
The Reincarnated Wizard

Reincarnated as one with a wizarding bloodline right after the vanquish of Lord Voldemort, a boy decides to change the fate of his favourite book series. Shall we see what changes he brings as he explores a world far more vast than he initially expected.

NirjharChatterjee · Book&Literature
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Chapter 3

I was now on the platform 9 and 3 quarters. Ignoring the multitude of people, I quickly got onto the train and secured a carriage for myself. I had already finished my school books and tentatively practiced some beginner magic. Harmand and Venicia were playing around. Making sure to close the door, I drifted off to sleep.

Soon, the door opened. A boy approached my coach and haugtily said,

"This coach is mine. Go away."

I frowned at him. Not only had he rudely asked me to vacate the compartment I had claimed for myself, but had the audacity to speak to me so haugtily.

"Firstly, it is a compartment, not a coach. And second, you are the intruder here, if you wish to sit, the seat is empty, but do not ask me, the one who came before, to leave."

The boy visibly flushed. His cheeks grew red as he started to mutter,

"You dare! You…"

That was untill, I utilised my mana. I did not know any magic, nor any spells. However, it was not impossible to influence my mana. Making the mana sharper and deadlier, I said,

"Did you not hear what i said? Choose: Leave or Sit."

Long story short, the boy sat down. He was still glaring at me. Sighing, I said,

"Hey, what is wrong with you?"

He jept glaring at me. As I was about to repeat my words, he said,

"You were the one who dared to speak to me like that, the first one."

giving a short laugh I said,

"Why? You are some sort of heir?"

I knew he was muggleborn. He was dressed in muggle clothes and thus was evident that he was not related to the magical world before this.

"Yes. I am the heir to the Silcon Group."

Giving a short whistle, I said,

"Oh! You are loaded."

He proudly shook his head.

"Oh yes. So…"

Over the course of the train ride, we kept talking. The boy, named Albert Silcon, was good, just a bit overconfident. Also he had money, so he was sure to be a valuable ally. Thus, instead of actively calling him out, i slowly made my mana infiltrate his mind to make it more accepting to me. It was a preliminary form of leglimency. Oof, I could not wait to get my hands on the knowledge in the Room of Requirements. Soon, we got dressed in robes and started to wait for the train to come to a halt. Suddenly, a voice sounded through the train.

"We are about to enter the Hogwarts Station."

Soon, we got off the train and waited. There were a number of people. So many age groups, most of which were going towards the edge of the forest.

"First Years! Come on, Le's get a mov' on."

Ah, the famous Hagrid. I walked upto him and asked,

"Hello sir, who are you?"

As I slowly started to jog to keep pace with him, he said,

"Ah, hel'o there! My name is Hagrid. I'm the keeper of keys and the groundkeeper at Hogwarts."


I did not know that Albert had followed me along. As we kept chatting with Hagrid, we soon reached the boats.

"Well get on then!"

Soon we were going off into the Great Lake. The atmosphere was certainly chilly, and the astonishing site of the giant squid raising its tentacles out as a greeting was cretainly fascinating. However, even more fascinating was the Palace. It was enormous, its giant scale a testament to the grandeur and heritage it held. Soon, we reached land. As we got off the boats, I felt a small shield like membrane that we pierced. My mana sensitive self was blasted by the amount of magic in the atmosphere. Oh, how dense it was. As I wlked, Albert kept on and on about all the various animals he read about, and what was the types of beats. Ignoring him, I kept trying to make the mana enter my body, but it was imossible. Yet.

Suddenly, with a screech, Harmand and Venicia descended and each took up a place on my shoulder. They had grown into good friends.

"What are those!"

Alberts screech caught the attention of hagrid and a few of the other first years years. Hagrid's eyes visibly started to shine.

"What interesting beasts! Ah, a mixture of an Farhelp Eagle and a Griffin. And What's this? A firy species?"

I needed to make him shut up.

"Uh, Hagrid, I promise, I will explain later. But not now. Please."

It seemed like Hagrid caught onto my thought process. There were heirs to noble families all walking around. If one wanted them, I had no authority to resist.

Soon we reached the entrance to the Great Hall. After he banged the door, he turned to me,

"Listen, tomoroow, after your classes, come to my hut. Any of the older students will show you the path."

Smiling politely, i said,

"Of curse Hagrid."

Soon, Professor Mcgonagall came. She was old, yes, but held poise and grace few did in their twenties. Soon, she started her sppech about the houses, and a few minutes later we were called into the Great Hall.