
The Reincarnated Wizard

Reincarnated as one with a wizarding bloodline right after the vanquish of Lord Voldemort, a boy decides to change the fate of his favourite book series. Shall we see what changes he brings as he explores a world far more vast than he initially expected.

NirjharChatterjee · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

I answered the man,

"Yes Professor, a vault in my name with a substantial amount of money. It seems the money given by Hogwarts will not be needed."

He hummed and said,

"Dosent matter. The amount has been already withdrawn. Since the next year, it will be your soul duty."

Thus, with an endless bag, essentially a pouch, hanging from my belt, connected to my vault, I started to walk behind the man. We soon stood in front of a diapelidated shop, termed, 'Olivanders'.

"I do not have enough time. I will be buying all your suplies and you will be searching for your wand in the meantime."

Without waiting for my answer he promptly turned back, and soon dissappeared in the crowd. I entered the duty shop and met the eyes of an old man. He was old, yes, but his eyes held a certain lively eccentricity, one usually associated with geniuses.

"Ah, a customer! On your way to Hogwarts?"


"Very well. Tell me, which is your dominant hand?"

"I am ambidextrous."

"Ah! How strange. Lets see your match then."

A small measuring tape started to measure both my hands and the man started to take notes. Soon he stared to pull out different wands that he laid out in front of me.

"Well, go on! Give them a wave!"

Over the next half an hour, the shop was truly and uterly turned into a mess. Finnaly the ideal wand came to my hand.

"A queer wand. Stiff, twelve and three quarters tall, the core is of a thunderbird. The wood is cherry. Truly, a mystery."

Not wanting to humour the man, I said,

"I would like a maintainence kit and a wand holster if possible, please."

"Of course. That would be 10 galleons please."

Handing him the money I exited the shp to see Professor Snape waiting for me. Handing me a red pouch, he said,

"Here is all your supplies. Take them. Come along now, we will be going back."

"Excuse me sir? I was wondering if it is possible to stay here."

Professor Snape merely spared me a glance and nodded. We both walked into a dark pub, where a bent over man came upto us, grinning.

"Hello there Snape. Or its Professor now, is it not. Well, what can I do for you?"

"A room Tom. For him, until September 1st, upon which you will have him go into the Knight's bus."

"Very well."

The Professor faced me and said,

"I will see you at the welcome feast at Hogwarts. Then, Goodbye."

A week had passed since. I had started to familiarise myself with the surroundings of Diagon Alley, Knockturn Alley and Felicius Alley. The Felicius Alley was never introduced in the book series, and it turned out to be a dark alley, much like Knockturn alley, except with much better security. Today I would once again go there. Standing staright, I walked into the alley. It was much grey and black. Lookng at the shop headings, I could not help but express curiosity. That was until I reached. A shop titled 'Melissandre's Creatures'.

As I entered it, I was met with a huge space, filled with a cacophony of noises and smells.

"What can I do for you?"

"I'm just looking around thank you."

Looking at the wierd animals, I could not help but smirk. A world with so much to know, see and explore. Suddenly, I reached a small cage with a little chick. Unlike the others, it was a wierd creature. With four legs, a pair of wings and a long tail, its body was a mixture of red and green. Its head was covered with a hard white shell, and a small tuft of feathers was over its head. It opened its eyes and looked at me. Its eyes were an electric yellow, wih slits. I moved my hand towards it. It tentatively started to approach it and started to lick my finger. I could not help but smile. What a little being. Suddenly it bit my finger. As I pulled my hand back, the hag I had met at the front started to scream.

"No! Why would you make a contract with it? You mudblooded idiot!"

However I paid little attention to her. My mind was right not completely enamoured by what I was feeling. An additional presence within my mind, tentative, scared, happy, hopeful. I looked at it, no, her. Her eyes stared back with hope. It had been here for two years now. First, it was experimented on by its creator, and then discarded, when nothing could be understood, sold like a mere comodity. So she was an experimental being.

"I will buy her."

"You better! Shes worth 12 galleons!"

Taking the money out of my pouch, I gave it to her. Her frown immediately turned into a smile. She opened the cage and moved out of the way. I approached her and said,

"Venicia. That's your name. Together we will dominate the world. Come."

With her perched on my shoulder, I started to move out of the shop, before something else caught my eyes. A group of fairies, with their backs devoid of wings and their skin turned a light blue, almost like pixies.

"How much are they worth?"

I could not help but express my curiosity.

"Ah, another experiment. He said thay were failed products. Something about hybrids and water. They are 3 galleons each. They seem to have lost their magic."

Thus I exited the shop, with a depressed blue, wingless fairy on one shoulder, newly named Harmand, and Venicia on another shoulder, curiously looking around at the hustle and bustle of people all around.