
The shapes of the nightmares to come

Our main character gets thrown into Warhammer 40k with the collective knowledge of fallout, Wolfenstein, halo, mass Effect, and Factorio. And with some incredible friends. and he either fucking dies, or he gets his big boy pants and makes an imperium that the emperor would be proud of

birght12121 · Khác
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Updates and cancellations

So I originally planned on trying to finish the shapes of the nightmares to come, and that was pretty much a failure. I honestly lost interest, and I got a bad case of writer's block. So The shapes of the nightmares to come and atomic punk are currently canceled.

But I had an idea for a multi-cross including various factions from different franchises, including mass effect, Halo, SSB, Alien, and a heavily AU version of three-body problem humanity. With our protagonists being The think tank, Isaac Clark, and our SI, and of course they have lovely advantages like Dead space humanities technology and fallout humanities technology, with the only other thing they'll be getting is a planet cracker class ship from dead space presumably of the same make of the Ishimura from dead space one and two.

The story is called, Galaxy gone weird