
The Realm of Dreams and Magic

In the Realm full of Gods the way can twist and turn for the youngest and not so powerful adopted daughter. What will happen when this ordinary girl among the Gods catches the attention Of The King Of Dreams

LunaNightShade2023 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter Two: Family

Squealing causes Asterin to look up from her book. Granted Hera had told her it was impolite to read at the table but she didn't care. It was better than listening to her siblings bicker. It was endless. Asterin cuts her eyes toward Aphrodite who was staring at her. Asterin glances around at everyone else and they were all staring between them.

Aphrodite's silvery eyes narrowed as she stared at her. Asterin shifts uncomfortably in her seat. She hated when Aphrodite did this.

"Seems like our baby sister has feelings for someone." Asterin's eyes widen as she feel her face flame at her sister's accusation. Asterin snaps her book closed loudly.

"De De! I do not and Mother has told you about reading people without concent!" She hisses. Asterin's mind instantly went to the man she had met the night of the party and she looks away from Aphrodite's as she grins smugly knowing that she was right.

"Admit it! I know that I'm right!" Asterin let's out a low aggervated sigh. She shoves away from the table and shakes her head leaving the Dining Hall. She couldn't believe that De De had done that. And people wondered why she didn't tell her siblings things. Sighing she makes her way toward the library. Her personal safe haven.

Asterin settled herself in her favorite window seat and glances out the window. The weather was turning cold. Asterin frowns. She hated the cold. It was not her favorite thing. The door to the library swings open loudly making her jump. She turns her head and trys not to roll her eyes as Hera enters the library looking very annoyed. Asterin eyebrows draw together as she looks at her mother. She was trying to figure out what she could have possibly done to annoy her Mother? She hadn't played any pranks on her siblings and she stayed out of Father's way..Hera huffs and sits down next to her at the window seat, softly glaring at her.

"What is this that De De tells me about you having feelings for someone?" Asterin's mouth falls open out of sheer disbeilf. This is what was annoying her mother?! Hera sighs and reaches over taking Asterin's hand into hers, her eyes softening.

"Talk to me darling. Who ever it is they would be lucky to wed a Princess." Asterin's face twists in a "Are you serious" look. Hera chuckles softly and shakes her head.

 "You are distracted and in a week you have only read two books. That is abnormal for you." Asterin blows out a long breath and shrugs. It wasn't actually the man, though he was attractive. It was more or less their conversation that had her distraced. None of it made any sense. Asterin groans and drops her head in her hands.

"There was a young man that came into the library after I did the night of the Party..and we just talked. He was asking me strange questions about what I thought about the sandman." Hera's eyebrows draw together as if she isnt understanding what is coming out of her daughter's mouth.

"Can you describe him?" Asterin lifts a perplexed eyebrow at Hera. She knew that her mouth only wanted to know because she was being nosey. I mean the woman was the literal Goddess of Marriage.

"raven colored hair, it was rather messy. Tall maybe five-eleven, lovely green hazel eyes-" Hera squeals rather loudly making Asterin cover her ears quickly and instantly regret telling her mother anything. She scowls at Hera slowly pulling her hands down from her ears.

"Little Moon, dear you WERE speaking to Morpheus." Asterin's body ran cold and the color drained from her face. It was mortifying! She had spoken so fondly about The Sandman and HE WAS one in the same! Hera's snorts at Asterin's reaction.

"I take it you probably said some pretty embarassing things then." Asterin rubs her forehead roughly trying to ignore the blush that was slowly creeping up from her neck.

"He called me Starlight." She admitted quietly. Hera jumped up from her seat grinning widely.

"This is wonderful news! I have work to do." Panicked by her mother's words she spring forward grabbing her mother's fingers.

"You cant do that. By the gods mother I will die from embarrassment please just leave it be." She pleaded loudly. Hera frowns, the excited light leaving her eyes. She nods reluctantly and leans down placing a kiss on Asterin's forehead.

"Very well dear. I will do nothing then." Asterin lets out the breath she didn't realize that she was holding. Her heart threatening to explode out of her chest. Asterin releases her hold on her Mother's fingers and sits back.

Hera smirks as she turns leaving the library. She had agreed not to do anything. But she would send Nyx a message telling her about it. Regardless of how her husband felt about Nyx. They had been friends when they were girls.
















Asterin glanced around, confusion and a bit of fear swirling in her stomach as she took in the meadow that she was standing directly in the middle of. How had she gotten here? And where exactly was she? She was sure that she had fallen asleep in the library.

Was this a dream? That would be impossivle. Asterin had never been able to dream. It was one of her flaws. Not that she spoke to anyone about it.

"Starlight?" Asterin stiffens at the sound of the familiar voice. Oh Gods! She mentally curses and slowly turns around. There he was..same black attire. But he wore a long coat with a high collar. She slowly wraps her arms around herself and looks around again. This was a Dreamscape. She had read about them.

"Lord Morpheus." She replies dryly. A short chuckle bubbles out of Morpheus. She was angry that he hadn't told her who he was.

"So my secret is out then." Asterin turns to face him again, glaring at the amusement in his tone. What was so funny to him?!

"You could have said something instead of letting me say all those embarrassing thing." She snapped back. But Morpheus wasn't even mad. He thought that she was adorable when she was angry.Morpheus waves his hand and a thick cloak materialized around Asterin. She glances down and fought the small smile that threatened to surface.

"My apologies starlight. But, it was refreshing to hear someone speak about in the way thst you did." His voice was gentle and it was getting closer. The burning at the tips of Asterin's ears let her know that she was blushing. She hangs her head allowing her hair to make a curtain around her face in an attempt to hide it from him.

Morpheus smirks and tilts his head trying to catch a glimpse of her rosy cheeks. The urge to see them was almost to much for him. He wanted nothing more than to reach out a stroke her cheek.

"I'm sorry if I had angered you in any way?" He offers taking another step toward her so that they were only inches apart. Asterin could feel her ears cool and she looks up at him. She sucks in a sharp breath. She hadnt realized how close that he had actually gotten to her.

"Where are we?" She asks trying to distract herself from their closeness. Morpheus cracks a smile smile and lifts his eyes away from her looking around.

"It looks like a meadow. You called me here. It is strange for another person to create such a vivid Dreamscape." He replies, his eyebrows drawing together. How had she done it? His eyes flicker down to her again. The look of awe in her face let him know that she wasn't really listening to what he was saying. Morpheus lets out a clipped sigh and against his better judgement he took a strand of her hair in his fingers examining it closely.

Asterin's heart leapt as she turned her head to look at the strand of hair that he was playing with. Her eyes watched his fingers move her hair. She said nothing, lifting her eyes to study his face. He seemed peaceful in this moment.

But, Asterin noticed the dark circles that were forming under his eyes and without much thought she slowly reached up and traced lightly under his eye. Morpheus stiffened under her gentle touch. No woman had ever dared to touch him.

"You should sleep more. You'd think being The King Of Dreams that you yourself would find the time to sleep." She scolded in a soft tone. Morpheus smiles down at her.

"You are a strange girl. Do you know that Starlight?" Asterin narrows her eyes at him, earning her a laugh from her. The breath left her chest at the enchanting sound.

"Mother says its because I was born under an eclipse." She says shrugging before turning away from him. She stiffens and takes a step back colliding with Morpheus's chest. He grips her upper arms.

"What's the matter?" But, Asterin's eyes were glued to the distance where she saw the dark figure standing. She had seen it before..to many times.

"I have to wake up."