

"There are different kinds of races in the new world such as Humans, Dwarves, Orcs, Beast, (Demi humans) Demon, Angel, Elves. Each of them has an affinity but some races can use all the elements even if they don't have an affinity. There also variations between each of the races that you can change. Such as the Beastmen which have different breeds and different varieties." I then asked her if she could explain each of the races. She waited a while and then after said "Okay let's start with humans. Humans are the most diverse of the races. They can grow more adapt to a certain trait by practice such as magic, though they do not normally produce the most amount of mana of all the races. there the most flexible and adapt easier to situations. There also not as strong as the Beastmen. They can control multiple types of elemental magic even without having an affinity. Next are the Dwarves they are commonly known to have the second smallest mana pool and are normally really short. Though they have a very small mana pool they can be really strong and are known to be the best at blacksmithing. They make the finest armor and weapons. The next are orcs they are normally found in magical forests. They are the second strongest race though they are strong they are the least intellectual race out of all of them and are easily killed by the other races. The Beast are magical creatures that roam around the world.They come in many shapes they are a variety. They have more intelligence than the orcs. But normally less that humans. The next race is the Demi humans they are commonly referred to as the strongest race because of their mixed genes they could have the stretch of the strongest magical beast and have the intelligence of a humans. Demons they have the same amount of mana as the elves and angels and can only use dark magic. No matter how hard they try the can only use dark magic. Though humans and other races can use dark magic, they do not have as much as an affinity towards it. They are deeply hated by most races, and are known as calamities. Angels affinity's is light magic and just like demons and the elves, they can't have another affinity's and only light magic. They are very respected and humans worship them and call them the descendants of the gods. The last race are the Elves they have the largest mana pool and like the angels and demons they can only have one affinity nature. They have a connection with nature and can communicate with all plant life if they get to a high enough level." I can't go for the beast and I don't want to got for the demi humans. The demons will cause too much trouble. If I was a demon there would be a hero with a sick mentality that will be justice crazy and will try to kill me and as for angeles they get to much attention, everyone will know who I am. Dwarves are small and have the second smallest mana pool which means it will be hard for me to learn magic. Orcs are out of the question. Elves seems like a good option, but know they could only use nature magic. I guess human is the only option, though I do think that it is kind of boring being the same thing in my past live. I responded "I would pick to be human." The lady then said with a seductive voice and said " If that's what you wish." That sent shivers down my spine. She then waved her hand and said "Bye my friend," and just like that I once again fell into a deep sleep.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Geanva" a manly voice called out somewhere in the void. She smiled as simply turned around and the void changed from the dark void and just a void of light. There stood a shadow the only darkness in this white void." Yes, Charles" she called out and her voice boomed all across the light void." Why didn't tell the boy that he was already going to have a system and playing it like you where shocked when you could read people's mind." She turned around and turned back and a distorted smile appeared on her face and said "There wouldn't be any fun in that right" "You'll still have to repay him something" said the shadow. She then said " I will he will be some type of resistant against damage and he will have an affinity over magic is that all right Charles?" "Hhh that should be fine though the counsel does not appreciate your misconduct." Then the shadow disappeared from this white void. The young lady in the void smiled creepily and said" of course that has the bare minimum for my champion."


Once I gained my conscience I heard a voice inside my head. It must be the system hope it's not one of the bad ones. I don't feel like falling so maybe I'm in the body already.


{System booting up please wait. Completion estimated a few seconds}


{System on. Running diagnostics on systems. Diagnostics complete all systems status-Perfect}

This must be the system. I wonder what it will grant me.


{Host will be waking up from trance in an estimated thirty seconds. After awakened will fill symptoms groggy, and light headed.]

I guess I should have expected this from going to somebody else body. I wonder where does the original person's soul go. Would this be considered stealing in a way.


{This body was made just for host by system so there was not original soul you'll be the first inhabitant of the body. The body is specially made for host out of your desired body type. :}


{ Host will be provided information about this world form system. Host will be out of trance in 3 2 1 !}

Once I exited the trance I felt weak, tired I felt a splitting headache, and I felt like throwing up.


{System is clearing all impurities from host body only once}

When the system finished saying those words all the my body was in went away. I felt reinvigorated. System why did you say light headache that was not light?


{Host is such a cry baby to not withstand such child play}

I should have guest I would get this type of system It's going to like those online stories where the system is annoying and always hold the main characters back.


{System can read your thoughts. System will now give you nausea as a gift}

Then when system said that I felt a sudden felling of nausea like throwing. Even though I haven't even stood up or opened my eyes must be the system work. The system won't give me a break.


{System will now relive you of your nausea}

Thank you. Though I am still mad at you how come you can even do that your a system.


{System is all powerful in this world because of my creators though I can't help lowly people like you or other people but system can harm user if insults me or my creator.}

Is your creator that fair madam that sent me here.


{Yes, that madam is my creator.}

I slowly start opening my eyes and the first thing I see is a tree with it's light brown log and beautiful green leaves witch have points one ends. Then one of the leaves fall off the branch and lands on my face and suddenly I get this notification.


{Host is paralyzed estimated end one minute}

What it was just one leaf and how did I get paralyzed from that.


{Examine leaf complete. Would host like to see the results?}

Yes I would also can you cut it out with the Ding!.

{:( Okay. Implanting Results.

Leaf of the moonshow: The leaf of the moonshow is a low grade herb. It's effects are paralysis when touched on it's point. It gets it's paralysis effect from the roots of the tree it belongs to. The moonshow are only found in swamp like terrain. The root sucks up the moisture of which is contaminated with tetrodotoxin from the fishes in the area. Which makes the tree and it's surroundings toxic. The leaves, tree bark, and surroundings are sometimes used by alchemist to create deadly poisons and crafting.}

{The paralysis has worn off. Your welcome if it was just you you'd be dead.}

Why is that system huh?

{Tetrodotoxin in your world has no known cure and even the smallest of amounts can be lethal. twenty- five milliliters is able to kill an 165.35 human and is suggested to be 1200 times more poisons that cyanide and since you have this wonderful system the effects were heavily negated. It would have killed you.}

System I have a question if it also poisons it's surroundings then why wasn't I affected in the beginning? Also shouldn't this be impossible.

{This world has different fundamental laws. Also in this world is kinda like a video game so this is really simplistic.This only happens in places highly contaminated with tetrodotoxin and look at what you wearing.}

Thats really really deadly dang thats powerful. If that's all it takes to kill someone shouldn't it be easy to kill someone?

{ Where you spawned in this world is in unknown territory so normally this is really rare in all the continents. In this world there's magic and something like this can be negated with a healing spell many people use magic in this world but they have different elemental affinities that decide which

{Yes, in this world poisons are really dangerous there's a class known as alchemy in this world and alchemy in this world are known as potion masters in this world as sometimes craft magical items. They combine herbs and other items to create poisons, healing potions and many other things.}

Thats good I should take samples of the leaves and try to make something but how and what am even wearing? I look down to see what I'm wearing completely shocked me. System can you explain why IM A GIRL!

{ Didn't I say that your body is made out of your desires.}

'--' You mean to tell me that you made it out of my desire not what I wanted to look like...

Just felt it was too short gonna add more.

mash_oxidized404creators' thoughts