
The Reason Why Father Brought Home A Monster

Transmigrated, tortured and betrayed… all of it… she did not know her purpose other than an experiment to a mage. She lost all hope for humans and beasts. There was no hope or trust towards anyone. Her heart shattered and let down. Yet… why does she feel the need to be with these beast and people? “Come here, sweetie. We are your family. We won’t ever hurt you.” A female’s soft voice spoke out to her. “Yes, you are our precious daughter.” A male voice then spoke out. “Don’t be a brat is all I ask.” Another voice but it was a young child. ‘Ugh, why can’t they just leave me be and let me relax this lifetime?’ She said to herself.

MAnonymus18 · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Chapter 20

Seven started eating the next cookie, nodding her head with no real emotion other than enjoying her newfound favorite sweet. 'At least you understand now that I was trying to tell you my name. Seven is all I know.' She went on to eat her next few cookies, just wishing to eat her food down. The quick munch on her cookies made her quite desperate for sweets.

"Your name is not Seven," Sachin said, patting the little girl's head again. You are not a number. I will get you a new name. No one can call or see you as a number or object." He did not want the little girl to go through all of the pain again. Recalling the words that Uther kept saying kept bringing him to be faster in searching for Laonn. Yet, he could not be rash, or else they would lose him as soon as they found him.

Seven heard him loud and clear, nodding her head; it did not really matter what name they gave her anyway. It was not like she would stop them from doing so since she did not feel anything when someone named her. Staring at the cake, she wondered what kind of flavor it was now. Sachin could spot her eyes on the sweets; he just started to feed her sweets bit by bit while letting her get full. Seven had not seen her ears, but they looked sharper. It had been days, and she rarely ever looked at herself in the mirror or the water.

The day went well; Sachin left the room with the servants to clean the plates. He noticed that her ears looked far sharper than before. 'Could this be due to the mutation?' It was very likely that it would be. He had heard and seen Laonn's teachings and theories once, which he was strongly against since they went against natural order and nature. "All of this is going to get complicated." Sachin rubbed his forehead before Priti came down and held his hand.

"What's wrong, Honey?" Priti knew she could not enter the room yet, but she was outside now that her husband was out. "You do not look very happy," she said.

"Just a lot that I am coming to discover. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be resting?" Sachin knew that his beloved wife was going to give birth at some point. With every passing day, Sachin only grew more worried about it since he did not know if there would be a time when he could not be by his wife's side.

Priti hugged him tight, knowing that he was just afraid of losing her forever. "I wanted to make sure that you were okay. I do not need to be bedridden. I heard you on the other side of the door, and I am really happy that you are willing to protect her and take care of her now. I feel like you both were able to progress and come to understand each other better." Priti truly was proud of her husband.

"You did not need to eavesdrop on us. Come on, let's get you something to eat too. I can tell you everything I have learned throughout this whole case and a little adventure." Sachin wanted to feed his wife, holding her heavy belly at the same time. 'Something is wrong, though. Uther's body is completely burnt to ashes. Did that little girl cause it?' Sachin kept those words in mind.


Seven felt like she was going to lose her mind after being in her bedroom for almost two weeks. As much as she loved being lazy, she wanted to go outside, or else she would jump out the window from the second-story floor. 'Should I just jump down?' Debating really hard if she should risk her injuries. Even the maids and servants had to beg her not to go anywhere, or else their master would punish them. It seemed like they were using the Master to stop her from doing anything.

'Just don't do anything that can get you killed. We are not like those cats with nine lives, which is not even a true fact.' Daise spoke out after who knows how long.

'Didn't you say that we are now connected by flesh and blood? Why do you say that we do not?' Seven thought that she was now like an immortal since Daise told her something similar unless she was too weak to think about it thoroughly.

'Yes, but we both only have one life. Well… two if you include me being alive in your mind.' Daise went on to say, but it did not sound right. It was stupid.

'That's no different from saying cats have nine lives.' Seven would not complain or argue with him since it would be a headache. She kept lying back on her bed and trying to think about what to do. Daise thankfully did not give her any more headaches. The servants tried playing games with her, but she was not like most children and did not smile as often. The air was always tense around her.

The door had opened, "Hey, you look very bored." Reg entered the bedroom, looking at the little girl who looked really bored. "Did you need some kind of game to play?" He asked, even though he knew that she was not the best person to play games with. The mansion had many servants and maids talking all the time, and it was usually Seven who was the main topic. Seven would look at him. She had nothing to do, but even a game did not sound so fun. Reg saw the look on her face, "You don't want to play a game. Alright, I'll take you out for a walk in the garden. How does that feel?"

Seven sat up, 'I can finally leave this room! This is my chance!' There was no way she would miss this chance to leave this bedroom. It had been too long since she had gone out, and it was like she was leaving a cage again. She slid off the bed, going over to the door while waiting for Reg to hurry up and walk with her to the garden. 'I need someone who holds power in this mansion so that no one tries to keep me in here again.'

Reg sat on the bed, seeing how quickly she got up and out of bed. She did not look in pain from what he had seen. "Hahaha! Let's go walk then!" Reg held his hand towards her, "If you don't hold my hand, no one will believe you are with me." He was clearly lying.

Seven did not know if he was lying or not, but she willingly took his hand with hers. 'Just hurry up and get me out of here. I need to go out for some fresh air.' Not giving care, she finally felt much better after walking out in the hallway. The maids and servants were just wide-eyed, shocked.

"Is this real?"

"Why is she holding his hand?"

"Who would have thought that could hold hands?"

The maids and servants whispered amongst each other; it was clear that they never expected their young master to hold the little girl's hand. Seven just ignored them, and she went on to walk with Reg and make their way outside. Finally, there was fresh air for her to inhale and keep it all coming into her lungs. 'I feel like if I did not leave that bedroom, then I would lose my mind once more.' The air was so fresh and clean, and the sun was just so warm on her skin. The butterflies and ladybugs were all flying around to enjoy it as well. The gardeners were watering and trimming the plants and weeds in the garden while both children walked around.

"How do you like the walk so far?" Reg asked.

Seven nodded her head. She enjoyed the walk since it was nice to see a new view. 'It is not the newest view but always newer than the bedroom.' Keeping that in mind, it was still the same place that she was at, but just not in the bedroom during the whole recovery. Forgetting that they were still holding hands, she did not bother to rip their hands apart since the cub looked like he was enjoying the hand-holding moment as if he really liked the idea of having a little sister.

"Good. If you get tired or hungry, just tap my hand. I do not mind." Reg was proud that he was the first one to hold her hand. His mother and father hugged her, but she was not as willing. Reg was very happy that the little girl agreed and allowed them to hold hands. It was like a moment to brag to his parents, too. "You do not feel any pain? I do not know if you still need more rest or not."

Seven only shook her head, clear to him that she was not a sick or weak person. She dealt with far worse pain, so it was not new to being harmed by Uther. 'Uther's pain or attacks on me are not as painful as Laonn's. Maybe it is because he was just a student.' If Uther had heard this, he would have been offended by it—not like Seven cared.