

 I suddenly felt warm and wet, I tried opening my eyes but to no avail, but I could hear noises which more accurately sounded like people talking and I could hear screams.

 'Wierd wasn't I in a cave?'i thought, and abruptly felt a suction pulling me out, after a while it stopped and I had moved from my previous position, and it felt tighter, so I tried moving my body which was a success, but then it hit me.

'if I'm in some sort of liquid, how am I breathing cause I know I'm not using any mean!?'

A few minutes passed and I was suddenly pulled once again, only this time I was fully prepared, I moved away from the force, after a while stopped to which I was relieved 'what is this force?'

On the outside

"Push! Push!" the doctor said to the pain driven woman, who was going through immensive pain, her husband stood beside her, holding her, she squeezed his hands very tightly almost breaking it "Aargh!!!, de....dear please hold me a little lighter" he grunted 

"Aaah~ I feel him moving!" the pregnant woman echoed out, the doctor was surprised at first but got over it "keep pushing! You have to, first take deep breaths and then push,okay" the doctor coerced

The nurses also tried to make the things better, but failed

"If you do it I promise, I won't mention wanting another child for a very long time, I swear"


Arkrat could hear everything going on the outside to which he felt annoyed.

"Child?don't tell me this is what they call Nirvana and I'm a youngling of a race , but which one?"

'Wait that light I saw before must be an exit or a way out and look at me struggling to leave this place". He quickly moved downwards making the pregnant woman feel a disturbance " He's...he's moving downwards"

The doctor shook as well as the nurses, they smiled brightly,then the doctor quickly said "push some more, push!"

Pushing with all her might and strength, soon the doctor saw a head and assisted Akrat's head before getting him out 

He felt quite uncomfortable as the cool air hit him 

"Aww hes so cute" 

As soon as those words left the mouth of the speaker his eyes snapped open 'cute!?' he yelled inwardly

Everyone was in shock, the doctor's hand was shaking as this scissors he was holding to cut the umbilical cord, the nurses were in more shock as any of them as they saw a recently new born baby open his eyes

It seems like they weren't the only one shocked as lightning struck, they stared at his eyes full of rage making them shake

'since when has a baby ever had this look in their eyes' the husband of the woman thought 

'what child is this?' the doctor thought, outside the room, some strange people stood outside as they stared at the door as they stared at the door which he was in 

The two people looked at each other in sycronization ' he's here, the prophesy shall be fulfilled '

One of then said to the other "You're in charge of keeping watch of him, while I prepare the things needed, we need to do this right or else...."

"The prophesy will not be fulfilled and the world will be filled with danger"

The man looked at the nurse at the reception table and smiled, the woman getting the hint printed some information written in bold presumably about Akrat's family