
Talk with the doctor

The doctors opened a room which was near the entrance of the hall and went inside with Mrs. Miller while Mr. Rogers walked towards them.

"You will have your medical exams in that room from now on so go to that room, Mrs. Miller is waiting for you", saying that he walked past them and entered a different room.

"Let's go." Henry said walking in that direction as no one took the initiative. After that all of them walked slowly following Henry.

"Come on guys take a sit there", Mrs. Miller said showing the half slanted chair like seats which are mostly used in dentist's place.

The room was long and those chairs were lined up back to back on one side. On the other side of the room, there were other medical equipments for check ups.

Without much questioning, William took the seat on the nearest chair. Following him all the others also sat down.

"Can you lift up your sleeves?", one of the medical examiners who was checking Cole asked him.

Cole lifted his sleeves and looked around the room. His friends were all getting checked and... and neither Mrs. Miller nor any guards were present there. He didn't even realize when Mrs. Miller left.

It was the first time that they were left alone with the doctors as usually guards are always present.

Cole thought it couldn't be better timing to ask some questions to the doctor.

"What are these tests being conducted for?", he started questioning the doctor with a simple question to test the waters.

"Oh, these tests only include simple blood tests", replied the doctor. "I think other complicated tests will be done tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Cole had thought that the doctor would probably not answer his questions but surprisingly he answered.

Cole took his chance again and asked, "What is the purpose of these tests?"

The doctor who talked earlier answered him again, "These tests are simply for checking if there are improvements in your metabolism, physical strength and such."

When William realized what Cole was doing he also asked the doctor, "I haven't seen you here before. Have you been working here for long?"

"Yes, I have been pretty much working here ever before you were even born. I even saw you...", the doctor suddenly stopped talking when he saw Mrs. Miller entering the room.