not to make her jealous like Prince Lucius did in the game. Besides, I have no intention of building a harem...



.....if necessary, I will do something to make her willing to share me...

Ahahaha, what am I thinking?


Feeling uninterested in the dull adult conversations, Prince Lysander was granted permission to take Lysandra for a stroll around the palace. Extending his arm once more to the shy yet accepting Lysandra, they wandered through the palace together, with Prince Lysander describing each area with a smile, closely observing every expression from Lysandra.

"What do you think, Lysandra... What is your opinion on this engagement? Do you not oppose it or feel disappointed that your fiancé is not Prince Lucius but me, his younger brother who is not the crown prince?" Prince Lysander asked after they rested in the flower garden where they first met.

"Uhm... well..." Lysandra looked puzzled, fidgeting with the hem of her dress and nervously biting her lip.

'Hm, wouldn't it be unfair to pose such a question to a young girl who may not fully understand?'

Considering to change the subject, Prince Lysander's planned words were interrupted by an unexpected response from Lysandra.

"I... like you, Your Highness."


To Be Continue ?

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