
The Rebirth Of The Great Magician

David was a once and great man he would gladly go out of his way to help those in need.Although that changed one day when he ended up helping the wrong women and things quickly got dark.After his death he gets brought to a new world to rise up in power explore and make many women his. (warning has yanderes many crazy women would not let me put yandere as a tag so i'm putting it here)

grandrex · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

explaining some stuff

kinda a chapter, but not I will explain stuff. Don't worry. I will upload a chapter soon.

[ coins. ]

copper coins 100 = 1 silver coin

sliver coins 100 = 1 gold coin

gold coins 100 = 1 platinum coin

Platinum coins 100 = 1 mythical coin

[ spell power ]

tier one spells are small-range spells that only affect one or 2 people

tier two spells are spells that can affect a small group of people to a medium group

tier three spells are spells that can affect large groups to whole towns

tier four spells are spells that can affect towns to cities

tier five spells are spells that can affect cities to


these are to help you get a feel for the tiers.' The power's tier fives don't only affect cities. There will be one's more focus on smaller groups, but most will be strong enough to wipe out cities. The same goes for tier ones

also, I need cover art for the book. Please, if anyone wants to make some feel free, I'll make it the cover and shout you out in a chapter. IDK if you can message people on this app

so if not, just make it a comment if you can't

I read all my comments, and if you don't want to be shouted out, just say so, and I won't [won't be paid for the art. Sorry, I'm a broke bum]