
203. Last 2 Days

The Golden Skeleton Pirates finally arrived on Fishman Island. Well, they haven't enter it yet, so they haven't really arrived there. So now they go to the gate of Fishman Island.

Some Fishmans ex-slaves want to jump out and swim there, but Rayleigh stop them. They need to be patient and follow the procedure of this island by going through the gate with the ship. They finally calm down and stay on the ship.

The ship reach the gate and some guards come out to check. Gary explain the situation to the guards and they all widen their eyes. The guards look inside the ship and confirmed that there are many Fishmans there, so they know Gary tell the truth.

The guards immediately let them in and someone call the palace. Rayleigh also tell them to inform Neptune that he is here. The guards got even more surprised because Roger Pirates are rather close with Fishman Island, so they know Rayleigh.

The ship dock in the port and they wait for the royals to come. The Royals come soon after that and they seem to come here hastily. How can they not? Their kins that have been enslaved have returned now, so they need to confirm it.

"T-they're returned, they're really returned-jamon."-Neptune

"Hurry up, announce this to the public! Also prepare camps on the plaza to house all of them! They'll need food, health check, and many things."-Fukaboshi

"Yes."-Minister of Left

"Long time no see, Neptune."-Rayleigh

"Rayleigh, are you the one who save them all-jamon?"-Neptune

"No, it's Jon-kun, he save them all by himself. Right now, Mary Geoise must've fall into chaos, hahahaha."-Rayleigh


"Jon-sama? Where is he?"-Shirahoshi

"Ah, that's right. Zetsu #6, Jon told me that you need to contact Zetsu #1 right now."-Rayleigh

"Who are you talking to-"-Neptune

"Understood."-Zetsu #7

Zetsu #7 suddenly come out from the ground, surprising every one of them. He never reveal himself, and when he came out, he transform into other people, so no one know about Zetsu.

Zetsu #7 ignore them and contact Zetsu #1 who stay with Jon in Impel Down. After finishing his job, #7 merge again with the ground. The royals want to stop him and ask some questions, but they can't feel Zetsu anymore.

"If you're curious about him, then don't worry, he is guarding you."-Jon suddenly appear beside Rayleigh


"Jon, are you really the one who saved them-jamon?"-Neptune

"I am, but let's not talk about this here, there are too many people that come."-Jon point behind Neptune

Behind the Royals, citizens are running to the port. Minister of Left have announced this and the citizens immediately want to check it. Some people go forward with hope & tears on their face.

"MOOM!"-Fishman ex-slave A




Many people call their family members or their friends. The ex slave Fishmans also jump down from the ship & try to find their family members. Many find their family, but others can't because many slaves had died on Mary Geoise, and they're the unlucky ones.

Neptune leave the matter here to the Ministers, while he return to the palace with Rayleigh & Jon. The royals return to the palace with Rayleigh & Jon. Jon tell the pirate crew to do what they want before he leave, and give them some money.

Jon & co arrive in the palace and they go to the throne room. Jon & Rayleigh sit in front of Neptune, and the princes & princess on the sides. Some maids bring snacks & drinks for them to enjoy.

"Jon, as the King of Ryugu Kingdom, i give my deep gratitude to you for saving my kin from slavery-jamon."-Neptune

Neptune bow a little, the princes & princess also follow their father.

"Alright, alright, stop bowing to me, you make me uncomfortable."-Jon seem displeased because they bow to him

"Still rude like usual, but that's fine-jamon."-Neptune

"But why did you suddenly save the slaves?Aren't you targetting the Emperors now? The last news we received is your victory on Wano."-Fukaboshi

"The reason i do this, have something to do with what will happen in 2 days. A War, bigger than ever, will happen."-Jon


"Wait, 2 days, isn't that?"-Fukaboshi

"Public execution of Revolutionary's number 2, Sabo."-Jon

Jon tell them the gist of everything and they all seem to understand. They also think that this will be a bigger war than Summit War 2 years ago.

"Do you want us to participate?"-Fukaboshi

"No, i just want you to shelter those ex-slaves until the war end. Don't worry about the WG & Marine, they won't have time to search with the war brewing."-Jon

"Di-did you really don't need our help? If you want it, i can-"-Shirahoshi

"I know what you can do with your power, but i still won't ask you to participate. I just came here to warn you, because the winner of this war will decide the future of this world."-Jon

Jon talk with them for sometime, before he leave. He asked Neptune to use the Sea Forest to train, and Neptune agree. Jon want to train in different scenery, it's boring in Impel Down after all.

Jon continue his attempt to awaken Rinnegan in Sea Forest. He do it on top of the Poneglyph with his clones. He do the exact same procedure with what he use before.

"!? This feels different."-Jon

Jon feel the nature energy in this place is very different. This place is very rich in nature energy, and the quality is high. He couldn't feel it back then, maybe because his sensitivity is low.

"I would come here sooner if i know this. Well, at least i come here before it's too late."-Jon

Jon continue his attempt, and now he feel he keep getting closer. This place make his training 10 time faster than before. He can feel his chakra being purified in fast speed & his chakra quantity actually rise, not reduced like before.

Jon will use this chance until the last second. The war is in 2 days, so he will not waste any time. His friends are training too, to prepare themselves for this war that can be the final war.

Jon's training use a lot of energy, even though it's not his, but nature's. However, the movement & quantity of this energy alerting Rayleigh & Neptune. Even Shirahoshi can hear many Seakings talk about this.

"It's from the Sea Forest, is it Jon-jamon?"-Neptune

"Must be him, altough i don't know how he have that much energy, if that's his energy at all. Even if it's not his, but he certainly able to control that much of energy."-Rayleigh

"Now i understand why he could defeat Kaido alone-jamon."-Neptune

"Kids these days, they grow so fast."-Rayleigh smile

"Hmm, talking about kids, when will you have your own kids-jamon?"-Neptune

"Stop talking about that!"-Rayleigh

"I'm just curious-jamon."-Neptune

~On Dressrosa~

The Straw Hat Grand Fleet have gathered on Dressrosa. They all dock their ship on the special port, located on where the Straw Hats left before. This port was made for pirates, and there is a special spot for the Straw Hats, as this country is their territory, or so the citizens say.

The captains from each crew of the Grand Fleet now gather on Yontamaria's main ship like the past. This ship is big enough to house the giants & have wide deck. They all sit around a round table and start their discussion while eating.

"Why'd he asked us to stay here instead of going to the location now?"-Ideo

"Who knows, he didn't tell us anything other than gathering in this place."-Cavendish

"If we don't sail soon we won't reach the location in 2 days. Even 2 days seem impossible with these many ships."-Orlumbus

"Are you doubting Jon-senpai's words, huh? He is the brain of Straw Hats, there's no way he'll do something that will make us lose."-Bartolomeo

"Then how will we reach that place in 2 days? We even sail as fast as we could to reach this place in a few days."-Sai

"I-i don't know."-Bartolomeo

"Let's just believe in him, he must have his way. Who knows what someone like him can do?"-Hajrudin

"Yeah, we can't tell what someone who defeat the strongest creature capable to do."-Ideo

"Still, i couldn't believe he defeat Kaido alone. Even Big Boss defeat Big Mom by himself too. Shouldn't they get higher bounties?"-Sai

"Their bounties are already higher than Blackbeard, so i think that's enough. Even the WG won't believe that they defeat 2 Emperors alone. So their current bounties are reasonable."-Cavendish

"You're right, but after this war, it will surely raise. Even we might get higher bounties."-Orlumbus

"You're right."-Bartolomeo grin

"Will i get a bounty too?"-Leo

"Maybe, if they can see you that is."-Sai

"I'll make sure they see me, then i will get bounty and be the real pirate."-Leo

"Ooh, that's a good spirit. Then, let's prepare ourselves for this war, we don't want to disappoint our Big Boss right?"-Hajrudin

"Yeah, they've grow so much stronger in a short time. We can't get left behind too much and embarass them."-Ideo

The Grand Fleet then start to train for 2 days and prepare themselves. They will make sure that they'll win this war.

~On Momoiro Island, Kamabakka Kingdom~

The Revolutionary also prepare themselves, and Sabo has recovered now. This Kingdom's foods are really good and make the ones who eat it gain a lot of energy. It also hasten cells regeneration, so that's why Sabo can recover fast.

Sabo now train hard, because he don't want to lose again. He need to master his devil fruit fast and be stronger. His appearance on the war will surely shock everyone. No one have discovered Zetsu that disguised as Sabo till this day.

"I need to grow stronger. Even Luffy & Jon might be stronger than me now, so i can't lose. I am the big brother, so i won't be weaker than my little brothers."-Sabo even count Jon as little brother

It's not just Sabo that train himself, but also other Revolutionaries. This might be their last work as Revolutionary Army, so they will do it perfectly. If they win, they live & create a new world, if they lose, they die.

~On Wano~

The Straw Hats also train themselves since Jon leave. Luffy train his Conqueror coat attack. Zoro train his conqueror control & his new sword. Sanji train using his raid suit to maximize it's potential, even though he don't want it.

Jinbe train his Fishman Karate further. Usopp now keep training his Observation haki. Franky create new weapons with the data he got from Jon, it's RA's research on Pacifista. Brook train his power through his songs. Then Chopper train his monster point, he want to surpass the current time limit.

Nami train by sparring with Vivi, both are staff users now, just different type. Nami's staff can do weather tricks & extend, while Vivi's staff is 3 section staff. Nami's staff actually have Zeus' soul in it now, after he almost get killed by Big Mom.

"It seem you need to use your devil fruit, Vivi, or i will win easily."-Nami

"You're right, let me show you my power."-Vivi

Vivi start to transform and she become an Archangel. She have 6 white wings, a golden halo on her head, and she become 3 meters high.

"It's beautiful, but i won't lose."-Nami

They continue their sparring, while Robin watch from the side, reading her books. She's the only one who look the most relaxed the most among them. But she actually train her power, she create clones and use them to train like Jon.

Jane is training her gun shooting, and with her calculation ability, it is a piece of cake. She still have the system power like scan, inventory, or computer's high speed calculation, so she can be overpower actually.

Everyone else also train on their own with their own training method. They'll maximize these 2 days to be as strong as possible. Losing is not an option in this war, it's either live or die, and with that, 2 days passed.

"It's time."-Jon/Luffy/Dragon