
The Rare Class I Have is Over Powerful!

Nagao Deri, a reincarnated person with memory loss, was sent to an isekai world. Even so, he obtained a class that was very mysterious but over-powerful. On his journey, he discovers the reason why he was sent to the isekai world and who his enemy really is.

Hati_Skoll · Kỳ huyễn
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58 Chs

Chapter 27: Chapter 15 Volume 2

*Sigh!* *Sigh!* *Sigh!*

Mr. Schmidt was naturally exhausted. After the various attacks he had made so far, none of them had hit the enemy. In fact, he was the one who received the most wounds all over his body...

"Hah! It's been a long time... I haven't felt a fight like this...," while glaring at the enemy. "Plus... that weapon... what a troublesome weapon...!"

Mr. Schmidt saw clearly how the weapon worked. Each part of the blade is clearly separated. However, all of that can still be fused with a chain to form a large sword that is intact. Coupled with the unusual use of weapons, Mr. Schmidt had difficulty predicting the flow of enemy attacks.

On the other hand, the enemy started playing with his weapon. Dragging the weapon to the ground until whipping the weapon became the movement that the enemy displayed. After being satisfied with a few moves, the enemy said,

"This is unbelievable! You know, how long I've been waiting for this moment, huh?!" while holding one hand to his waist. "Boring! This boring feeling started to kill me. Give some fun into this fight!" While moving one of his hands as if challenging Mr. Schmidt.

Realizing the enemy's provocation, Mr. Schmidt remained in a silent position. Seeing the changes in Mr. Schmidt's attitude, the enemy said,

"Well, you don't want to attack, huh? Oh, come on!" while running toward Mr. Schmidt. "Make this fight worthwhile, bastard!"

The enemy started running while dragging his weapon. While running, he moved his weapon left and right to form a large circle. The friction between the sword blade and some stones on the ground forms a spark of fire due to the fast movement of the enemy's hand...

*Krrt!* *Tang!* *Krrt!*

Aware of dangerous enemy attacks, Mr. Schmidt dodged his attacks by rolling sideways. Even though he had dodged the attack just now, the enemy was stilled targeting him with similar movements. As a result, Mr. Schmidt had to dodge all of the enemy's attacks without being able to hit the enemy back...

*Roll!* *Roll!* *Roll!*

With a few rolls earlier and the previous wounds, making Mr. Schmidt was getting tired. Not only was he exhausted, but he also displayed a confused expression on his face...

(I just found out about the mechanics of a weapon such as that. All distances are covered by that weapon. In fact, he could use the weapon as a shield by using chains stacked together in his sword to block and parry my attacks. What a versatile weapon!) Mr. Schmidt thought while sighing.

Mr. Schmidt immediately stood back up. The enemy who saw Mr. Schmidt's acts started to comment,

"My expectations are high, you know..," while playing with his weapon. "You've could kill Edward before. Unfortunately, I only served as a spy at that time...." He said with a sigh.

Mr. Schmidt realized what the enemy was saying. Even so, Mr. Schmidt only reacted with his silence while watching the enemy's movements. However, the enemy started laughing. While holding his head, he said,

"Seeing you suffer, seeing you angry onto the peak of your head during the previous kidnapping!" while laughing out loud. "Should we do that "simulation" again, hmm?!"

That enemy's words made Mr. Schmidt's attitude change. Without saying much, Mr. Schmidt dashed to attack the enemy with several sword strikes. This time, his sword strikes were more powerful. Not only which powerful strikes, but powerful thrusts were also demonstrated. While doing all of that, the angry expression of Mr. Schmidt is shown.

On the different side, the enemy only held back and parried off the sword attacks from Mr. Schmidt...

*Tang!* *Krrt!* *Tang!* *Krrt!*

"Good! Passable! Great!" while laughing out loud. "This is what a battle should be like!"

"Die." He said in a heartless tone.

Mr. Schmidt immediately turned around. At the same time, he lowers his body onto one right knee. Immediately, he swept across one of the enemy's legs through. The fast of his movements makes the enemy didn't have time to react. Because of that too, the enemy loses his balance. However, the enemy immediately restrained his body with one hand. At that momentum, the enemy launched a stabbing attack on Mr. Schmidt. The enemy's attack made a deep gash in Mr. Schmidt's left thigh...


"Urgh!" While showing an expression of pain.

Seeing Mr. Schmidt's expression was experiencing pain, the enemy immediately reacted,

"How did it feel? Did my attack just now feel good?"

Mr. Schmidt only smiled faintly as he replied,

"Delicious. Because it was delicious, I could see a chance!"

Soon, Mr. Schmidt held one of the chains from the enemy's weapon. The enemy who is aware, intended to draw his weapon. The effects of that enemy's actions made Mr. Schmidt suffer lacerations. However, Mr. Schmidt seemed to ignore his wound. Instead, he kept pulling the enemy's weapon with all his might. As for the result, a tug-of-weapon act begins between both of them...


"This is amazing! Truly lives up to your nickname! However, what you're doing right now is an act of idiocy!" said the enemy with a laugh. "Also, you talked about "chance", right? If the "chance" you mean is this action, I'll gladly cut off your hand!"

"It is true!" while wincing in pain. "I admitted that the act just now was stupid. But, thanks to you too, I found that definite "chance"!"

Mr. Schmidt immediately pressed the part of the enemy's sword blade that was still stuck in his thigh. At the same time, his longsword immediately wrapped around several chains from the enemy's swords. This caused the length of the enemy's sword to decrease drastically. This action also makes the enemy being pulled and cuts the distance between them. At that moment, Mr. Schmidt immediately thrust his sword forward to hit the enemy...

(Must hit in the enemy's face!) Thought Mr. Schmidt firmly.

*Swoosh!* *Stab!*

Exactly as Mr. Schmidt predicted earlier, the enemy was stabbed in the right eye. It made the enemy scream in pain...

"ARRGGGH!! YOU FUCKING BASTARD, AERON SCHMIDT!!!" While enduring the pain in his eyes.

By reflex, the enemy's weapon is released from his grip and hangs on Mr. Schmidt's sword. Realizing the enemy's weapon hanging on his weapon, Mr. Schmidt withdrew his sword from the enemy's eyes instantly...


"Haha...AHAHAHA! Not expect... that you're still strong until these days. Even... after leaving the kingdom...! You... already understand the "consequence", right? Your crimes... everything... must be redeemed with your life...!"

"I didn't care about your threats. I'll not run away and surrender, especially to HE who sent you!" Replied Mr. Schmidt in a firm tone.

Mr. Schmidt direct stabbed the enemy's leg quickly. With his actions earlier, the enemy could only grimace in pain...

"URGGH!!" while enduring pain. "Even if you kill me right now... they won't stop! HE will continue to chase you... until HE gets what he "wanted" it...!"

"Whoever comes, I'll welcome them even with my own life!" While preparing his sword.

When Mr. Schmidt wanted to kill the enemy boss, two people were seen walking toward him. When he noticed, the two people were wearing the same clothes which were black hooded robes. The same outfit as his enemy. Seeing this, Mr. Schmidt immediately re-set his fighting stance. On the other hand, the enemy boss who noticed the clothes the two people were wearing, immediately said,

"Both of you...! Immediately kill this person... He's our target...!" Said the enemy while ordering them.

Two people immediately stood in front of the enemy boss. However, the two people didn't come forward to attack Mr. Schmidt. It makes annoyance of the enemy boss,

"What are you waiting for?! Kill him now—!" Before the enemy boss had finished speaking, one of those people stabbed the enemy boss in the right shoulder with a dagger...


"Khh?! Why—!" when he looked at the face of the stabber, the enemy boss showed an expression of shock immediately. "Y-you...?!"

The stabber began to remove the hood at the head. When the stabber revealed the identity, the stabber was Adolph while saying,

"Peek. A. Boo, you bastard~!"

The enemy boss is feeling the pain again. Instantly, he fell to the ground in a lying position. Another person also removed the hood. It is discovered that another person was Nagao. Seeing the enemy boss state being helpless, Nagao said,

"Hello! We need you for a while!" While smiling.


*Muffled Screams!*

The enemy boss begins to be tortured repeatedly. With help from Adolph and Mr. Schmidt, this torture still continued.

The fingernails that were almost gone because they were pulled out, several stab wounds in his thighs, and several broken bones become witnessed of this torture. However, the enemy boss still refused to give the information Nagao wanted.

When Nagao used the final method of his torture, the enemy boss started to freak out and talk...

"I give up! I'll tell you everything. Please let me go!" He spoke in a frightened tone.

Seeing the changed attitude of the enemy boss just now, Adolph was shocked and said to Nagao,

"Where did you learn of this crazy method?!" while looking at Nagao with a horrified expression. "You're really a maniac in torturing people. Even, as an assassin, I never thought of torturing people with such heinous things!" while pressing both of the enemy boss's hands.

Nagao only replied,

"Actually, this method is the last act," while pouring some fluid on the enemy boss's face which was covered by a cloth. "Like it or not, we must do this to reveal who sent them to kill us. Mr. Schmidt, hold both of his legs so he doesn't struggle!" Nagao said firmly.

"Calm down, brat!" while holding both legs of the enemy. "I understood my duty!"

The torture continued until finally, the enemy boss spoke again,

"Confess.... end all of this!" He said in a frightened tone again.

Hearing the enemy's words, Nagao gave a code to Adolph and Mr. Schmidt to stay in their current position. After that, Nagao immediately opened the cloth on his face and said,

"How? How did it feel to receive the "affectionate fluid" from me, hmm??" while slapping the face of the enemy boss.

"You... bastard...!" he said in a frightened tone. "I won't... forgive you, you bastard!"

Hearing that reaction, Nagao started to cover the enemy boss's face again. Without any words, Nagao continued the mindless torture.

The enemy is suffering again. This time, Nagao didn't hesitate to pour a lot of fluid on his face. As a result of his actions, the enemy boss began to vomit while begging for mercy...


After a few minutes, the enemy boss said,

"Give up... I... told... everything...!" He shouted in a very scared tone.

Hearing the words earlier, Nagao again opened the cloth on the enemy's face and said,

"Once again you say swear words, I'll make you see another side of humans that makes devils put "respect" instantly!" said Nagao in an unemotional tone with a grin.

Hearing Nagao's threats, the enemy boss was scared. He began to say,

"Elliot... Elliot Green. He was the one who sent us... to kill you...!"