
The Saiyan Sect

Chen Kai is a young man betrayed and abandoned by those who he once loved, receives the opportunity to join a sect that only a few know, reigned by a legend, he will choose the path of power or he will search for his disappeared parents?

Burst17 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs


The three elders were heading very fast toward Zhihao City, they were in a hurry to deliver the news or to keep a good distance between themselves and Tercres, neither of them was 100% sure that Tercres would stay still despite his words


While running Lin Wu who joined them when he put down the formation looked at Elder Jin who was running ahead of them and with a face full of doubt he said " Elder Jin, can I ask you why you gave that brat the artifact? "

" I want the answer as well, Elder Jin, isn't that artifact very important, I mean it was given to us by the Supreme Elder himself, besides the loss of Elder Meng, how can we explain this to the Supreme Elder " Elder Rong said with a nervous yet serious expression while he saw Elder Jin at his left side

Elder Jin narrows his eyes a little " Mmm... the loss of one of us had to happen, we underestimated that brat despite the Supreme Elder's warnings I will take full responsibility for that, and besides, the artifact was indeed valuable but we trade it for our lives, we have some useful information about those brats that maybe even the Supreme Elder didn't know, I'm sure of that, besides the Supreme Elder told me that the artifact was important, yes, but our purpose was doomed to fail since the other freak helped Chen Kai we were destined to die and lose the artifact anyway, so we are lucky that we still could leave the place alive "

Elder Xuegang opens his eyes wide and says " I haven't thought about it "

Then Elder Jin continues saying with a very serious expression " Those monsters are as dangerous as the Supreme Elder said, it isn't surprising that they are the legacy of the Golden Tyrant "

" WHAT?! " The four Elders couldn't help to yell at the words of Elder Jin then Elder Rong asks with a face full of disbelief " How is that possible?! Chen Kai wasn't so outstanding! Even his family background is not worth mentioning besides the old patriarch Chen Yun, Chen Kai's father?! "

Elder Jin nods slightly and says " True, but still, Chen Yun never showed something similar to the Golden Tyrant's abilities, even with his tremendous potential, he could never get near to the abilities that the Golden Tyrant was supposed to have in those legends, even by how dumb they sounded those abilities they were true and all of you saw Chen Kai use something very close to them "

" Those energy attacks, right Elder Jin? " Elder Guanyu said with a very serious expression

Elder Jin nods with a serious expression again " Yes, even if the brat Chen Kai is weak, his attacks can cause great destruction and damage, the same as the histories of the Golden Tyrant said "

Then Lin Wu said with a very serious expression " Elder Jin, are you trying to say that the Chen clan is part of the legacy of the Golden Tyrant? And Chen Kai is the one who received most of that legacy by being trained by the other one like him? "

Elder Jin shook his head slightly and said " Mmm... I don't think so, let's forget it for the moment, we have to arrive fast " The rest of the Elders nodded and they ran through the forest


Meanwhile, in a very far place, a young blond veiled woman opened her teal eyes slowly. The woman was sitting at a table, she looked very beautiful despite the veil that covered her face, that and her alluring body make her look like a goddess thanks to the White dress she uses

The woman frowns slightly and whispers " One of the artifacts has been destroyed, which means that one of those demons tried to use it " Then she smirks with disdain whispering " Fools, they are just as stupid as my teacher said, they will never be able to track me here "

Suddenly a knock came on the door near her together with a young man's voice that said " Little fairy, are you awake? "

The young woman looks at the door with an uninterested look and then she says " I told you not to bother me when I'm in my room "

" I-I know, but I really missed you since that night we spent together, I can't take you out of my mind " The young man's voice sounded a little nervous even desperate

The young woman smiles coldly and with a charming voice she says " Ok, wait for me in the courtyard "

" Alright " Responded the young man with a soft voice but still he sounded very happy and as the steps of the young man were leaving the young woman stood from the chair as she thought ' Those old fools, were a bad choice, if I want to kill as many of those demos as I can I have to make a wiser choice on my pawns, I can do anything myself or bad things are gonna happen '

The young woman smiles coldly and as she walks gracefully at the door she thinks ' Now with the help of this fool, I will achieve my teacher's main objective, maybe I could kill one of them in the process '

And with that, the young woman leaves the place


" Hey wake up! " Tercres said as he kicked the still unconscious Chen Kai in the stomach

" Ugh... " Chen Kai makes a pained expression but he still hasn't woke up so Tercres kicks him softly this time in the head " Come on, get up "

And finally, with that, Chen Kai woke up, he opened his eyes slowly and sat on the ground grabbing his sore throat, and then with a horse voice, he said " Agh, what happened? "

Tercres raises his eyebrow with doubt and says " Don't you remember? The old man called Elder Jin used a powerful poison against us, I was fine but you fell unconscious after that, you know you have very little resistance against poisons as well, I have to say that you are fortunate to still be alive "

Chen Kai was shocked then he frowned and grits his teeth in frustration

Tercres looking at Chen Kai on the ground closes his eyes and shakes his head to then say " Anyway, there was something fishy about them "

Chen Kai raised his head to look at Tercres with doubt saying " Fishy? What do you mean? "

" Do you remember that artifact they had? It seems that they can track you by using it, and not only that it seems that they can track me as well, which means that they could track any member of the sect, the doubt will be how far that artifact can track us, but well that artifact it's gone anyway " Said Tercres with a serious expression

" What? Why? " Said Chen Kai with a surprised expression

" I took the artifact from them but when I tried to use it it turned into dust " Tercres answered him with a serious expression

" How is that possible? It had some defense mechanism when someone else tried to use it? " Chen Kai said with a serious expression

" It had to be that, but I think it could be more profound than that " Tercres with a hand in his chin answers him

" Why? " Chen Kai again was in doubt hearing Tercres

Tercres looked at Chen Kai's expression and then he shook his head to say " Forget it, the artifact is gone and I doubt they have more of them that artifact looks too complicated for people like them "

" I see... " Chen Kai had the same doubtful expression wanting to ask more but he decided to leave that aside for the moment

Tercres keeps his calm expression but he is very curious about all of this ' That artifact disintegrated when I put some of my ki in it, that means that no one in our sect can use it to track the one who made it, someone is aware of our sect, but Cado told me that no one should know about our existences besides putting some things together with the legend of the Golden Tyrant '

Tercres then sees Chen Kai who is still getting up ' That person has targeted this guy for an unknown reason, should I report this to Cado or Fannel when I see them? ' Then he shook his head slightly ' No... it doesn't matter, this guy doesn't have the strength or even the conviction to travel this path, he surely will quit or worse '

Chen looked at Tercres' serious expression and couldn't help to say " What? " unknown to him what he was thinking then Tercres said " Should we leave now? "

Chen Kai looks at Tercres with surprise and says " You are still coming with me? "

Tercres nods slightly to say " Yes, I told you before, I need to learn how to break this bottleneck, so I will investigate every one of the members of the sect if that's necessary"

" ...." Chen Kai frowns seeing him and after a few seconds, he says " Alright then " Despite the resentment he had against Tercres for putting him in an unfair fight he still helped him in the end so having him around a little bit more wouldn't be so bad, right?

A few weeks have passed since the battle against the elders and the loss of the artifact. Tercres still has been following Chen Kai he doesn't seem to want to leave soon but now after the fight, Chen Kai doesn't seem to be bothered about his presence, besides, he had learned a couple of things from him, it seems that one of the gems will give him the technique to fly that and Tercres by his own has learned to hide his presence by just looking at Cado, Shallot, and Fannel in Chen Kai's opinion Tercres is a monster

' Xinwei city must be close by, I can feel multiple presences already, just a little more and I will be able to see Yue ' Chen Kai thought with a grinning face a face that Tercres couldn't see thanks to that he was still walking behind him hiding his head with the hood of his robe

Then Tercres speaks " Remember me, where are we going? "

Chen Kai answers without turning around " Xinwei city, I have to see someone there "

Both were walking in the middle of a city wearing hoods and robes to pass undercover. The city was quite vast and concurrent, people on the streets were selling and buying stuff, from food to small Life Gems, and most of those who were buying were wearing the same clothes meaning that all of them came from a sect near or inside the city

As they walked Chen Kai responded to Tercres with a frowning expression " We are in Xinwei city, I have to go to the Xiao Sect to meet someone " Chen Kai wanted to get rid of Tercres, despite that he was helpful in the previous battle, he was the cause of it, he doesn't want to start a fight again against opponents that could take his life any time they wanted like Elder Jin who almost killed him

" Mmm " Tercres snorts as he keeps walking behind Chen Kai

Chen Kai decided to ignore him for the time being, he had something to do here, something very important that he had been waiting to do since everything started ' Ying Yue should be in the sect, they won't allow me to enter if I'm not a member of the Xiao sect, I need to find another way to enter '

Yes, Chen Kai was in this city just for Ying Yue, he hasn't given up on her, he still believes that she and he can mend things up, even after what she did to him, after all, she could be the last thing he could have of his life, a life that had been broken in pieces since his parents left him