
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

The Dual Elementalist

「Entry log:508,

Although this is a rare case, there are several who possess more than one element. For example, I knew a guy who could manipulate both fire and water. But I have heard many like him usually die during their awakening. It's unfortunate. The cause is mainly the elements they possess are of opposite attributes which creates an internal conflict inside the body of the awakener. So the question that came to my mind was, how did he successfully awaken? When I asked him he told me that there is a simple solution. You just need to use an artifact that can be used with the elements the awakener is awakening with...」

"It's a huge discovery. Now we have a way to deal with this type of situation," said Jefferson.

"I will read out the rest later. There isn't any necessary information in that part anyway," said Jason.

"Alright. You go do what you have to. Me and my team will keep working to restore the other five as soon as possible."

Jason hurried back to his study and called Reina and Greg. Both of them guessed Jason had good news from the look on his face.

"When will the supplies from the blood bank arrive?" Jason asked Reina.

"Tonight," replied Reina.

"And is the chamber ready?" Jason asked Greg.

"It will be in a few hours. We will be almost out of moonstones after this," said Greg.

"Well, a year after there will be plenty everywhere... Ohh by the way, can you tell someone to get Julia's sword?" Jason asked.

"Alright. But why her sword?" Reina asked.

"You will know tonight."

Reina and Greg left the room after that and went back to their work.

Later that night, Reina came to Jason to tell him that the supplies from the blood bank had arrived.

"Do you need me to bring you a bag?" Reina asked.

"I won't be taking any this time. All of it will be used to create the blood barrier."

Reina didn't say anything and went close to his table and put supply records on the table.

"I know the situation you are in. But you should also take a few steps back sometimes otherwise you might trip," said Reina looking into his eyes.

"I will keep that in mind."

" *sigh* There's no convincing you."

"Come, it's almost time, isn't it? Let's go to the lab."

They both went downstairs. Julia was waiting for Jason.

"Are you feeling alright?" Jason asked Julia.

"Yes," replied Julia.

"Don't worry. I will be here monitoring everything till everything is over."

After that Julia was put inside a chamber. Unlike the stasis chamber that was used to keep the awakeners condition stable, this chamber does the opposite.

The huge amount of moonstones constantly supplies aether inside the chamber to the awakener's body and causes an artificial overload. But unlike the natural overload that happens sometimes, the artificially created one can be controlled by controlling the external aether supply. This opens up the aether channels inside the body of the person going through forceful awakening.

When a person naturally awakens aether channels are created automatically inside their bodies like how blood circulates through veins and arteries, aether also needs its own path to circulate inside an awakener's body. One of the many reasons why overload happens is because sometimes some of the aether channels inside an awakener's body remain closed.

In Julia's case, as she possesses two elements, her forceful awakening is to create a secondary aether channel inside her body which will make sure the two elements don't clash with each other.

"Is everything ready?" Jason asked Greg.

"They are. Waiting for your command," said Greg.

"Then let us begin the awakening of the first dual Elementalists of this era," said Jason.

Usually the stasis fluid is used inside this chamber too. But this time they replaced it with the supplies that came from the blood bank. It was a highly concentrated blood. Unlike regular blood it was way thicker and it didn't contain any genetic bodies.

"So this was your idea of a blood barrier? I thought it might be like those from fantasy stories," said Reina.

"Sorry to disappoint. It's just the name that's confusing. That's what he used to call it," said Jason.

"So, what will it do?" Reina asked.

"Some of the blood will be used to construct the secondary aether channel and the others will prevent any overload that might happen."

"Ohh and here's the sword. What will you do with it?"

"After the blood consumption is done the sword will be put inside the chamber as well. What happens after that... That will be a bit hard to explain in words. It's better to see it for yourself."

After some of the blood got absorbed into Julia's body her sword was put inside the chamber as well. Like previously when Julia went through an overlap, she was once again surrounded by waves of light and darkness. It was as if the thick red blood changed its color. And the sword disappeared.

As time went by, the waves of light and darkness also started to dissipate.

"It's a success," said one of the researchers.

"Alright, let's wrap things up," said Greg.

"So that's what you meant. You could have said so," said Reina.

"I found it a bit childish myself when I first heard about it from him," said Jason.

Julia was brought out from the chamber and shifted to her room. She was still unconscious.

"You should stay with her. She would be happy to see you after opening her eyes," said Reina.

"Well, I did promise her I will be monitoring everything after all."

While Jason was leaving to head towards Julia's room, he stopped at the door and turned back.

"I know you kept a bag aside. Bring it to me after you are done here," said Jason.


Character Profile : Jason

(Information so far)


Name : Jason

Current Age : 22

Element : None

Height : 5'11"

Hair Color : White

Eye Color : Red

Affiliation : Leader of a secret organization

Relics : Currently Unknown

Abilities : Can manipulate his blood, ...

Special Traits : Currently Unknown

A pale-skinned boy with white hair and red eyes. At first glance, anyone will think he is anemic. The leader of a secret unnamed organization. Likes to have total control over a situation. Planning something big which is currently unknown.

Seems to know a lot about awakening. Can manipulate his blood, but other details are still unknown.