
The rise of the King cobra

Alabast Alejandro was a famous hitman named Cobra many people would hire him because of the way he delt with the target. He would use snake venom in every assassination, but the venom he uses has no antidote. One day as he was about to die, he noticed that a son of one of his targets that he killed came to him to avenge his father. He did nothing but let the man kill him. As he floated in the void a god was amused on his technique to kill and decided to give him a chance to live once more. The god gave him a companion to help him in the world of Cyberpunk 2077, Alabast had heard of the game but never had the chance to play it. Though he did not care, since he will continue to kill till the day, he die's

Nether_Ark · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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Arrival and explanation

As soon as I fell through the portal, I fell unconscious not knowing where I'll end up. I soon felt heat on my body and tried to force my eyes to open, I saw a clear sky with clouds floating in the sky at random.

I then moved my fingers to have my sense of movement back and slowly moved the rest of my body, it took me what felt like an hour until I could sit myself up and look at my surroundings. I was at a place that looked like a junkyard with piles of metal and corpses around me, I was surprised because I couldn't smell any type of decomposing from the bodies.

I then decided to approach one of the corpses and search for some belongings, all I found were some weird chip's, a gun and what looked like an inhaler. I understood what the chip's where for, but I didn't understand why the man had an inhaler in his pocket. While I was still wondering about the inhaler, I noticed something behind the man's head, I moved it slightly and saw what looked like a Jack and two slots on the back of his head.

'Weird, what could these be for?' I soon heard a hiss of a snake and remembered that the God gave me a companion before I was transported to this world. I then turned towards the snake and saw that it was entirely made of metal. The entire body was also black while the spine itself was exposed and had multiple holes on it, and the head had the figure of a king cobra, the underside had flaps to help it move around.

The length of the snake reached five feet long and it was only one foot wide, I placed my hand near the snake, and it crawled up my arm and wrapped around my neck, I then felt the snake insert something in the back of my head and a screen then appeared in front of me.

It soon started to tell me that the God took care of my Identity, birth certificates, and eddies. It then explained that I have a Jack to share information through a cable, and the two slots are used for planning and for ownership for some things. It also explained that I already have 'chrome' in my body. I then paused the video and noticed that my arms are no longer organic and had cybernetic implants inside them.

I activated them, and out came two swords that were producing heat on the edges on the blade. I then deactivated them and continued the video. It then went to explain the snake, as the God said it has the venom that I created to kill my targets, the only difference is that it cannot be found by any scientific method. It also explained that I can mentally command it to do specific tasks and see through its eyes.

It also can create more copies of itself and adjust its size to enter vents and other places, as long as there is enough iron to consume, they can also steal the chrome from corpses to upgrade itself to become more efficient and can use the chrome themselves, I wanted to test it out so I told the snake to consume the Iron in the junk yard. The snake then launched itself from my neck and landed in the pile. I then heard metal being crushed by what sounded like a hydraulic press.

The snake then came out of the pile, but it was not alone a second snake of the same design appeared and both slithered their way onto me and rested their heads on my shoulders.

I then continued the video to see if there was more information about the snake. The spine can launch multiple darts containing the venom and the darts dissolve so that the authorities can't track the snake when it escapes. If anyone tries to hack the snake, the netrunner will be stunned for a whole day. What's even better is that I can hiss like a snake, and it will translate on what I want to say, I was happy to not write because I was having cramps when I wrote to my clients every single time.

The video then explains that I already have a place to live, and I have a vehicle to get there. I then called it to pick me up. After a few minutes it arrived, the car itself was black and the windows didn't show the inside, I entered the vehicle and soon the windows became transparent and showed the outside.

I was impressed on the technology that it had and wanted to test the speed. I slammed the gas pedal and felt myself being stuck to the chair. It felt amazing, the speed on this thing was faster than the car from my old world, and the controls were smother to. I then spent the next hour driving to the location of my new home, as I approached the city, I saw a sign with the words "Welcome to night city."

I then drove to my new home and saw the building; it had ten floors in total and the room I was staying in was at the top. So, I went to find a place to park the car and saw an underground parking lot. Inside where other vehicles that looked expensive, some had gold rims others were like my car but were white. I then made my way towards the elevator and pushed the top floor. I then exited the elevator and saw a door that led to my new home.

Inside the home was a large living room with the couch in the middle while the tv was in front of it. The kitchen was to the side and had white tabletop and white cabinets. The bed was on the second floor and had a window viewing the entire city. I was impressed on the structure of the buildings. I then had the two snakes guard the window and the front door incase anyone tried to break in while I'm asleep.

I then tucked myself in for the night and mentally prepared myself for tomorrow, wondering who my first target will be.