
The Scarlet Gift

In a modern world veiled by shadows and steeped in secrets, ordinary lives are but mere illusions. Beneath the surface, dark forces stir, waiting for the opportune moment to consume all. Caught in this sinister underbelly is Alex Walker, a downtrodden young man living a life of despair and monotony. Alex's fate takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon a mystical artifact, the Blood Rune, and is bestowed with a chilling power: hemomancy—the control of blood. This arcane system within him grants him access to a blood-soaked world hidden from the eyes of ordinary mortals. However, this newfound gift comes with a sinister twist. Alex is now bound to a sinister, enigmatic entity known as the "Crimson Specter," a malevolent presence that hungers for power and revels in suffering. As he navigates this treacherous path, Alex realizes that his every action has consequences, and the line between hero and villain becomes increasingly blurred. To survive in this dark and perilous realm, Alex must harness his hemomantic abilities to combat grotesque abominations, ruthless cabals, and power-hungry sorcerers who seek to exploit his unique gifts. Alongside him is an unlikely group of allies, each harboring their own secrets and dark pasts. As Alex delves deeper into the twisted world of hemomancy, he uncovers a web of ancient conspiracies, forgotten bloodline legacies, and a prophecy that foretells the end of humanity. With the Crimson Specter's influence growing stronger, Alex must make impossible choices, confront his inner demons, and ultimately decide whether to be a savior or a harbinger of doom. In "The Scarlet Gift," a tale of dark fantasy, horror, and sacrifice unfolds in a modern world where blood is both a weapon and a curse. Alex Walker's journey will test his limits, as he grapples with the morality of his powers and battles for the very survival of a world teetering on the edge of darkness.

CJRavencent · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

The Price of Survival

My alliance with the Crimson Specter grew stronger. The enigmatic presence, which I now referred to as "Crimson," had become a constant companion in my life. We navigated the intricacies of hemomancy together, honing my abilities to a razor's edge.

But I had no illusions about becoming a hero. I had no desire to protect the balance or uphold some lofty ideal. My journey into the world of hemomancy was driven by one simple goal: survival. I knew my connection with Crimson came at a price, and I was determined to feed its hunger on my terms.

On a cold, moonless night, I first confronted supernatural threats in the modern world. I had been walking through a deserted alley, my senses attuned to the ebb and flow of life forces around me, when I felt an evil presence lurking in the shadows.

My heart quickened as I cautiously moved forward, my hemomantic powers ready. The alley was bathed in darkness, but I could sense the presence drawing nearer, its life force tainted with malice.

Without warning, a figure materialized before me, its form twisted and grotesque. It was a creature of nightmares, a denizen of the supernatural world I had only read about in folklore—an abomination born from the darkest corners of human fear.

Its eyes glowed with a sinister light as it advanced, its movements unnaturally fluid. "You're not like the others," it hissed, its voice a chilling rasp. "You reek of power. A power I intend to claim."

My heart pounded as I faced the supernatural threat before me. I knew that I had the upper hand and that my hemomantic abilities gave me an advantage. Still, I also knew that Crimson hungered for the essence of life, and I had a choice to make.

The abomination lunged at me, its claws slashing through the air, but I reacted with lightning speed. With a thought, I immobilized the creature, rendering it powerless. It struggled and writhed, but it was no match for the power of hemomancy.

As I stood there, the abomination at my mercy, I felt Crimson's presence intensify. It watched the scene with burning eyes, its hunger palpable. I knew what I had to do.

With grim determination, I reached out with my hemomantic powers, probing the abomination's life force. It pulsed within me a dark and evil energy. I could feel the creature's essence, tainted by unspeakable horrors.

I made my choice. With a surge of power, I drew on the abomination's life force, siphoning it into myself. The creature's struggles grew weaker, its life force dimming like a dying ember.

As the abomination's essence flowed into me, I could feel Crimson's hunger being sated. It was a dark and unsettling sensation, like a ravenous beast being fed. I knew I had taken a life, which weighed heavily on my conscience.

But I also knew I had to do whatever it took to survive in this world of supernatural threats. I couldn't afford to be a hero, to protect the balance or the innocent. I had to defend myself, and if that meant feeding Crimson the essence of those who threatened me, then so be it.

As the last vestiges of the abomination's life force faded away, leaving nothing but a lifeless husk, I released my hold on the creature. It crumpled to the ground, a grim reminder of my choices.

Crimson materialized beside me, its eyes burning with a satisfied gleam. "You have taken your first step on the path of survival," it said, its voice a whisper that sent shivers down my spine. "In this world of darkness, there are no heroes, only those who live to see another day."

I nodded, my resolve firm. I had embraced my role as a wielder of hemomantic power, a survivor in a world teeming with supernatural threats. I would continue to feed Crimson to sate its hunger; in return, it would grant me the guidance and protection I needed.

As I walked away from the lifeless abomination, I couldn't help but wonder what other supernatural horrors lurked in the shadows of the modern world. I was no hero, but I was a force to be reckoned with, a dark presence that would stop at nothing to ensure my survival.

And as long as Crimson and I remained bound together by the essence of life itself, there was no telling what we could achieve in this world of supernatural intrigue and peril.

As the weeks passed, I found myself drawn deeper into the hidden world of the supernatural. Crimson became my guide, leading me to places and encounters I could never have imagined.

One night, we ventured into the heart of the city's underground, where a secret society of witches and warlocks held clandestine gatherings. They sensed the power within me and welcomed me into their fold, eager to harness my hemomantic abilities for their purposes.

Under Crimson's guidance, I learned to channel my powers in ways I had never thought possible. I could manipulate blood to create intricate patterns and symbols, unleashing spells and hexes that could bend reality to my will. The witches and warlocks became my mentors, teaching me the ancient arts of blood magic that had been passed down through generations.

But the price of knowledge was steep. The society demanded payment in the form of sacrifices—innocent lives offered to sate the hunger of dark entities that dwelled in the shadows. It was a price I was unwilling to pay, and I found myself at odds with my newfound mentors.

Crimson and I slipped away from society, our alliance growing stronger daily. I was not interested in becoming a pawn in their dark games, and I knew there were other paths to power.

As I honed my hemomantic abilities, I encountered other supernatural threats that roamed the modern world. Werewolves that prowled the streets on full-moon nights, ghouls that feasted on the flesh of the living, and restless spirits that sought vengeance in the realm of the living.

Each encounter was a test of my skills and resolve. I learned to adapt and use my powers creatively to overcome these threats. I was no hero but a survivor and would do whatever it took to protect myself.

One night, as I faced off against a particularly vicious pack of werewolves, I decided. I would feed Crimson the essence of these supernatural threats, not out of a sense of moral obligation but as a pragmatic choice. Their life forces were tainted by darkness, and I would use them to strengthen myself and my spectral companion.

The battle was fierce, the werewolves formidable opponents, but I held my ground. I defeated them individually with a combination of hemomantic spells and quick thinking. As their life forces drained away, I felt Crimson's hunger being sated.

The specter materialized beside me, its eyes burning with a satisfied gleam. "You have learned well, Alex," it said, its voice a whisper that echoed in the depths of my mind. "In this world of supernatural threats,

  survival is paramount. We will continue to feed on the essence of our enemies, growing stronger with each encounter."

I nodded, my determination unwavering. I had embraced my role as a survivor in this dark and treacherous world. I was no hero, but I was a force to be reckoned with, a dark presence that would stop at nothing to ensure my survival.

As I walked away from the defeated werewolves, I knew that the modern world held countless secrets and dangers, and I was ready to face them all. The essence of life bound Crimson and me together, and we would carve our path through the shadows.