
A painful childhood

Being the only son of a rich merchant is the dream of everyone. You lack nothing and strive to get nothing cause you have all you need and want. But Mark was not experiencing this. He was hated by his mum and his dad cared more about his wealth and businesses rather than helping the little man grow up. His mum subjected him to work with the servants and his case was worst because even the servants got paid but he wasn't.

He will sometimes get up earlier than the other servants to reduce his chores to meet the given time. This causes the poor thing to grow with clashing questions about his real identity. He starts suffering from hallucinations as he tries to get answers to his unending questions. His problems do not end at this point, but the neighbors who had earlier noticed the maltreatment spread all sorts of rumours. Some saying Mark was stolen from his real parents by the merchant's wife who couldn't bear children, others say Mark is the merchant's son with another lady. He then decides to find out the truth when he grows up.