
The Saiyan Sect

Chen Kai is a young man betrayed and abandoned by those who he once loved, receives the opportunity to join a sect that only a few know, reigned by a legend, he will choose the path of power or he will search for his disappeared parents?

Burst17 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

The beginning of the Third Phase

Time seems to be unclear, neither Chen Kai nor Nameless knows how much time has passed as the pain was the only thing in their minds, even if they fell unconscious of it, they would wake up after a couple of seconds thanks to the amount of pain that seems to be increasing with each passing hour

They were unable to move yet, but at least something positive came from all of this as in a moment of lesser pain Chen Kai noticed something ' What's this.... this is... it's my arm...? ' He could feel his right arm once again, he still couldn't move it, but at least he could move his fingers slightly. Chen Kai was very happy until the pain invaded his body once again, making him clench his fists and open his eyes widely to then fall unconscious once again as for Nameless, he recovered his lost eye, but he ended up unconscious just like Chen Kai

More and more time passed, hours turned into days, days into weeks, weeks into months, and they hadn't received any news from the ones outside, meaning that this would take a very long time, recently the place seemed to tremble, neither of them could know why is that, besides, a silhouette seems to come to check them it doesn't come regularly it comes a couple of times a day, and they couldn't know if it was Shallot or Fannel

But one day the pain began to fade away, slowly but surely until it disappeared completely, so now they could open their eyes without the pain invading their bodies

' Is it over? ' Thought Chen Kai as he opened his eyes, but still, he couldn't see the outside thanks to the green liquid ' No yet? ' Thought once again, but suddenly the silhouette appeared, and *BANG* it hit the container making the water inside shake, the silhouette disappeared and the moment it did the water began to drain from up to down at a great speed

When the water was gone Chen Kai could see outside, he saw Fannel and Shallot standing outside, Fannel was Watching in his direction with a serious expression and Shallot was leaning on an empty container with his arms crossed watching them with a frowning expression

Chen Kai also noticed that all the containers that previously had people were empty meaning that he and Nameless were the last ones to complete this phase, that's a bad signal, no?

Then, the containers open, and as it does, every cable connected to their bodies retracts back, and *PAM* " Ugh " Chen Kai and Nameless fall face to the ground unable to stop their fall at all

Chen Kai and Nameless were unable to move at all, then they heard Fannel say " Your bodies suffered a major change, it's normal that you can't move yet, your muscles aren't atrophied, you don't need to worry about it, but it will take you a few minutes to do so "

Chen Kai and Nameless still on the ground move their heads with difficulty to see them, while Shallot walks near them and with a vicious grin he says " You managed to survive the whole process, It seems that the 'training' I gave you was worth it "

Chen Kai and Nameless frowned the moment Shallot said that and both of them thought the same thing ' You called that beating a training? You crazy bastard '

Then Nameless says with difficulty " How much… Time… Has passed " His voice sounds coarse, even though he was a little bit surprised by it

Shallot and Fannel grin then Shallot says " Congratulations you withstand 2 years of horrible pain without dying, you should be proud of it "

Both Nameless and Chen Kai opened their eyes wide with shock, unable to believe what they heard, so Chen Kai whispered " Two...two years? " He was in a worse state of mind than Nameless, after all, he thought that at this point, he could have already found his parents and even gotten to talk with Ying Yue, but he had been in this place for two years, two years without managing to do something

Chen Kai clenches his fists and tries to stand and as he is doing that Fannel says " What? Do you believe that such great power could be obtained overnight without sacrifices? This kind of strength is already unusual for this world, everything has a process, but once it's finished the results will shake even those who have known you for life "

Chen Kai was now standing, he didn't seem to be very convinced about what Fannel said yet, but when he was about to say anything Shallot told him " Why don't you put some attention on your bodies, you stupid brats? "

Suddenly " HAHAHA! " A very loud and rather maniacal laugh resounded in the place, Nameless made that laugh, so Fannel and Shallot turned to see him with smirking faces. Chen Kai turned to his left to see him and when he saw him he opened his eyes wide with surprise once again

Nameless suffered a drastic change in his appearance. He was taller and by a large margin at least he was 17 centimeters taller reaching a height of 1.78 meters, his body looked healthier and even more muscular than before, and his hair grew back, but now it was different, it was still short but now looks spikier and instead of being gray was black with some strands of gray hair, finally, his eyes were asymmetrical, the left one was onyx and the other one was light blue

" Haha, yes! I feel great, like never before! " Said Nameless with a wide grin as he was seeing his clenched fists

Chen Kai then observed his body and was surprised as well " No way! " He yelled after seeing his body, he wasn't fat, instead, he was very fit with a six-pack and his arms were strong like never before, he couldn't see the rest of the changes, but he was taller even more than Nameless (around 1.80 meters tall), his hair changed as well, it was still long but was black with some strands of light brown hair and a little bit spikier, the major change was his eyes they now were completely onyx they weren't emerald any longer if someone he knew saw him they will have a lot of trouble to recognize him

Their clothes don't fit them anymore so Fannel points at some wooden boxes next to the containers where they fell out and says " Get some clothes from there "

Chen Kai and Nameless approached their respective wooden box and when they opened they saw a pair of black shoes, and a black dogis, both of them removed their tattered clothes and wore their clothes " You see now you stupid brats? it wasn't a waste of time in there " Said Shallot with a grin

" Haha, now what?! " Said Nameless with a wide grin on his face as he stretched his arms and new clothes

Fannel then walks in front of them and says " First of all I will tell you your new names "

Chen Kai was reluctant but Nameless said " Alright " Fannel pointed at Nameless and said " You were assigned with the name of Callion "

Nameless grins coldly and says " Alright... then from now on, I will be known as Callion "

" And you... " Fannel says pointing at Chen Kai " You were assigned with the name of Dakon "

" ... " Chen Kai only nods thinking ' No, I can't use that name, I refuse to lose the name that my parents gave me '

Fannel frowns seeing him, it seems that he knows what he is thinking but instead of forcing him, he says with a grin " You can't use them if you don't want it, no one will force you to use those names " Then Callion says " So when we will start the Third Phase? "

Fannel moves away from them to lean in a crystal container as he says " What about, right now? You have adapted to the changes so fast, I'm a little surprised "

Then both Chen Kai and Callion saw Shallot with his guard up seeing both of them with fierce eyes, they raised their guards in panic, and Shallot yelled at them with a cold smile " Let's start the Third Phase brats!! Haha!! " Then *SWOOSH* Shallot disappeared where he was standing to appear behind them and *PUM* *PUM* " Agh! " " Ugh! " He punched their backs at the same time, sending them flying out of the small cavern directly to the wide cavern where the White Tiger resides

Fannel sees them leave with a grin on his face and whispers " The last two and the ones with the lowest potentials of the 5 survivors, well at least they didn't die like those 2 " Then he starts to walk towards the place they went " I will enjoy the show before ascending back, it's been a while since I had a good fight "