
14. Desperate Soul!

Henry's pov

What to say her now? I just don't know why is she so curious to know these things and moreover from where the fuck she always comes up with the new words?

"Tell me?" She asked

I stood in front of her taking a deep breathe

"Who told you about this?" I asked

"No one I was talking to my friend she mentioned and I got to know" She said

"I am teaching you right? I will include this in the list" I said

"No I want to know now only tell me" She said being stubborn

"I said I will teach you later let's just go with the flow"

"Henry you know I am a curious soul I will think about it until I get to know so tell me" she said and I sighed

I held her hand moving close to her

"Do you want to know?" I asked and she nodded "Fine then"

I put her hand on my dick

"Can you feel this?" I asked while she nodded lightly "Sucking it through mouth is called blowjob"

She immediately withdraw her hand while I chuckled

"What happened now?" I asked