
New Day

When Merry entered her room she looked around her room. There was nothing which looked informational but she found a large drawing book, few canvases, paints and brushes in the bed side table's drawer.

Although Merry was very happy to find that she will be able to draw, she was confused as to why she was being excluded from other kids in terms of both testing and practicing.

Thinking like that, standing for a while didn't seem to help in any sort so she laid down on the bed. Katie, William and Henry had told them about how they found out about the drugs responsible for their memory loss and decided to investigate the situation there but still couldn't found much.

They were openly discussing and even though they were being closely monitored nobody has done anything to stop them from finding the truth.

Thinking these sorts of things Merry realized that no matter how discreet they were trying to be it is impossible for the doctors and guards there not to know what Merry and others were up to. It is just that they couldn't care less about what the children were doing to find the truth or maybe more specifically they don't care even if the children know about the truth of the place.

It just seemed more hopeless to Merry knowing that.

Merry was a little spaced out even during the dinner which was held in the shared space between the members.

When it was time to go to bed she decided not to think much and just sleep as who knows what she and others will have to face once the morning arrives.

In the early hours of the morning, they were all waked up by the loud alarm sound, which rung, as if the bell of hell was ringing.

Merry got ready for the morning and came out of her room. All the others were already sitting around the table and were having breakfast.

She said good morning to everyone and sat to eat her portion. She didn't say anything but kept listening to the others.

They were talking about their own experiences. Katie said, " At first, I was so confused that I couldn't remember anything. I was in complete fear so I stopped eating just because I didn't feel like eating and suddenly I could remember the days before then I realized that they were erasing our memories."

Without letting her finish Henry added, "The most terrifying moment for me was when I saw other kids having superpowers."

"Did you think that only you had powers?" William asked.

"No, I was not even aware about mine and was just terrified to see what we actually fathom to be impossible, to be true in front of my eyes."

They were chatting just this and that, when suddenly there was an announcement on the speakers.