

Chapter 2

1st P.O.V:

i looked around and finally knew what race i was 'human' the humans were looking at me warily, whats this i thought i mean don't i look at them, so why are they looking at me so wierdly. I looked down just to take a peek, and saw a tiny body.....well my body 'human!' [what were you expecting a frog?!]

'what am i doing here!!' that was what confused me the most, i was in a cave or could it be the goddess is involved in it

i continued looking around and noticed a lot of wierd things from ropes to boxes and iron pipes, but they weent the usual ones i was 'used' to

i looked at the woman holding me, she had brown hair and green eyes, she was smiling well at me beacause....i mean she was staring at me, tears streaming down her eyes, making me confused 'what emotion is this??' i thought

But in all true honesty, i was just happy that she didn't drop me from fear, because that would have been bad, i could already imagine my bones being displaced or if i would be alive, and if i was hell knows i would'nt be in good condition.

I wanted to leave badly, as my nose just didn't like the smell, and so i tried leaving, but to my suprise, my powers weren't working leaving me baffled 'Don't tell me that stupid goddess has something to do with this' i tried sensing mana and suddenly felt sick 'This is so terrible, how is it this bad' I thought, the mana was so low i felt like vomiting, is it so terrible how has Earth been able to survive for this long!

From what i remember Earth is the best place for magic users, but now i see its past tense...dissapointing, I wanted to tell the humans to let me go, but when i tried speaing it just ended up as gibberish

They put me in a place with other babies and that was the worst experience, i can record in this mind of mine. Their cries were irritating and the smell from their diapers, when they had an accident was the worst to top it off with this alchoholic smell

"pls let me out! i beg you!" i screamed at the nurses making them laugh. A week later i was brought back to their house not like i had a choice. I really move my body, so i had no choice. Their house was fairly large, but not like those castles, it was also a little cold but not something i couldn't handle.

They took me to a room and there was something i think they call a 'cot' but i prefer this one compared to the ones i used to see, she laid me down in it, and covered me "He looks so calm, like an ocean i could get lost in" the woman said 'But you can also get devoured, just the way humans are only kind to their own but hate others'

After a few minutes i grew hot, and uncovered myself 'Mom and Dad, i miss you'. After staying here for one month, i found out i was in the future, and that the humans have improved drastically, as in they would be able to destroy a few races with their technology, but one thing won't thing won't change they will never be able to understand or wield magic as much or as well as us.....

I also found out their names and occupation, the woman's name is Alicia, while her husband's name was Stephen.

I tried testing out their sincerity towards me by doing all sorts of things, i was capable of in this body, even disgusting things, i would have never tried in my life,but no change in behaviour well until i was five