
The Real Prodigy - (Temporarily)

An arrogant man turning into the Prodigy from the Artheran! Fight Everything! Don't be Afraid! Kill Young Masters! Kill all the Goddamn Family! To those Pokémon fans, if there's a problem in my writing that relates to Pokémon, you can correct me in the comment. I will tell you now, that I have not watched a full season of Pokémon Anime nor have I played the Pokémon Games but I read much Pokémon Fanfiction, especially Dark Sides, Bottom Trainer, Bug Elite, Pokemon Day Care, Bounty Hunter. Legendary Pokémon Trainer. Pokémon Court, etc. I'm also a fan of Metagross, especially the Shiny Metagross, and I'm disappointed when it was beaten by Pikachu I do not have a Patreon because I don't know how to use that have a discord but it's useless. I don't know how to operate it or I'm just lazy. So, don't expect me to have any of that. And for the updates, who knows hahaha. Maybe 3 or 5 per week. I already have an idea and if implemented that idea maybe I can reach chapter 50 but you know it's really hard for me to use English, it takes me time to arrange grammar. Realtalk I'm using Google Translate and Grammarly. And btw. I do not own the photo of Metagross, Zenitsu. Zoro, and Kirito. But it's me who made that cover photo-editing black and white I also do not own the idea of One Piece Pokemon, Demon Slayer, and Dota. It's just fanfiction, If there are any concerns, copyright issues, or complaints you can email me here at iceclaw9113@gmail.com (even though that's not my main email) This novel is the book i used temporarily because iceclaw9113 (my main account) is having trouble now, i can't open my account.

DarkIceClaw · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Chapter 3 - Coat and Summoner Contract

After the Wado Ichimonji calmed down, he called the system in his mind.

(System, I also want to buy that Coat and the Summoner Contract)

[Are you sure? Don't you want to save points for the next Great Grade?]

(You said it can't accept me now right? Much better to buy others.)

[Ding! Are you sure you want to buy-]

(Yes! Hurry!)

[Tsk… Ding! 8,900 Points – 1,000 Points = 7,900 Points]

[Tsk… Ding! Congratulation, you've unlocked Blackwyrm Coat]

(Huh, do you have an opinion?)


(Give it to me now!)

[Got it!]

Then the beautiful black coat appeared on his front.

"Tsk… Tsk… It really looks handsome"

(If you didn't stop me from buying at that time, I've already bought this)

[Che… Didn't you almost die at that time? If it's not for me reminding you every day to buy that bloodline first, and if you insist on buying that coat, you might not earn 15,000 points at that time. I've already reminded you to buy the internal things first before the external ones. And now you can se-]

(Yes, yes, you are right.) Tristan couldn't understand why he had such a chatty system. God must consider a female and gentle voice, not this type of old man with such a foul mouth.


(You Shit! Didn't I tell you to stop spying on my thoughts!)

[Cough… Cough… Oh, that coat was outstanding, you can try it.]


[Don't you want to wear it? Ok, what a pity. It's a pity for the coat, coat do you hear it, your master doesn't want to wear you.]

(Hmph… I will deal with you later)

He quickly replaced the hooded cloak with a coat and quickly approached the mirror then laugh loudly.

"HAHAHAHA! IT'S SO HANDSOME! IT'S REALLY SUITABLE FOR MY NICKNAME "THE BLACK SWORDSMAN!" I don't know how many females will chase me when I wear these coats."

[Tsk… What a narcissistic]

(Don't you agree?)

[Yes, yes, yes. Our Young Master Tristan was the most handsome in the world]

Tristan didn't care about the sarcastic word of system, because he was happy now.

(System what about the contract!)

(Tsk… Ding! Are you sure-]


[Tsk… Ding! 7,900 Points – 5,000 Points = 2,900 Points]

[Congratulation, you've unlocked the Pokemon Psychic Summoner Contract]

[Please Choose your Pokémon in the following choices]

There's a 5-picture card that appears in front of Tristan.

The first card that appeared is the red-haired man with a cape on his back. On his side, there was a light orange-colored dragon with a harmless look.

The second card that appeared is the light blue-haired man wearing a suit. On his side, there was a white metal like a robot with a cold look.

The third card that appeared is the beautiful blonde woman wearing a black overcoat suit with two horns on both sides of her hair. On her side, there was an aggressive monster with a sharp blade on both of its arms.

The fourth card that appeared is a black female wearing a pink and white dress with a big ribbon in the middle. On her side, there was a 3 headed black, blue, and red color with a little 6 wings on its back.

The fifth card that appeared is a young man with purple hair, also wearing a cape on his back like the first one. On his side, there was like a light-green color on its body and a triangle airplane shape on its head.

(What's this Pokémon? Except for that Barney Dragon, I didn't know the others.)

[That's because that person from your memories didn't watch Pokemon]

(Didn't watch? But I know Pikachu, hey system, why there's no Pikachu here? I want it)

[You want Pikachu?]

(Of course, why do you ask?)

[Do you think it's strong?]

(Isn't it obvious? Otherwise, how could ash become strong?)

[That Pikachu is an exception. The normal Pikachu is not, they had low stats compared to the 5 card choices. Sometimes, I doubted that Pikachu was Arceus]


[The God of Pokemon]

(You're kidding right?)

[Of course, I'm just kidding, how could that Pikachu be God?]

(Then, what do you mean by stats?)

[Stats is the numbers that can determine the strength of the species of each Pokémon]

(Then what is Pikachu Stats?)


(What about them?)

[You mean the 5 cards? It's 600]

(It's so high? Almost double!)

[That's because Pikachu was only a secondary evolution, not the final evolution 'Raichu']

(Oh yeah, I remember that pokemon, what are the stats of it?)


(Oh, It's still low, why it's so low?)

[It depends on where you comparing it, as for now, you're comparing it to the 'Pseudo-Legendary' Pokemon]

(You mean that 5 pokemon was a 'Pseudo Legendary'?) Even Tristan didn't know what is 'Pseudo Legendary' when he hears the word 'Legendary' he feel it was strong.

[Yes, that's because their stats were comparable to some of 'Mythical' and 'Legendary' Pokemon, that's why they're called 'Pseudo Legendary'.]

(Amazing, so even that Orange Barney was strong?)

[You mean Dragonite? Why? Do you think it's not strong?]

(I thought it was the same with that Charizard or much weaker)

[Oh, you still know Charizard?]

(Of course, even if that person didn't watch Pokemon, he still knew some of it. By the way, what are the stats of Charizard?)

[Based on the race of stats, Charizard is much weaker, it has a 534 while Dragonite is 600]

(Can you show me their abilities?)

[Showing their ability was troublesome for me, it's too many, but I can show you the highlights of each pokemon]

(It's okay, show it to me)

Then a virtual screen appeared in front of him showing the battle of the pokemon.

First the Dragonite

"I really underestimated it, it's really strong."

Second the Metagross

"Eh, system, why there's a different color?"

[Speak on your mind!]

(Ah, yes)

[That's because it's a shiny pokemon]


[Based on the internet, shiny Pokémon are rare variants of Pokémon that are differently colored than other Pokémon of their species. And because of their colors, they are always been disregarded by their clan.]

(It is strong compared to the normal one?)

[There's nothing different between the two colors, it's just a coincidence.]

(So, if I picked this card, will I get the shiny one?)


(I see.)

He continued to watch until…

(Whoa… System, What's that? Evolution? So Handsome!)

[That's a Mega Evolution. By using the Key Stone and Mega Evolution you can access the Mega Evolution, of course even if you have the both two there's still a requirement, the requirement is the bond or trust between you and your Pokémon must be high.]

(I see. So, can the Pikachu mega evolve?)

[You're still obsessed with Pikachu…? It has no mega evolution]

Tristan blushed and said in his mind (I'm just asking, you're so sensitive)

The system rolled his eyes even though there were no eyes.

[Not all pokemon can mega evolve, only selected pokemon are capable of mega evolve]

(Ah, I see. Ah, wait, what are the stats of that Meta… Meta… Metal Guy when mega evolve?)

[It's Metagross]

(Yeah, I know!)

[It's 700!]

(Additional 100? It is higher if you compare it to the Legendaries?)

[The stats were higher compared to most of 'Mythical' and 'Legendary' Pokemon, but the strength of 'Mythical' and 'Legendary' Pokemon was still stronger compares to the 'Pseudo Legendary' Pokemon, even if they mega evolve.]

(So, stats were just a number, it still depends on strength or potential?)


Then he continued to the third, the Garchomp.

But his focus was not on the Pokemon but on the blonde female. He feels Déjà vu.

(That woman was so beautiful, if she's real, I will pursue her)

[Actually, there is]


[You met her. Her look alike]

(What do you mean?)

[It's the woman who saved you at that time!]

(Saved me? That woman… Hmm… look alike… hmm… Ah, that white-haired girl?)


(They looked alike?)


(Why I didn't know?)

[You passed out]

(I see)

[Will you pursue her?]

(This… who knows) Tristan was embarrassed and continue watching.

(This Pokemon can also mega evolve?)


(1v6? WTF!)

Continued to the 4th Pokemon, the Hydreigon

(There's no mega evolution?)

(But it's actually strong. It can release 3 skills at one turn)

(Oh, this Barney Dragon looked bad boy here)

Continued to the 5th Pokemon, the Dragapult

(So Fast!)

(It can infiltrate the wall?)


(Why there's a kid pokemon on its horn?)

[That's what their pre-evolution looks like. Dragapult feels uncomfortable when there's no dreepy on their horn.]

(Will I get that extra kid pokemon when I choose it?)

[I think no]

(That's not fair!)

[It's also not fair when you have another 2]

(Then why did you include it?)

[Who knows?]

(Who knows your face, I knew you know it)

[I'm saying the truth, I really don't know, it's already programmed here when I appeared.]

(Then where are you from?)

[It's from the mother universe. Maybe the mother programmed it for you]

(Where is she?)

[It's not she. It has no Gender]

(You call it 'Mother' and it's not she?)

[That's just what's it called, but it has no gender. By the way, it's already gone]

(You are talking shit, right?)

[It's not my fault if you don't believe me. By the way, have you decided what to pick?]

Tristan looked at the five cards, it looks cool, especially the second, third, and fifth.

But only 2 and 3 can Mega Evolve.

He was hesitating about what to choose, and finally, after a few seconds, he made his own decision.

"I made my decision, I choose the 2nd"

[Metagross? Can you tell me why?]

(Isn't it obvious? It's cool, shiny color white, can mega evolve, cool, handsome, aggressive comparable to me)


[But it's has beaten by Pikachu, not once, but twice.]

Tristan: "….."

(Then you give me Pikachu. Especially the Pikachu of Ash.)

[That's Impossible, What if Cynthia's Garchomp?]

(No, I made my decision. Metag.. What do you call it? Meta..)


(Yes, Metagross!)

[Whatever, here]

There's a scroll appeared on his front.

(Scroll? Where's my Poké Ball?)

[There's no Poké Ball, it's a Psychic Contract. You need to sign your name using your own blood.]

(Psychic Contract? Same on Naruto?)


He immediately bites his right thumb and writes his name.

(It is done?)

[Yes, you can summon it.]

(How? Like in Naruto?)

[Yes, as long as there's your blood on the ground then put your hand on it, you can summon it]

Since his right thumb already had blood, he immediately pushes his right hand into the ground.

"Come out, Metagross!"


There's a small white-colored iron ball appeared on his front.

[Pokemon: Beldum (Shiny)

Abilities: Clear Body ⇔ Light Metal

Height: 0.4 m

Weight: 80.2kg

Bases Stats: 270 (300)

HP: 35(40)

Attack: 50 (55)

Defense: 75 (80)

Sp. Atk: 30 (35)

Sp. Def: 55 (60)

Speed: 25 (30)

Skill: Tackle]

"Beldum? There's no Metagross? I guess it's their pre-evolution pokemon right?"

The Beldum approached and circled around him.

[Otherwise? Do you think you can have a Metagross right away, how can you form a bond? There's no free lunch in the world, you need to work hard]

(Free Lunch your ass! Did I get it free? I paid 5000 Points!)

"Hey kid, come here"

[It's still free anyway because not all people can get a chance to have Pseudo Legendary even if they work hard]

The Beldum approached him.

Tristan feel something and reacted.

But it was too late when he reacted, the beldum already use Tackle on his stomach and ran away.

"Pu…" Tristan felt pain in his stomach.

[You're lucky you have a system… puff… ahahahaha]

"Bastard! Come back here!" He held his stomach with his hand, he suppressed the pain and chase the beldum.

After a few minutes, he caught up with beldum near the mountain.

He held his stomach while chasing the beldum because he still felt the pain in it.

He saw the beldum crushing the stone and put it at the side of its eye, it should be its mouth.

It looks at Tristan and made a noise then ignore him.

[It said, you are a bastard owner, it's so hungry but you didn't let it eat the food.

"You… disobedient kid, I will teach you a lesson!"

[Wait… You bastard, you dare to hurt a baby pokemon?]

(You called it a baby? Look how much damage I took. It's almost near Senior Level, so what if it's a baby? It's still a disobedient kid)

The Beldum run away again.

"Bastard… Wait…" Tristan followed it.

Actually he can chase it, but he wants to see what this guy wants to do.

[Look at its Base stats, it's still not even reached the average stats of a normal beldum, its heights and weight didn't reach the standard of a beldum, which means that guy was just a newly born. So, you dare to beat it, how can it develop?]

(You mean, I'll just endure it?)

[Yeah, wait until he reached the average stats of beldum]

(This… I'll just spank it a little. I think it will not hurt]

System "..."

"Damn it where's that guy?"

(On that direction?)

He looked in the 8'oclock direction and suddenly remembered something.

Then suddenly there's a huge noise.


[Tristan, hurry up, I think there's trouble in the direction of beldum]

Tristan felt the pain in his stomach disappear and immediately increased his speed and ran faster.