
The questions unanswered

"I couldn't believe he could do that. How could he think of doing this? After all this time, how could he think of letting go all of our efforts down the drain? Has he forgotten how we came this far?" Mrs. Miller said as her eyes were laid on the binder. 

Mrs. Miller picked up the binder and proceeded to unlock her drawer in the table to put the binder inside, when suddenly..



She called for someone. A guard showed up, he was the same guard who had earlier came to take Merry back to her dorm.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Send me the person who was here with Merry a while ago."

The guard didn't know what could be the reason she wanted to see him but whatever it was, it looked urgent. 

"I was the one who sent her back. But Ma'am, is there any problem?"

"Did you notice anything?" 

"Notice what, Ma'am?"