
The Sidekick Shenanigans : Balancing Support in The World of Romance

A melancholic man finds himself unexpectedly reincarnated as a supportive character in a dating simulator game. As he navigates this new life, he realizes that his role is to die tragically for the character development of the main target in the female route. Will he be able to handle the pressure and rewrite his fate, or will he succumb to the inevitable tragedy that awaits him? Join him on this hilarious and heartwarming journey as he tries to find meaning in a world where his life is on the line for someone else's romantic storyline.

HydeUs · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 13. Congratulations

'What did he just say?'

'Marriage? Engagement? Isn't that too fast? I (barely) escaped death recently and now I'm being thrown into the chaos of the real world?'

'Wait, let's calm down. I don't need to worry about my own wealth anymore since I'll only be matched with the wealthy Duke family as opposed to my own royal family... What could possibly go wrong?'

'Surely nothing, right?'

Wiping off the spilled egg yolk from his mouth with the provided cloth, Prince Lysander spoke up, "Engagement? Shouldn't brother Lucius be the one getting engaged first? Isn't that embarrassing? I mean—"

King Clover interrupted him, "I understand the meaning behind your words, but observing how Prince Lucius continues to get angrier and cause more disturbances... I hope—"

Prince Lysander's head spun, preventing him from hearing his father's explanations.

What does that mean?!

Shouldn't Lucius, as the crown prince, act more responsibly than that?!

Wait... is this the consequence of my survival? With his little brother still alive and wielding great power, Lucius can defy their father's desire to end the civil war between the royal and anti-royal factions. This conflict will never truly end because there will always be those who benefit from someone powerful enough to lead the people away from the royal family.

Setting aside such troublesome matters, isn't Prince Lucius's nature truly irresponsible? What will he do if he knows that his actions burden his little brother, and he simply enjoys being a crown prince—

Why am I having such negative thoughts? Anyway, I am just going to get engaged, so I won't have to bother finding another partner or choosing one of the Johns (I considered it, but they wouldn't truly like me without my manipulation of their memories or using them as my living dolls).

Even if it means that my parents favor their first son by sacrificing their second son's freedom to choose a partner, it's alright.

"Very well, Father. Mother. I will accept it," Prince Lysander replied after a moment of silence, even as his father continued to search for reasons.

"See? I knew Lysander wouldn't accept the burden that should be carried by the crown prince—eh, what?" replied Queen Clover, exhaling deeply as she leaned on her shoulder, but it seemed like she stopped continuing her statement when she realized she misheard.

King Clover incredulously looked at Prince Lysander, "Is that so? Would you be okay with that? It should be one of your duties as the crown prince to prioritize the kingdom over his freedom... but you're willing to give up that freedom for your older brother? Are you willing to sacrifice like that?" he asked, his voice trembling, seemingly touched. Queen Clover held back her tears as she wiped away the tears that had fallen from the corner of her eyes, "I never expected, Lucius's younger brother is far more responsible and mature. Unfortunately, only the first child can be given the title of crown prince in the history of the Clover Kingdom."

"Uh, I'm perfectly fine with it. I trust my father's judgment," Prince Lysander replied calmly, his gaze fixed on his parents, who recognized his sincerity.

"Absolutely! I already met Heartwood's daughter and found her to be very beautiful! We must announce this news quickly and arrange a tea party at once, my dear!" King Clover exclaimed with enthusiasm, rising from his seat and beckoning his wife, Queen Clover, who glanced at him and their second son.

"Ehㅡeh? Is it really alright to do this so suddenly?" she whispered to King Clover.

"Just as long as he agrees, let's get going before he has a change of heart..." King Clover whispered, smiling at Prince Lysander, who obviously overheard their conversation.

As he watched his parents walking away, "I extend my congratulations to Your Highness on your engagement. I hope that in the future you will have a happy and prosperous family," said Rina, who stood behind Prince Lysander as he sighed.

"Is it really not an issue if it's like this?" he asked as he finished his meal, ensuring to exercise regularly to maintain his physique.

"It's not a problem; in fact, there are noble families who arrange marriages for their sons since they were just five years old," Rina replied with a slight, motherly smile.

"Five years old? Do they even comprehend that they are being betrothed?" Prince Lysander responded, concluding his fruit juice before rising and, instinctively, assisting the servants in clearing the dirty plates into the pushcart they carried. Observing Prince Lysander's peculiar habits, which demonstrated his down-to-earth nature, always filled Rina with gratitude and a smile.


The next morning, upon waking up and finishing his morning exercise, Prince Lysander noticed servants bustling around as he prepared to take a bath.

"What's happening, Rina?"

"Did Prince Lysander forget? The Heartwood Duke family, the betrothed family, along with their betrothed, will be visiting the palace for tea and lunch," Rina explained as she picked up the small towel Prince Lysander had used after his morning exercise.

"Really? So soon? Then we should get ready as well."

After bathing and donning the elegant attire prepared by Rina, Prince Lysander left his room area and encountered Prince Lucius, who was panting as he ran towards him.

"Lysander!" Prince Lucius called out.

"What's the matter, Lucius? Why the rush?" Prince Lysander inquired, tilting his head. Lucius took a deep breath before bowing his head in embarrassment. "Forgive me, your older brother! I acted out of character and encroached on your freedom, but..."

"It's all right, brother. I am glad to assist the kingdom and hope to alleviate your burdens as the crown prince. It's nothing."


Prince Lysander took his brother's hand and held it tightly, trying to reassure him, gazing into his eyes. "Trust me, I am truly fine. Let's go before the guests arrive."

"...Alright... Thank you so much, Lysander! I owe you!"

After expressing his gratitude and apologizing, Prince Lucius walked away, followed by Rina, who had been summoned due to the need for additional servants for the preparations.

Alone now, Prince Lysander felt a sudden urge to stroll along the edge of the palace garden towards the main gate of the castle. It was as if an unseen force guided him along that path...

"Sob... snif..."


The sound of a young girl's sobs caught Prince Lysander's attention, leading him to a girl his own age crouched among the bushes near blooming flowers resembling Azaleas.

She continued to cry, and Prince Lysander approached her, lowering himself to meet her eye level. Her tears streaming down her thorn-tipped eyelashes, her quivering sapphire eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and sorrow. Her fair complexion, framed by cascading locks of half-wavy blonde hair, gave her a fragile, ethereal appearance as she huddled amidst the vibrant flowers.

As Prince Lysander came into her view, the girl stopped crying and gazed at the prince, who smiled kindly at her.

"What's the matter? Are you lost?"

The girl gazed at Prince Lysander's face for a moment, triggering a sense of familiarity within him. Had he seen her before somewhere?

Was she one of the palace servants' children residing within the palace walls, or perhaps a nobleman's daughter holding a high position at court that rendered her recognizable to him?

After a brief moment, the girl nodded ever so gently, her sapphire eyes widening as they met Prince Lysander's, evoking a sudden warmth in his chest.

'Ugh, she reminds me of my niece...'

"Let me accompany you up front near the guards...they may be able to assist us," acting on instinct as the elder (inside), Prince Lysander once again unconsciously took the girl's hand. Her face flushed instantly as she lowered her head and followed in his steps.

As Prince Lysander approached the area near the palace gate, he observed several adults, including his father and mother, engaged in a frantic discussion with the palace guards. Among them stood a portly man, his expression mirroring the anxiety of the group.

Upon Prince Lysander's arrival, the king beckoned him, but all eyes were drawn to the young girl whose hand he held.

Their faces visibly relaxed at the sight.

What was happening? Had I unwittingly stumbled upon some important event?

The portly man near the king and queen hastened towards Prince Lysander and the girl beside him, calling out a name—

"Finally, where have you been, my daughter?!! Lysandra!!!"



To Be Continue ?

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