What happens when you are betrayed by someone who is supposed to love you unconditionally. Harry is abandoned by James after Voldemort's attack .His twin brother is the BWL .He is adopted by Arcturus Black as his heir and takes on the name' Perseus Aeries ere will be fighting,family,heartbreak and above all ;quest for power.Powerful smart intelligent but lonely harry This story was written by itihas0 but was unfortunately abandoned. I will now take up the mantle and continue this great story. Stay tuned
The Potters have two sons
Harry is 4 year old when dark lord strikes
His younger brother (Charles ) is 15 months old, their grandmother Dorea Potter nee Black sacrifices herself instead of Lily and gives the similar protection to both the potters as given to Harry in canon
Charles becomes the boy who lived while Lily enters a coma due to magical backlash
Harry Potter is declared a squib and is abandoned by James Potter; is left at the doorsteps of the Dursleys who then leave him at an orphanage
And yes James would have a pretty good reason to do so, it won't be like those fics where James and lily starts neglecting harry in favor of the BWL Like In 'HARRY POTTER AND THE VEELA' and 'DEPRIEVED', I just can't understand the logic behind it, specially Lily, coz according to every source in canon , she is a very caring woman, and how can a mother do something like that to her child, so that idea doesn't sit well by me
He is latter adopted by Arcturus Black into the house of black and becomes the heir to the most noble and ancient house of Black , he will change his name to Perseus as is the tradition of black family to name children after stars or constellations ( no one really knows that he is Harry Potter, save a few)
He is an intelligent person who devotes his life to everything magic has to offer.He will travel to distant lands in his quest to learn more about his special powers .But he also realizes not everything in life has to do with magic and devotes his life to bettering himself.
His purpose to fulfill the promise he made to Arcturus black and to show James Potter that he is anything but a squib.
Charles is the boy-who-lived and raised in seclusion , away from the chaos and is unaware of the whole Boy-Who-Lived business as Lily wanted to give him a normal childhood. Dumbledore is initially furious with James for abandoning Harry but forgives him after he learns of the reason behind it.
Harry is independent, helpful, will not only dabble in both dark and light magic but will also excel at both. And will be aware of his heritage as Lord black.
In this story Perseus (Harry ) will be a nullifier and a Parseltongue and I will divulge more about this ability in the coming chapters
"kdhlhdsdhsdk"- Conversation
'gdgwkdfgksdhs' – Thoughts
An imposing, snakelike figure walked through the village of Godric's Hollow, people got out of his way even though they did not know who he was but still there was a speacial force around him. He walked around with an energy which transpired to everyone that he was powerful and dangerous. As he moved past the last Muggle house, he could feel the magic shrouding the house up ahead.
While he continued on he mused to himself he was lucky to have his spies so deeply entrenched in the Order and the circles of the two candidates of the prophecy.
Lord Voldemort was finally going to eliminate the last obstacle in his path to achieve his aim; to achieve what his mentor once did, to conquer Europe. His thoughts then wandered to his early days, time spent learning different aspects of magic ; he had travelled to north America first where he had learnt how to channel magic without a focus , there he had also learnt about some obscure potions , native Americans have mastered the art of potion making to a level way beyond what the wizards in Europe knew . although he was unable to convince any shaman to teach him their magic , much to his regret; shamans are after all the masters of soul magic , potions , rituals and even elemental magic and divination .
He had then travelled to Egypt and studied the obscure art of ancient warding and runes , along with ancient rituals . He had performed and even created rituals that had given him insane amount of strength.
He wanted to make his presence known in the world, to teach everyone that you do not have to rely on ones heritage to achieve greatness. He wished to conquer Europe but he knew that was no easy task as no one had been able to achieve it in 2 centureis. Grindlewald came close but he too was defeated.
But there were certain parts of Europe that were considered unconquerable. The nations that were under the protection of some extremely powerful wizards . First was England, which was protected by none other than Dumbledore . Then there was Velos , a only-wizard nation, but the commander in chief of the army of Velos was none other than Aristrodemos. Then came the city of Moria , a city under the impenetrable wards , even older than that of Hogwarts . But that was not all, the nation of Oceania was under the aegis of Arcturus Black the third himself , who was the steward of Oceania. And last of them was Olympia , the nation which had a mysteries force as its guardian , for the last 2 centuries no force has been able to put even a dent in the defense of Olympia . It was in Olympia only where Grindlewad was defeated for the first time, by whom no one knows, but Gridlewald did not attack Olympia again.
But he still knew he would not be able to match Dumbledore, or Arcturus black or Aristrodemos . they were too powerful plus they were unparalleled in their respective fields of magic . It was then that someone told him a rumour; that all these legendary wizards , Dumbledore, Arcturus Black , Aristrodemos, Grindlewald and a wizard Busirius were trained by one man .
Now Dumbledore, Arcturus Black, Aristrodemos , and Grindlewald were all accounted for, but there was nothing about the whereabouts of Busirius . he knew none of these wizards would teach him anything and it was then that he finally decided to seek out the one who turned these wizards in legends ; Aristaeus The Great.
The dark lord could not help but think of the meeting he had with a vampire in a small bar in Romania and what he had told him about Aristaeus .
Very little was known about ARISTAEUS , all he knew at that time was he was an extremely powerful wizard born somewhere in late 18th century. There were rumors that Aristaeus was from the line of, the legendary ancient Greek wizard, the titan Erebus. By the mid 18th century Aristaeus had conquered every single nation of the wizarding Europe and Asia singlehandedly, at that time the magical community of Europe and Asia was under the thumb of 21 dark lords. ARISTAEUS defeated them all and was declared as the strongest wizard of all time, some even compared him to the ancient wizards , while some considered him to be the second coming of his own ancestor, Erebus himself. Some said it was an act of revenge as one of the dark lords had killed his father.
They say he then fell in love with the princess of Velos , Alythia was her name.
It was then after some years that his brother in law's eldest son, Aristrodemos, a prince of Velos , approached Aristaeus and requested him to take him as his apprentice . But Aristaeus refused to do so stating that if he were to take Aristrodemos as his apprentice, he would then pass on his knowledge to his descendants , who could be corrupted by the power. And it was then, that Aristrodemos did the unthinkable and took the vow of celibacy along with a wow that he would never sit on the throne of Velos .
Impressed by his dedication, Aristaeus took his first apprentice and Aristrodemos went to become an extremely powerful wizard. And under his protection , the city of Velos has stood proud for the last century.
ARISTAEUS 's only child, his daughter then fell in love with Arcturus black the second, the heir of the house of black, it was discrete affair . The black heir then eloped with her which enraged Aristaeus to no end. In his rage he went to fight the black heir. Dozens of Blacks from all over the globe flew back to England to defend their house.
The Blacks were able to raise a massive army which consisted of wizards , werewolves , vampires , trolls, giants and even Dementors . About a hundred Blacks and the massive army faced the enraged Aristaeus on the battlefield . But it was all futile, Aristaeus almost ended the Black line that day , hundreds were slain . The soil was tainted red and that land, rendered barren by the destructive magic of Aristaeus is to this date known as the red field and that battle was known as the battle of TARTRUS. But at the end, his wife was able to convince him to forgive the Blacks and spare them and he married his daughter to Arcturus Black.
In the early nineteenth century Aristaeus took another apprentice , Gellert Grindlewald and Busirius , but also took Arcturus black the third as his student at the request of his daughter, who was Arcturus's grandmother . But then he later trained Albus Dumbledore and he successfully defeated Grindlewald . Arcturus Black went on to become the ruler of Ocenia after he defeated its king , and BUSIRIUS , well he just vanished from the face of this earth.
It was then that he himself approached Aristaeus , and ever the slytherin was able to convince Aristaeus to take him as his apprentice. After his education was complete, Aristaeus had proudly proclaimed that he was the only student of his who could match him in a duel.
He then decided to walk the path that his mentor as ventured, to conquer Europe, starting with England. He knew if one wished to wage war against other nations, its necessary to have an army ; but he was no king or ruler of a nation or a lord or even a commander of an army. Even Grindlewald had amassed a massive army .
He knew he would have to do the same. But he did not wished to recruit rogue criminals , he did not wish to fight an open war like Grindlewald , he decided to wage a phsycologyical war too. He knew he could not attack England as that would turn it into an international altercation and ICW will give aid to England. He then devised a strategy ; of devide and rule, the purebloods against the rest of England and that is why he activated his followers from Hogwarts and they became the first generation of his army , most of whom either held high positions in the ministry and had contacts or were either lord or heirs of most prominent houses, the Malfoys, Grabbe, Goyle, Lestrange, Rookwood, Parkinsons, he wanted to try and recruit the Blacks too but with Arcturus black as the lord Black, it was quite risky. But in the end he was able to recruit Regulus black and Belettrix Lestrange ne black who became his most faithful and fearful follower.
He still remember after the mysterious disappearance of Regulus Black, the lord Black had threatened him but did not fight him out of respect he held for their mentor and a fool's notion that fighting a fellow student of Aristaeus would be an insult to him.
He had then sent his lackey to do the job, a vampire named Alistair , upon whose arrival all of his vampire supporters had abandoned him and refused to ever follow him again; something that bewilders him still . Voldermort had fought vampires in the past, even pretty old vampires but he was able to defeat them pretty easily, thanks to his mastery of fiendfire .
In his fight against Alistair he employed the same method, he knew spells would be futile against a foe who was so fast he could not be seen and so he again used fiendfire completely expecting the vampire to turn to ashes in moments. But to his surprise the fiendfire did not kill him , it caused his skin to burn but it healed at an alarming rate and as such in the end the vampire stood as if the attack did not effect him at all . Voldemort then had to utilize everything he had but finally he was able to corner him and got a lucky shot and truck the vampire with the killing curse and the vampire went down.
But just as he had ordered his followers to get rid of the body the vampire opened his eyes and apparated away; something vampires are not capable of . It was then that Voldemort realized that this vampire must have been really old and powerful for him to not only survive fiendfire but a killing curse as well something that no vampire has ever been able to do.
'And to think that the Black lord has such a strong entity as a servant ' Voldermort thought as he realized the it was good move on his part to come clean with the Black lord about Regulus and to prove him that he had no hand in his disappearance and also a promise that he would not ever try to integrate a Black in his army .
After that it was going quite smooth for the dark lord, the wizards of united isles trembled at the mere mention of his name and were so afraid of him that the dare not even utter his name. The ministry , apart from some of the aurors were quite incompetent and the only other resistance he faced was from the order of phoenix led by Dumbledore .
But then one of his follower, the young halfblood potion master had informed him about a prophecy , a prophecy about his downfall. And so he had formulated a plan and had set a deep cover spy in the order.
And his plan bore fruit, his spy , Peter Pettigrew had revealed to him the location of the Potters. Trust, The Dark Lord smirked as he neared the cottage, which was no longer under the Fidelius curse, trust would only condone betrayal and treachery.
With a swish of his wand, the door was blast opened. What fools were the Potters, trusting the mudblood and muggle loving Albus Dumbledore and leaving their offspring alone in a house guarded by only a weak Fidelius, no other ward for protection.
As he neared the front door of the house, he saw movement in one of the windows to his right and knew that the children were not alone and also that he was noticed. He blasted the front door to smithereens and heard the rushed footsteps up the stairs.
'Thank you for locating my target', he thought to himself as he made his way up the stairs and entered what was probably the nursery, and who he came face to face with gave him a momentary halt, it was none other than Dorea Potter nee Black and he immediately had to shield himself from the volley of attacks coming from the woman standing in front of him
As she paused he said, "it's not necessary for you to die woman, stand aside and I'll let you live"
And there was truth in his words ,He knew that while the potter matriarch could not match him, she was no slouch with a wand and his loyal spy in the Department of Mysteries has informed him that Dorea Potter might be a high level Unspeakable and he won't be able to kill the brats as long as she creates a hindrance.
Plus , she carried the blood of his mentor, all the direct descendant of Arcturus black the second did, he had always avoided hurting a Black as he knew that was bound to attract the ire of his mentor.
The dark lord then unleashed his aura and disarmed the woman in front of him .The woman quickly realized that she stood no chance at defeating the Dark Lord without a wand. She fell down on her knees and pleaded with him. "Not them, please take me instead. They are just babies, what threat could they possibly be to you?" The Dark Lord visibly held back for a moment as he felt magic swirling around one of the children. While the woman kept muttering "Not Harry, not Charles, take me".
He raised his wand, rushed in anticipation of the unknown magic the boy was outputting and quickly killed the potter matriarch hoping that this act would not earn him an enemy in the form of Arcturus or worse, Aristaeus .
"Foolish woman, you should have stepped aside."
He said and approached the crib and looked down at the small boy, 'so this is the child of the prophecy', he thought. Although he was immediately distracted by the child's older brother who sat on the crib next to his brother, his emerald green eyes, the same color as that of his favorite curse, looked at him with defiance, the boy's magic felt different .
"If the boy already had an aura that i can feel, he will become a powerful child indeed. It is best that I take care of him now', he thought. 'Though if he wasn't a potter I might have considered letting one of my servants raise him as an ally.'
He suddenly sensing the arrival of more people raised his wand, just as lily potter entered the nursery, and for the second time in that room uttered the words to end the boy's life.
Voldemort gave a cruel smile when he saw his killing curse fly towards the boys, but then the unimaginable happened, the soul stopped midway , and hovered mid-air for a moment before it came back at the dark lord with immense speed and before he knew what was happening, his soul was brutally ripped from his body causing a loud explosion.. The next minute a dark mist floated out of the room, leaving only the robes and wand of the Dark Lord, together with two boys crying in their cribs for the attention of their mother, while the said mother laid unconscious due to the magical backlash of the explosion and leaving the younger potter with a lightning-bolt-shaped cut on his forehead.
But this was the moment for which the dark lord had created his soul containers which would ensure his return. Minutes after the Dark Lord's departure, three pops could be heard. James Potter was a mess, his eyes filled with tears as he sprinted up to the half destroyed room, only to find an unconscious lily potter on the floor along with an unconscious harry.
James quickly went over to Harry and lily and was relieved when he found pulse in both. Albus Dumbledore entered the damaged nursery and sighed when James nodded to him that Harry and lily were unscathed but unconscious. He was soon accompanied by Sirius and Remus.
Dumbledore looked at Sirius and said, "what are you doing out in the open Sirius, you are Longbottom's secret keeper, by roaming like this you put their life in jeopardy"
"Yes, I am aware of that" said the Black heir, "I will return to a safe location soon". Everyone then noticed a large gash on the forehead of the youngest child, Charles Potter.
James frantically shouted, "Albus, what is this?"
The old man gave a sad smile, "My boy, the prophecy has been fulfilled. Charles has defeated the dark lord, for now"
James Potter then knelt down to his wife's unconscious body on the floor ,pointed his wand at her and muttered 'enervate', nothing happened . He looked at Dumbledore for support who muttered the same charm at lily, but to no avail, dread filled James's mind. Dumbledore then cast some more spells at her which made no sense to the James but he then looked at James with sadness in his eyes,
" I am sorry James , it looks like the explosion put lily in some kind of a coma"
This news broke everyone's heart, when Dumbledore moved towards harry potter while others wept at the fate of their friend and started to make arrangements to move lily to St. mungo's, only to stop dead in track after hearing Albus say, "I am afraid that's not the end of your misfortune , James".
Everyone looked over to where Dumbledore was waiving his wand over young harry, bile rose up in James's throat, "is he in coma too..?" he asked in a broken voice.
"No, my boy, it's even worse", said Dumbledore, finally putting back his wand in his robe seemingly finished with whatever he was doing, he then looked at James again and asked
"Tell me James, has young harry ever done any accidental magic till now?".
Fearing where this was going, James said
"No, professor but he is just 4, he-"
Dumbledore cut him short , " I know , my boy that is why I did some more checkups, though you must have poppy check young harry thoroughly ".
James was in turmoil of emotions, he felt pain, sadness, relief, worry and lost, all at once.
Getting impatient and not realizing what Dumbledore was referring to, Sirius asked, "what are you trying to say Albus?".
Dumbledore looked over to Sirius, not knowing how to say it out loud "I am afraid young harry is a squib ", he said, those words stunned Sirius as he thought 'my godson is a squib' as more tears welled up in his eyes.
James potter had just put his son, Charles to bed. It was damn difficult to take care of Charles without Lily. He had recently moved to the ancestral manor of the Potters. After Dumbledore has set up wards to the best of his capability.
As he poured himself a glass of firewhisky, his mind started wandering, he was finding it difficult to comprehend everything that has happened since that fateful Halloween. First Peter had betrayed them and lead Voldemort to his children, where Voldemort had killed his mother and then tried to kill Charles but failed, as a result of which Charles was now revered as a hero, people were calling him 'the boy who lived'. His wife was in a coma, and healers were baffled with the case and have finally given up hope.
But it would seem that it was not the end of their misfortune as not only 2 weeks after that Halloween night , Sirius his best mate, the secret keeper of the Longbotoms had betrayed them, leading 4 death eaters to their house , who tortured Alice and Frank to insanity. Fortunately young Neville came out of that ordeal scot-free and was in the custody of his grandmother. Now both Frank and Alice along with his dear Lily were patients in Janus Thickey Ward, a long-term residence ward at St. Mungo's .
But then came another disturbing news, when poppy had confirmed Dumbledore's suspicion and told him that his eldest son was indeed a squib now but assured him that harry wasn't born a squib as she herself was there when harry was born; as harry was born in Hogwarts ,and it seemed that it was a result of Voldemort's attack that somehow turned harry into a squib.
And then he had to make the most difficult decision of his life when he dropped off harry at the Dursleys , Lily's only sister , along with a letter to petunia detailing what has transpired to her sister and her family. He figured that ,being a squib, it would be beneficial for harry to be raised in the muggle world only , instead of being raised in the magical world only to be shunned by everyone, for he knew that was how squibs were treated in the magical world. He only hoped that harry would have a happy childhood and a good life ahead of him.
He then felt guilty, he should have checked upon Harry every once in a while, but between taking care of Charles and everything that has happened since, he couldn't. And then there was also the chance that some death eater might follow his trail and discover harry, so he didn't take the risk.
James was about to retire to his room when the floo network of the manor flared up showing the face of his favorite professor. He looked at the grandfather clock which showed the time to be half past midnight
"what could be the reason behind this late night visit professor McGonagall?" James asked.
"It's good news James, very good news indeed, he did it, Severus did it, finally" she said with barely controlled happiness.
"And what exactly has Snivel- "James faltered at his professor's piercing look, "I mean what has Snape done professor?"
"James , he found it, he finally found a way to wake Lily up from her coma" she said
James couldn't believe what he was listening, thinking it to be too good to be true , he looked at his professor again , tears welled up in his eyes, tears of happiness
," really Minerva ? ".
"Yes James, I myself am going to St. mungo's , lily will wake up in a few minutes, make it quick "she said before her face left the fireplace and the green flames died down.
"Tizzy", James called out and immediately there was a pop and his house elf was there looking at him frantically. "Yes, master James, you is calling tizzy?".
"Yes tizzy, I am going out for some time, take care of Charles , I will be back soon" he said to the elf as he made his way to the fireplace and took a pinch of floo powder and threw it in the fireplace, causing the flames to turn green
"Is everything be alright master James" the elf asked in apparent worry
"Everything is fine tizzy and I am sure soon everything will be more than just fine" said James as he stepped inside the flames and said
" St. Mungo's " .
Everyone was standing in the room in St mungo's where snape has administered the cure on lily, there was Snape, professor McGonagall , headmaster Dumbledore , and Remus too joined them soon, and then there were two healers just in case.
Happiness was evident on everyone's face, after tirelessly searching for a way to cure lily and the Longbottoms, the efforts have borne fruit
Severus was the most determined one to find a cure for lily, James thought he felt some sort of guilt maybe because he was one of voldemort's follower .
Snape has already administered the cure on lily and was now talking to a healer in hushed tone.
"Are you sure, you did it right "said James in apparent worry in his voice
Before Snape could respond, his question was answered when a low moan escaped lily and he saw slight flutter of her eyes.
This was the first movement lily has shown in the last two years
In an instant he was by her side and said," wake up Lily flower, wake up".
As if responding to his plea, lily did open her eyes and looked at James and said in a very weak voice,
"Yes lily dear, how are you "he said.
" What happened James, where am I , the last thing I remember was .." suddenly she stopped , her tired eyes went wide in worry " James my children , my babies, what happened, Voldemort was there, the explosion, Charles , HARRY , what happened, where are they" she was going wild with worry.
"Everyone is fine lily, voldermort is gone, and Charles is absolutely fine" he said trying to soothe her.
"Oh ok, good "she said and closed her eyes in relief but suddenly snapped them open, "and Harry, you didn't say anything about Harry, what of my baby boy".
James didn't know how to answer, how to tell her that he had sent their eldest son to be raised by her sister.
"James why are you not saying anything, where is Harry "she said trying to get up even though her fragile body protested," I need my son, I need my Harry, James".
Seeing the situation Snape motioned for one of the healer to bring a potion
"He is fine too, Lily flower" James said, although with a bit of uncertainty," you can meet them both in the morning, but for now you must rest"
and the nearby healer gave Lily a sleeping draught
Next morning James and Remus went to the Dursley's house to retrieve harry only to discover the worst, apparently the Dursleys had wanted nothing to do with the 'freak' and sent him to an orphanage.
'his son in an orphanage ' james thought and they quickly left for the said orphanage only to find from the orphanage officials that there was indeed a child named 'harry' living at the orphanage but he suddenly went missing some weeks ago.
His worst fears were coming true, he looked at Remus only to find same worry on his face, then Lily's words rang in his head , again and again ' I need my harry'.
And it was then that the nationwide search for harry potter started, but they couldn't approach the ministry to aid them as some sinister parties might try to take advantage of the situation. Every member of the order tried their best, but could not find harry potter, every tracking charm failed to yield result even Albus Dumbledore was unsuccessful and it was then professor McGonagall brought forth information that would forever put a sad mark on the Potters, as apparently the name 'Harry Potter' has vanished from the magical register of Hogwarts, which meant only one thing.
'Harry Potter was dead'
In a way, she was right, Harry Potter was indeed dead, for he wasn't Harry Potter anymore, he was
'Perseus Aeries Black' the heir to the most noble and ancient house of Black. And right now he was across the Atlantic ocean, fighting a battle against death.