
"What is the Truth?"

Her vision went fuzzy and black after that. 

After hours had passed, Merry sat bolt upright and found herself in the same room. The room in which she remembered she last was with Mrs. Miller and the doctor. 

She looked around but didn't see anyone in the room. 

'How long was I out? Most importantly, why would they sedate me like this?' Merry thought while removing the blanket on her legs. 

"Why would they put a blanket on me? It's not even cold here." She said getting frustrated as the blanket got stuck on the chair's arm rest while she was trying to pull it. 

Merry got on her feet but she was wobbly on her steps. She didn't know for how long she had been lying down but she could tell it was late in the night. 

She stopped by the door and took a long sigh trying to steady herself. Then she opened the door which led to the doctor's office.