
The Rebirth Of The Great Magician

David was a once and great man he would gladly go out of his way to help those in need.Although that changed one day when he ended up helping the wrong women and things quickly got dark.After his death he gets brought to a new world to rise up in power explore and make many women his. (warning has yanderes many crazy women would not let me put yandere as a tag so i'm putting it here)

grandrex · Fantasy
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14 Chs

chapter 9 calming down crazies, and many things happen

When David turned around, he saw that Gobleet and zargesh were trying to kill each other he quickly picked up Gobleet by her shirt while she was wiggling around in his hand, trying to shank zargesh. David was also using his other arm to push back zargesh who was trying to claw put Gobleets throat.

Gobleet shouted out towards zargesh "You bitch me and him are destined I'll stab and cut you up and make love to him in front of your corpse".Zargesh after hearing her saying that let out a growl and started struggling to get her more "You bitch I've known him longer you whore I'll cut you up to pieces and be with my David forever."

David realized he couldn't play dumb forever and pretend not to notice their feelings or they would end up killing each other or him. "Stop fighting each other. I care for you both equally and won't choose one over the other and won't accept it if one of you girls kills the other."

Zargesh, after hearing David, quickly stopped trying to kill Gobleet, and a face of happiness appeared on her while mumbling, "My darling loves me he loves me he told Gobleet that he loves me and couldn't stand it if anything happened to me".

Gobleet also stopped trying to kill zargesh. She had a lustful face on her. She started shaking, where she stood while whispering, "My darling said he loves me and wants me to have his babies."David noticed that they heavily twisted what he said, but he decided it was better to ignore that.

David didn't notice the hole in the ceiling above his bed or the red eye peeking from it or the person that also heard what he said. The room upstairs above his bed had a woman with blonde hair and red eyes someone David met and wished to avoid.

[ lilys pov ] Lily, after hearing David accept the two bitches made her want to claw out their eyes and force feed them their own eyes. But it also made her happy if he could accept two crazy women like them then that means all she would have to do is kidnap him and keep him all to herself and he would accept her instead.

Lily was getting all excited thinking about all the fun times they'd had till those bitchs had to get involved she'll cut their arms and legs off and make them watch as she makes love to David again and again and again. Lily started laughing to herself "Hehehe we'll be together soon my love and I won't ever let you get away".

[ Back to David and the people around him]

David, after calming the two down from their delusions, went down to have breakfast once they were done eating the group split up zargesh wanted to get more clothes and Gobleet wanted to look at new daggers so he gave them some coins.

David wanted to look around the town that they would be staying in for a while after an hour of walking around he started to hear shouting, coming towards his direction "Stop you thieving dog how dare you steal madams purse"

David turned towards the direction of the shouting and saw a haggard-looking man carrying a purse with a maid chasing after him. David heard the woman shouting about a theft figured he was a thief and put out his leg when he ran past and tripped him.

Once the woman dressed up in a maid outfit caught up to them, she bent down and grabbed the purse from the man's hands she smacked him in the back of the head while shouting "Guards over here the thieve is caught"

after she shouted for the guards, six armored men ran over and grabbed the man, and took him off somewhere.

The maid turned towards David and thanked him. "Thanks so much, sir if you had not tripped him, we may not have caught him."After she said that, he heard a giggle coming from his left he turned and saw a large woman at least 6 feet tall with a long red dress that could not hide her arms covered in muscles and scars or boobs the size of melons almost breaking out and long brown curly hair with green snake-like eyes.

"Thank you very much, sir. may I know the name of the gentleman who helped me get my stolen purse back?" After she finished talking, she winked at him. David, after hearing her speak, responded, "My name is David, and when I saw that someone had stolen your purse I had to step in may I know your name madam".

The woman hearing him speak smiled and walked over to him and leaned down and whispered into his ear "It wouldn't be any fun if I told a fine gentleman like you my name so easily here this is for your trouble." After she said that, she grabbed his hand and shoved a gold coin into it, and quickly turned around and started walking away.

The maid quickly bowed to him and started following her. David decided to analyze the woman before she got too far away.


Race [human]

Gender [female]

height [6 feet and 4 inches]

Titles - savior, general, war hero, sly fox, ????, ?????

Health - 1740/1740

Mana - 550/550

energy - 680/680

strength - 1200

spells/skills: (blazing sword, sword slash, ???,

rally those under, eagle eye, crushing grip, magic detection, ?????, ?????, ?????, ?????,)

possible tier? yandere

[will possibly attack other women you talked to]

[will stalk you for the rest of your life. You will feel a pair of eyes on you no matter where you are]

[sees you as her destined one and will never let you go]

[needs you to declare that you love her and will never leave her constantly]

[Will have a tough time accepting other women into your harem]

[will rip apart any women or man that hurts you or plots to hurt you and present their head to you]

[will steal the clothes you've worn and other objects of yours and do naughty things with them]

[ will build multiple shrines with objects and pictures taken of you]

[system recommends the user to try to make her become a yandere for the rewards]

[currently extremely interested and pleased with host]

[user must become stronger to see the missing information ]

after David analyzed her, she turned around and gave David a sly grin and a wink and continued walking. David realized he got caught analyzing her because of the magic detection and was worried. Thankfully, she didn't seem upset.

David ended up heading back to the tavern they were staying at and looked at the shop in his system.

[ yandere shop]

[yan points: 210]

[shop resets daily and is randomized]

[strong aphrodisiac 35 yan points]

[revealing dress 10 yan points]

[living rope 30 yan points]

[evil spirit sword 500 yan points]

[mind break spell 205 yan points]

[chair leg 2 yan points]

[magic potato 12 yan points]

[daily random wheel spin 30 yan points]

David thought he wasn't interested in anything besides the rope, the mind-break spell, and the wheel spin.

David asked the system for a description of the mind-break spell

[mind break spell - shatter someone's mind and forever leave their mind in fragments never to be sane again]

David thought that it was a terrifying spell, but it wasn't combat-useful. Even if someone's insane they can still attack and kill you, so he decided he wouldn't buy it, and it was far too expensive for a risk buy.

David asked the systems for a description of the living rope.

[living rope - a rope that has become sentient and can move around on its own and has extreme loyalty to its owner. Anyone that tries to use it will find a rope around their neck and then choke]

David decided that the rope had many uses, and he didn't know if it would ever show up in the shop again, so he decided to buy it. A bright flash of light appeared in front of him and when the light went away a floating red and gold rope was in its place.

The rope quickly rushed at him, which scared him, but it went underneath his clothing and gently wrapped around his chest, not squeezing too hard to not hurt its master. David let out a sigh of relief and pet the top of his shirt where it was under when he rubbed his hand over it the rope let out a slight vibration as if it was purring.

David decided to spin the wheel and hoped he got something worthwhile after a few moments of spinning it made beeping noises and landed on.

[ Congratulations on your wheel spin, which has landed on a medium aphrodisiac]

David, after the bottle appeared in his hands, realized the wheel spin was not worth it this time and let out a sigh right when he did the door opened and a green head peered inside the room.

"Darling, look at these shiny new daggers I got they are so...."

Gobleet stopped mid-sentence and stared at the bottle in David's hands she got lustful on her face

"darling goblins use that to have their way with humans. If you wanted to have some fun, all you had to do was say so,"

David embarrassed, shook his head, and responded "No it's not what it looks like...."

David got interrupted mid-sentence when a gobleet dived into his chest, knocking the bottle onto the floor, which rolled in front of the doors. Gobleet didn't waste any time and started trying to pull his pants down. After a couple of seconds, there was a knock on the door and a familiar voice "David I'm back I can't wait to show you the outfits I bought"...