
The Real Prodigy - (Temporarily)

An arrogant man turning into the Prodigy from the Artheran! Fight Everything! Don't be Afraid! Kill Young Masters! Kill all the Goddamn Family! To those Pokémon fans, if there's a problem in my writing that relates to Pokémon, you can correct me in the comment. I will tell you now, that I have not watched a full season of Pokémon Anime nor have I played the Pokémon Games but I read much Pokémon Fanfiction, especially Dark Sides, Bottom Trainer, Bug Elite, Pokemon Day Care, Bounty Hunter. Legendary Pokémon Trainer. Pokémon Court, etc. I'm also a fan of Metagross, especially the Shiny Metagross, and I'm disappointed when it was beaten by Pikachu I do not have a Patreon because I don't know how to use that have a discord but it's useless. I don't know how to operate it or I'm just lazy. So, don't expect me to have any of that. And for the updates, who knows hahaha. Maybe 3 or 5 per week. I already have an idea and if implemented that idea maybe I can reach chapter 50 but you know it's really hard for me to use English, it takes me time to arrange grammar. Realtalk I'm using Google Translate and Grammarly. And btw. I do not own the photo of Metagross, Zenitsu. Zoro, and Kirito. But it's me who made that cover photo-editing black and white I also do not own the idea of One Piece Pokemon, Demon Slayer, and Dota. It's just fanfiction, If there are any concerns, copyright issues, or complaints you can email me here at iceclaw9113@gmail.com (even though that's not my main email) This novel is the book i used temporarily because iceclaw9113 (my main account) is having trouble now, i can't open my account.

DarkIceClaw · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Chapter 11 - Aftermath. Tristan Black Identity and Past

After Captain Wilson and the other soldiers returned they saw another beast's tide coming.

In addition to dozen Enhanced stages and countless Normal Beasts.

In addition, there are two huge Monster Stages that appeared.

Compared to some sizes of Enhanced Beasts, it triples the size.

It's already comparable to the building.

1 Bearbeaster and 1 Tigwrath Monster Stages.

If it's just these two, even if it's troublesome to fight they can kill it with the power of quantity but now, with a dozen of Enhanced Stages and Hundreds of Normal Stages, they can only defend.

A few minutes later defending and the troops of Major Anderson arrived.

The situation became reversed.

Because of the chaos and countless deaths of people, the two Monster Stages became the vent of the anger of the soldiers.

With their size, it's hard for them to escape with the power of Major Anderson, a Crown Stages, and the 3rd Platoon with a bunch of Experts Stages.

Black Region Regional Troops also appeared late, but even if it was late, it also helps them a little bit.

Some Enhanced Beasts and Normal Beasts managed to escape but the majority of them also died. But for them, it's not a big impact. There are countless beasts in the forests, but for the sides of humanity, it's a huge loss for them, they didn't know how many years they will recover the 2 Stations.

Major Anderson ordered the 3rd Platoon and other soldiers to guard Station 92 first and immediately let all the civilians and some injured soldiers of station 92 stay at Station 95 for the time being.

The next day

September 9, NE176

Station 90, Katrinidad Alliance Hall

The news of the beasts' invasion in the Black Region had been spread all over Alliance Region in Artheran. Anderson had received countless calls about the situation, even the higher-ups had been asking for the full details of what happened. This made Anderson pressured a bit.

The good thing is the higher-ups only warned him that next time it should never happen again. They also understand how hard the situation in the Black Region and Major Anderson and others is one of the main forces defending the invasion and he had already done his best.

But Major Eugene of Station 100 didn't escape the punishment. He was removed from his position because of his negligence to maintain the stability of his territory.

Hunter Guild in other regions of Artheran had also been implicated because of the rebellion that happened in Black Region and they really found many suspicious members and they caught them for interrogation. As for the result of the interrogation. Who knows?

Early in the morning, Anderson also read the full details of the report.

3 Station of Katrinidad City was affected by the incident.

Station 93, Station 92, and Station 91.

The situation in Station 91 was just mild, but it's different from Station 93 and Station 92, especially in Situation 92, it's more devastating.

Out of all 141 Soldiers of Station 92, including hunters and alliance soldiers, only 39 got alive (not traitors), 14 were missing including the 1st lieutenant of Station 92, 11 were arrested, and the rest died. Then, of 334 civilians, only 84 were alive, 42 were missing, and the rest was dead.

Anderson felt heavy inside. This is the first time they suffer a huge loss against the beast. And the most annoying was there was rebelled participated in the battle.

After a few seconds, he calmed down a bit.

Then he looked at another list.

It is another piece of information, it is the whole compilation of the testimony of the people in the incident.

From Station 91 which is 2 Hunter rebelled and some invasion. They are the less casualty out of the three stations.

Followed by Station 93 which is the 1st Lieutenant suffered heavy injuries, followed by the two barracks commander, one was unconscious, and one lost his hands. Three hunter experts rebelled and others from seniors into starters.

And lastly, in Station 92, The 1st Lieutenant was missing, 1 Barracks Commander was heavily injured and other information related to Seniors – Starters.

But what's the most surprising was the information about this kid.

Tristan Black

Based on the information, this kid fights Enhanced Wolvone, then kills all its subordinates (wolvone) alone. Killing countless normal beasts from (E), (M), and (L). Then kill many Seniors – Starter Stage rebel. And lastly, he managed to fight Expert Stage with an injured body in a short time and manage to kill 1 Expert Thompson, even though he used an explosion bead, the merits were still his.


This Bastard.

This man is one of the main culprits of summoning 2 Crown Beasts!

But hehe, this guy was unlucky he met that kid.

Anderson was also amazed and looked at his information.

Son of Silva Black and Thea Madeline Garcia on Green Region. Out of 4 children, he's the eldest followed by twins and the younger sister.

Silva Black, 45 years old,

He knows this guy before, he was also one of the talented guys more than 20 years ago. Of course, there are many talented people in this region, and the reason why he knew him was because he was a sword user which is rare in this country.

Fist Fighting, Spears, Daggers, Wands, Kali and Gun is the famous weapon not only in Artheran but in the whole continent of Asul. Only a few heritages of sword techniques have been passed through generations of Asul Continent. If most people will be asked why there are a few sword users in the continent then they will only say, they aren't from the Yotos Continent, the 2nd strongest Continent in Retus.

(Author Notes: Retus = Earth)

It happens that Silva Black's ancestors have a heritage of sword technique from Yotos.

He was one of the Crown Stages Soldiers who are responsible to defend 'that' region.

But sadly, two years ago, he died.

Then Anderson looked at the other name.


'That family?'

She already died 16 years ago when she gave birth to her youngest daughter.

Anderson slightly frowned, 'Does this kid belong to that family?' This is what he thought.

It seems yes, but their relationship was not closed otherwise 2 years ago, this kid will not be sent here to this region.

His siblings are living in the Green Region, the strongest region of Artheran. They are currently in the city of Zetrino near the city of Remulo which was the main city of the Green Region.

His 2 younger siblings who were twins are already in B class at Warrior University this year while the youngest was in the final year of high school this year.

Tristan Black is infamous in his school.

This guy was known as one of the most arrogant young masters with the three young masters in his school.

A few days after his father's death he lose the battle in qualification for the top 10 Genius qualification on his school then got into a conflict and hurt 5 schoolmates.

After a few days, the school decide to case file against him and punished him for 2 years of service in the Black Region.

When he first come to this region, he was still Proficient (E),

He also experienced 2 times defending the invasion of a beast in the past 2 years.

He was also famous in this station for provoking some hunter members in the guild and suspected as a person who killed an expert and 2 seniors 6 months ago but there's no evidence proving that he really kills.

And after 2 years, his strength became skyrocketed. Without having resources, he managed to rise up.

Like this time, if he didn't help Jigo the Barracks Commander, the latter will die from assassination.

Then he looked at the term years of Tristan and it was already done more than months ago but this guy still didn't return back.

Does this guy want to stay here?

No, there's no future here, genius like him must go to University otherwise it will only waste his talent.

Even though his progress was fast now, it's another story when this kid reaches the Expert Stage.

He knows how many resources he spent to reach his current situation now.

The Expert Stage is the critical stage of the person's growth, once you missed that in your prime, you'll delay your growth in the following years, like what happened to him. He's already old now when he reached the Crown Stage.

Talent is just one aspect of the criteria to reach a higher stage like the Crown, Elite, or Champion, the other was the external things which was the resources to accelerate your growth and achieved higher stages.

Anderson closed his eyes and think of something.

Other people didn't notice this kid for now but who knows in the future. Especially for the families, once they notice him, this kid will be in trouble, especially in this region.

And if that Stinky Commander does something to this kid…

No, he must help him.

Even though it's a loss for losing a talented guy in his hands. But for the safety and future of this kid, he must save him.

He was hesitating but after a few seconds, he made up his mind and call someone.

In a dream

When Tristan was 5 years old, he remembers his mother being brought to the hospital. He and his younger brother and younger sister just stand outside innocently, don't know what happened.

They remember what their mother said before that they will be going to have another sister in the family.

How the younger sister will come up they don't know.

Tristan was so young when his younger siblings were born at that time, so he really can't recall so much.

Then after a few hours of waiting, they heard panicking people inside, what happened? My mother?

After the people inside opened the door, they looked at them with pity.

Tristan and his siblings don't know what the meaning of that look, they just think it's weird.

Where's my mother? I want to see my mother!

Then they saw their mother sleeping. They also heard a crying sound.

It is their younger sister?

After a few seconds, they heard their father coming with a solemn and dignified face. He ignored them and walked to their mother.

They also followed him and saw their father holding their mother's hand and crying.

Father why are you crying, mother was sleeping, and you'll disturbing her.

But after a few years, they already accepted that their mother was gone.

Tristan also hates their younger sisters and he also happened to hurt her sometimes. When their father knows this, he beat him so hard.

Why you're beating me, it's obvious, this sister killed my mother!

This is what he thoughts, but he didn't have to courage to say it.

Tristan's mind became crooked as he gets older. He also didn't bother to trouble his younger sister afraid of beating up by his father but he was also ignoring her and didn't want to talk to her.

In school, he became more arrogant, and feel superior to the low 'class' classmate and bully them. He heard from the others that his father broke through the Crown Stages, 'Isn't that great?' Who will dare to provoke me, my father will kill you.

But when high school, he met his nemesis. When he saw a beautiful classmate, he wants to court her but he got rejected because of his bad reputation at school.

This female also came from a rich family, she's not afraid to provoke Tristan.

Feel being embarrassed in front of everyone, he tries to attack her but was stopped by the other guy.

Then the guy asked him, why you're attacking a female?

He shouted at that person, why do you care?

Then he attacks him with his two swords but immediately got beaten up using a fist and kick combo.

So, after that incident, he didn't dare to provoke them but still remain arrogant toward others.

When they reached 16 to identify their elements, he was shocked about the element of that guy.

Triple Elements!

It is rare not only in the country of Artheran but in the world of Retus. So, he really didn't dare to provoke him.

After he became 18 years old, 3 months later, he received shocking news, his father has died.

How could it be…

He couldn't believe it.

His father was a Crown Stage! He was strong!

Tristan suffers a huge blow and didn't eat in 3 days.

But he forgot at that day was the Evaluation for the Top 10 Genius Qualification at his school.

When he appeared at that time, he's lacking the energy to fight, and unexpectedly, he was beaten by an unknown guy in his school.

He knew that guy was only a fool, a son of prisoners. He always mocked that guy in the past and the latter was enraged and always make a fight with him. Of course, that guy was defeated. Even though he's arrogant, he also has a foundation coming from the teaching of his father.

He just stops provoking that guy when the previous guy who beat him appeared and warned him.

He's always been jealous of that guy, especially of that beautiful female he likes but he couldn't do anything, so he just gritted his teeth and say nothing.

So, it's a big blow to him when he loses to the person he always mocked in the past.

When he feels he loses his face, he immediately hurriedly gets away from school, ashamed of what happened but when he was about to go away he heard a mocking noise of a group at him.

So, as an arrogant man, how could he swallow it? He immediately attacks them with his sword and injured them but he was caught by the guard of the school.

He immediately fled away the school and appeared somewhere in a remote street.

He saw the disgusting clothes of the people here and immediately get away.

But while walking around, someone sneaked and attack him.

Tristan didn't notice and immediately got stabbed in the back.

He thought he was going to die at that time, his eyes became blurry, and the only last thing he saw was a white hair female appeared.

After losing consciousness, he dreamed again about the life of a person on earth.

From starting to young, teenager, adult, middle age man and died in an accident.

He saw the struggle of this man, being scolded at work, helpless, countless rejections, being cheated on by his girlfriend, etc.

Tristan felt empathy and he didn't notice his thinking started to mature.

After that dream, he saw the first appearance of the system when he woke up in the ICU.

He returned to Retus.

But the problem is the school filed a case against him and punished him to work in Black Region for 2 years.

So after going to the Black Region,

He experienced the struggle of soldiers here, the death of his 2 leaders in the invasion of the beast, the death of his 3rd senior by an assassination attempt, and assassination again and again. Provoking people, to fight the invasion again, and he almost died at the hand of Expert.

Then he heard a…


It's like the sound of the tummy.


I feel hungry…

Then he woke up…