
Chapter 30

"Of course! I will escort you personally. Guards! Prepare my personal ship for your emperor." The queen said with a bright smile thinking it's her chance. Ashborn smiled at her enthusiasm, He already knows her intentions and he will be sure to make her unable to walk in the morning. But suddenly a frown appeared on his face which caused the queen, Demiurge, and the advisors to tense up thinking they made a mistake.

"...How troublesome, Galactus or not this planet would've been doomed anyway, As ego already set his eyes on this planet. He already planted one of his 'Seeds' on this planet to make it an extension of himself." Ashborn revealed which quite shocked the queen and her people.

Although she doesn't know much who this ego is or Galactus as she only knows about them from history books that the royal family has. But she knows that they are an absolutely huge threat to their civilization. She thought her people only had to watch out for those kidnappers but it seems like she was totally wrong. The universe won't let her have a break. So as queen she has to do all she can do to ensure her people will survive.

Suddenly queen Caterling knelt in front of Ashborn: "Oh Great Lord Ashborn, The Shadow Monarch and the Supreme Emperor Of The Blackheart Empire Please protect your humble subjects from the threats approaching it." Her sudden action stunned her people for a second but after hearing their queen pleading they two knelt for Ashborn showing their sincerity.

Looking at the kneeling queen and her people, Ashborn showed a smile and said: "You are a Good Queen, but you are mistaking something. You do not need to kneel to get what is yours and your kingdom's right. As long as you are under The Blackheart Empire you are her Emperor's subjects and it's the duty of the emperor to protect his subjects. So for all the threats that come asking for trouble in my empire..." With deep glowing eyes and a majestic aura: "... Peaceful death will be the universe's blessing to them." Making a grabbing motion Ashborn's hand started to glow purple and with a calm yet loud voice he said, "... Ruler's Authority."

Then the planet started to shake and cracks started to appear on the room's floor and from it, a white and sticky looking 'thing' (Not what your thinking) that is in the shape of a huge ball appeared. Ashborn then closed his knuckles resulting in the seed being crushed turning it to nothing.

"... Haah, Now what about that welcome that I have been promised." Ashborn said with a smile while shaking the imaginary dirt from his hands. His words seem to wake them up from their stunned condition. Hell, even Demiurge was stunned a bit.

"R-Right away my emperor. " The queen was the first one to speak, gesturing for him to follow her to the ship she ordered her servant to bring.

~~ A couple of hours later~~

After a long trip around the planet and the queen showing him around and having dinner outside under Ashborn's request, who the queen happily obliged, they finally came back to the palace and it was around nighttime: "...My lord, If you please follow these servants, they will lead you to your room." The queen said with a smile, trying to hide her lust, disappointment, and sadness.

"Alright, it's been a fun night but ... '' Ashborn then leaned to her ear and whispered: "...The night is still young so why don't you head to my chamber in a bit and we will have real fun."

Hearing him Caterling got excited and understood his message resulting in her nodding happily. Ashborn then followed the servants to his chamber, not forgetting to wink to his new lover. Arriving at his room Ashborn directly headed to the futuristic-looking shower and took a shower, changed into more comfortable clothes that he summoned from his inventory, and headed to his bed, Only to find a familiar-looking scene. A queen in his bed while covering herself: "... It's Deja Vu all over again. The last time it was blue, now it's pink. Only god knows what her skin's color will be next." He muttered under his breath and started his nightly activities.