
Persuading Mr. Roger

"If you are not open to discussing my terms, then I am afraid I won't be able to help you either," Merry calmly stated to Mr. Roger. 

"Ha!" Mr. Roger scoffed loudly, "You are hugely mistaken. You are in no position to make demands here and I never said that I wanted your help in the first place. Anyway, where is this all even coming from?"

"Even if you don't want my help and you are trying to get Miles close to me, then do you really have a choice but to consider my terms?"

Mr. Roger looked surprised at Merry's boldness. 

"For your information, I don't need your help, but I can play along with you if it makes my job easier in the end. Let's hear what you want then," Mr. Roger said after pausing for a while to collect his thoughts. 

Merry took a deep breath and replied, "I want to see Katie." 

"What?" Mr. Roger exclaimed in disbelief as if he completely didn't expect Merry to make such a request.