
The Realm of Dreams and Magic

In the Realm full of Gods the way can twist and turn for the youngest and not so powerful adopted daughter. What will happen when this ordinary girl among the Gods catches the attention Of The King Of Dreams

LunaNightShade2023 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter One: The Meeting

 Asterin's mouth fell open in shock at the woman who had raised her. She wanted to object or argue that she was perfectly content with her life the way that it was. But, she knew that Hera wouldn't hear her.

 Hera was after all a Goddess and The Queen. Asterin knew better than to argue with the woman. Hera's golden curls were now pulled up off of her neck to show more of her beautiful golden skin tone. Asterin had always been envious of her tanned skin..compared to Asterin's own pale complexion.

 Hera smiles warmly at Asterin and sighs heavily. Her golden eyes looking the girl over.. She was no longer the small child that Artemis had brought to her. Asterin was twenty now. She was a full grown woman and Hera's job it was to find her a husband. Someone who would take care of her.

Hera slowly stands revealing her five-ten hourglass frame. She watched as Asterin picked nervously at her fingernails.

 "Dear one, I know that this isn't ideal for you." A sympathetic look crosses Hera's features as she tilts her head slightly trying to get Asterin to look her in the eyes. Slowly she did, lifting her piercing blue eyes to look at Hera. Hera had always adored her eyes. They were paired nicely with Asterin's long starlight curls. Her pale complexion reminded Hera of Moon. She was never a tall girl. She stood a five-five. And she had finally grown into her own hourglass figure.

 "I understand Mother…But Do I have to attend this ball ?" She asked almost pleading. All she wanted to do was stay curled up in the library and read. Hera lets out a small laugh and guides Asterin over to the changing screen, where the maids were waiting.

 "Yes little moon. We are hosting." Asterin frowns and she begins to pout. Hera lightly nudging her forward behind the screen.

*** *** ***

Asterin frowns at her reflection, The dress was beautiful, the a-line satin gown, shimmered with the silver designs, the plunging neckline made her frown deepen, three thin silver bands wrapped around her middle, cinching in her waist more. The illusion sleeves were comfortable enough, but a breeze caught her bare back causing her to shiver. She closes her eyes inhaling a steady breath.

This wasn't the first Ball that she had ever attended, but this was different. She was of age now and there were expectation and she just wanted to remain free. Slowly opening them again she glanced at her hair, to which a braid wrapped around her head as the rest cascaded down her back. Asterin's heart jumps as a gasp erupts in the room. She instantly wanted to cringe away and hide. But she forced a smile and slowly turned.

Hera stood just behind her smiling proudly.

"I knew that, that gown would suit you perfectly. Come, guests are arriving now." Asterin inhales a shaky breath and nods following behind Hera. She picked at her fingernails nervously as they entered the Grand Ball Room. Music was already playing and the sounds of People chatting made Asterin look down at her feet. Hera falls back next to her, taking her hand trying to comfort the girl. Hera knew how Asterin felt about being around large groups of people and she wanted to comfort her the best way that she knew how.

"Head up little Moon. You are a Princess after all." Asterin forces a smile and looks around. This was her worst nightmare. People were staring at her. Auryn yelps as a strong arm drops down around her shoulders. Her head snaps side ways and Aries brown eyes stares down at her in amusement. She wanted to hit him! His crimson curls bounced as he walked next to her. She hated that her brother had snuck up on her.

'Aries the god of War', she thought to herself before she rolled her eyes, slugging him in his ribs. Aries grunts lightly before pulling his arm away from her. Asterin smirks as Aries's large frame hunches slightly. His square jaw line tensing as he scowls at her.

"That was rude sister." He states loudly. Asterin glares at him, Aries never did have an inside voice. It had always bothered Asterin that he was so loud all of the time. She cranks her head back to stare at him. Mentally cursing at Aries's six foot stature. She hated that she was so small. It was aggervationg.

"Do not frighten me and I will not hit you." Asterin replies in a clipped tone. Aries scoffs and pokes her side making her yelp again. Asterin's face flushed and she raised her fist again as Aries chuckled bobbing and weaving at her. A slow smirk spreads on Asterin's lips as she slowly lifts the skirts of her dress before stomping down hard on Aries's foot. Aries groans, heat flashing in his eyes.

"Mother do you see how she abuses me?!" Asterin's mouth falls open. She swings around to Hera who only laughs at the both of them.

"Aries darling you did start it." Hera says in a gentle tone, already aware that, they were being watched.



 Nyx was not thrilled that she had to come to this Ball. But it was Zeus's lame attempt to prove that he wanted them to patch up their past. Nyx knew that he was only doing it because he feared her. She didn't mind though. He should fear her. They all should. Her son stood next to he wearing he same neutral expression that he always did. His raven colored hair was a mess, His tall lean frame stood tall and proud. The corner of Nyx mouth turns up at his deep hazel green eyes as they scanned the crowd, just watching them.

Nyx knew that he had probably been in most of these people's dreams and knew to many of their secrets.

 "Morpheus dear are you alright?" She asks lightly touching his arm. Morpheus turns slowly to him mother. Her onyx eyes piercing into his very being. He turns back to the crowd of people.

 "I am fine Mother. Let's just get this done." Nyx rolls her eyes searching for Hera. They needed to greet her before they did anything else. But her eyes caught site of starlight colored hair. The girl frowned at Aries, Her icy blue eyes narrowing as she raised her fist to him. Nyx chuckled lightly at the scene. But she did not know who this girl was and she laughed. Nyx flinched as Morpheus swung quickly in the direction. Curiously she peeked at her son. He had never done something like that. Nyx eyes widen in shock as the corner of Morpheus;s mouth turned up as he watched the girl.

 "Nyx there you are." Hera's voice pulled her away from her son's face. Nyx forces a polite smile as Hera smiles warmly.

 "Hello Hera. Lovely as always." Hera laughs lightly and shakes her head at Nyx.


 "Where are your other boys?" Hera asks curiously as her eyes slide over Morpheus. Nyx sighs in frustration.

 "The other two are bafoons and wouldn't have acted right. So I brought Morpheus with me." Hera's golden eyes watch Morpheus for a moment before she turns toward where he is looking and her eyebrows draw together. Asterin was glaring at Aries, until Hera saw the glint of silver in Asterin's hand.

 "Asterin Asteria! BEHAVE!" Hera's voice carried loudly across the room. Asterin's head snaps toward her voice. Before the dagger vanished into thin air. A guilty smile gracing Asterin's face. A clipped chuckle escapes passed Morpheus's lips and Both women looked at him in shock.

Nyx's heart faltered at the sound of her son's laughter. She hadnt heard that sound in so long. Hera's eyes twinkled for a moment before she turned her attention to Nyx to say something. But Nyx was just staring at her son as he watched the girl curiously.

**** ****




 Asterin huffed loudly as she escaped the ball room and made her way to the library slowly. She whines before stopping and taking off her heels and clucking them behind her. Asterin liked it better when she could just be barefoot and not have her feet aching because of some stupid shoes.

 Asterin passed a few maids who would no doubt tell her mother that she had abandoned the party. But she just couldn't take people staring at her like she was some prize. Because she wasn't that. She just wanted to be around her books.

 She slide inside the crack in the door to the library. Sighing peacefully. The library was her quiet place. She was grateful for that and Aries thankfully stayed away from it.

 Asterin puts her hands behind her back as she begins scanning the books for a new one to read. She loved that Hera would add to the library. It was like there were new books everyday. She hums softly to herself as she moves to another bookshelf. She smiles softly as she notices the book of human fairytales. As she reaches for it she realizes quickly that she can not reach it.

 Sighing she stand on her tip toes. Her fingers barely brushing the spine. Asterin glances around before groaning. She did not see a ladder in site. Her heart stopped as a hand reaches above her head plucking the book from its place. She swings around quickly, her hitting the shelf. The man was wearing all black execpt the silver designs that outlined the front of his jacket. Her eyes slowly lifting to meet green hazel eyes.

 Morpheus watched her closely, he wanted to see her reaction to him. Normally people strayed away from him. But, he was pleasently surprised when a blush dusted her cheeks as she smiles warmly. Her icy eyes lifting toward his hand that held the book.

 "Thank you." Her voice was gentle. The corner of Morpheus's mouth twitches as he lowers the book for her to take. She took it gently,, her fingers brushing his, her blush deepened as she steps to the side putting a little distance between them.

 "Why are you not at the party?" He spoke so softly that it made Asterin's heart flutter. Her eyes flicker over to him and she tries not to smile.

 "They sufficate me. My siblings get drunk or annoy me and then everyone was staring." She shakes her head moving toward a window seat that wasn't to far away from where she was. Morpheus gives her a curious look but, follows her.

 "You do not like the attention?" He inquires curiously. Asterin scoffs in disgust.

 "Sandman No! I am not Aphordite. In fact I am not a Goddess at all." Both of Morpheus's eyebrows shoot up. Not only because she had used his name as a curse but she had confessed that she wasn't a goddess.

 "Sandman?" He did not try to hide his own amusement. Asterin sat down on the edge if the window seat and let out a small giggle.

 "Yes, If I risked using anyone else they would have found me…He is interesting to read about and hear about." Morpheus's heart stopped for a fraction of a second as he watched Asterin move back drawing her legs up under her making the skirts of her dress spend out around her.She frowns down at the gown and moved it closer to her. She smiles brightly at Morpheus and pats the empty space next to her.

 Morpheus couldn't stop his own smile as he sat down across from her, staring at her. She seemed to glow under the moon light. He found it strangely peaceful.

 "You find King Morpheus interesting? Most people stray away from him." Asterin scoffs and shakes her head in disapproval. She didn't like that.

 "Lord Morpheus, what I've heard about him when people talk is their on fear. Just because of what he can do. I think its amazing. To dream walk? Can you imagine? And then to give Nightmares to those that deserves it-" her smile never faltered as she spoke about him. And Morpheus fought to keep from smiling as she spoke. He imagined that this girl was either extremely niave or she was very good at determining through peoples lies.

 "My lady you have a strange way of thinking." Asterin scrunches her nose at him.

 "I do not. Others are just afraid of what they do not understand." She countered confidently. Morpheus found himself smirking at her.

 "And what have you read about The King Of Dreams?"Morpheus moves slightly drawing one leg up on the window seat and Asterin eyes him suspiously for a moment.

 "Why? I don't know anything other than what is in books that you could easily read yourself." Morpheus's smirk grew as she went on the defensive.

She had fire and he liked that.

"Why do you seem suspious now?" Asterin picked at her fingers and glances down at her hands.

"Because, I will not help someone hurt him." Her voice was low and it caught him off guard as he tilts his head trying to meet her eyes. She was worried that someone would try to hurt him?

"Has someone asked you something like that before? To find his weakness?" Asterin didn't look up but she did nod. Anger flooded Morpheus. Someone was trying to challenge him? But his expression softened as he saw Asterin peek up at him, a light blush dusting her cheeks.

"Did you tell them anything?" He felt bad for asking, but he wanted to know. Asterin's eyes harden as she lifts her head to look into his eyes.

"I am not a heartless monster! I wouldn't tell them anything. I wouldn't betray someone like that. Its wrong." Morpheus's hand moved on his own, as he placed his large hands over hers and he smiled.

"Then, I should Thank you starlight." Both Asterin's eyebrows raise and her eyes widen. Her heart beating rapidly in her chest. What the hell just happened?!