
The Quirkless Hero: Variable (Mha)

When he found out he was Quirkless. he thought his dream of being a hero was over. until one day, a villain approached him offering him power. as he shook the devil's hand. he gained the one thing he wanted most, but at what cost? Disclaimer: I do not own the original characters of My Hero Academia. P'S: Mc is gonna be arrogant at first. but he's gonna numb down throughout the story.

KingHadesUltimate · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Training and Examination

Join my discord, also I'm gonna test if cursed words that aren't censored will be automatically deleted. Fuck shit ass


**Katashi Pov**

It has been 4 years since I trained under Uncle Hu.

The Training I had to do with others was extremely difficult, we had to do partial training in every body part, from our hands to our fingers, to even our shin. We must make sure that our body would be strong enough to handle the force of this technique.

In these four years, I've learned the techniques of Uncle's Martial art and they were clearly superior to the ones I've learned before.

I'm able to perform feats that can be considered superhuman, I can vanish into thin air thanks to a footwork my old sensei taught me, I can punch as hard as an individual with a strength enhancement quirk, I can tank blows which would be lethal to everyone else without some sort of defense quirk.

My mastery of weapons such as swords, spears, whips, and guns has reached an adequate level considering I've only had 4 years to train with them.

My master and mentor would regularly spar with us to test our progress, and the ones that failed to meet the criteria within the given time frame were expelled because they failed to improve, they were transferred to a different branch.

"Good, I enjoy your progress." Old man Fang said.

When I joined this "Division" There were over 20 kids, but we were weeded out over the years now only 5 of us remained. Coincidently Naoya who was considered the weakest at the time managed to persevere and pass each trial that was given to us.

Now we were being tested on our stamina and dexterity.

All five of us are doing a one-hand handstand using only our fingers on top of a wooden flank on top of a sharp rock at the edge of a cliff. If we were to fall incorrectly there would be no doubt that we wouldn't survive the fall.

"It's been 11 hours, only 1 more hour to go," Old man fang said out loud.

The other students besides me were showing fatigue, I was also showing fatigue, I was drenched in sweat. out of everyone here I had to train the hardest since I've only had a limited time to train with "Duo Cai" compared to them who had cultivated it for years.

"tsk!" A kid next to me is starting to lose his balance. his name was shiro, he is one of my friends in this place, we've had multiple spars with me winning most of them. he's usually energetic and optimistic, so it feels strange seeing him so serious.

"Oi, are you alright?"

I showed worry for his well-being

"Just give up, your efforts will be laid to waste if you were to fall off the cliff and die!" I shouted.

in a shaky voice, he replied "I-I can still do I-" he was cut off as the wooden plank fell off the rock and he fell face-first on it, knocking him out, he was dropping on the edge of the cliff and I had no way of saving him.


I was helpless as I can only see my friend fall of a cliff.

"Uh uh, not yet!"

he was grabbed in the arm by old man fang.

"You're one of the top five In this division, it would be regrettable for you to die here." he threw him back on the ground, away from the cliff.

Everyone glanced at Shiro, who was laying on the ground, in a state of shock.

"Although it was a shame that you couldn't become a formal student of Hu, you still inherited his techniques and you should hold this with pride."

"Instructor Jian... Thank you" Said Shiro as he broke down crying while bowing to our mentor.

"Screw it, I'm giving up" Kazuma gave up as well.

"It's not worth it if I die"

another kid also gave up. which leaves me with Naoya.

I looked at Naoya wondering if he was going to forfeit as well.

"Don't look at me like that, I've trained my whole life for this, no way I'm giving it up for a newbie" he said with a small smile

A smile appeared on my face as well, I accepted the challenge.

"I wouldn't have it any other way"

a voice from far away called out to us,

"That's enough, you can go down that rock now"

I looked up to see Uncle hu along with another figure, it was a masked man wearing a cloak that hid his figure. it was a black cloak with red markings.

"So, this is the final two?" the cloaked man asked.

"Yep, they'll be your juniors starting today"

"Whoosh" I jumped down from the wooden flank to the ground.

"Uncle, who's this?" I asked, curious about who's the cloaked figure.

"This is your guy's senior; you can call him 'specter' "

"Specter?" "I've never heard of him before" "I think I remember Master mentioning him before"

as Kazuma and Shiro and another kid discussed the mysterious man Naoya seemed to be in deep thought before seemingly realizing something.


Everyone looked at him in confusion.

"The Specter is the number 1 student of master Hu, the student that will replace him as the leader in his division of Evolution"

"!!!" everyone else seems to realize it.

'I've heard the specter from bits of information I've heard throughout the years, so he's a big deal, huh?' I've thought to myself.

"Specter isn't just the heir of Master Cheng's spot, he's also a very powerful assassin that killed heroes and villains alike all around asia"

I hear Kazuma say.

'This is turning interesting, that guy is supposedly an assassin that murdered heroes and villains alike '

Uncle Hu raised his hand and looked like he was gonna say something, he glanced at me and Naoya.

"The remaining 2 students must fight each other to the death, whoever wins will get the title as an "Executive" " Uncle Hu said. he looked serious without his usual smirk.

It took a few moments for me to process what he had just said, He just commanded me to kill a comrade like it was natural, of course, I'd gotten angry.

"No way I'm killin-" I screamed out before getting cut off by a voice I knew all too well.

"Katashi, this is big news, you must attain victory at any cost... if you were to pass this, you'll be given a treasure beyond your wildest dream" My father came out of nowhere to coach me.

Naoya also walked behind me, he seemed to have made up his mind.

"Katashi, You better not hold back, I'll for real this time" I heard Naoya say in a cold voice.

we fought numerous times before, and I had a winning record against him. but it always ended with us both being injured.

"Damn it, not you too!" if I were to fight Naoya at my state, there's no telling who would win.

"By passing the trial, I can finally achieve what I've trained for my entire life, you better not spit on my efforts by holding back." he brought out two fists.

"I want to fight you for real"

"Don't think you can back down, either you die or he" the masked man appeared behind me and pushed me at Naoya.

"If you don't fight for real, I'll kill both of you" he instructed

"Tsk, Fine!" I entered a karate stance.

"I'll fight for real!"

"A karate stance?" I heard the masked man say behind me

"Whatever, begin!" he dismissed it and started the match.

**No one's Pov**

Naoya is inching closer and closer to Katashi, who's still in a state of panic.

'Damn! Damn! Naoya is definitely better than me at executing offensive techniques' Katashi began to formulate a plan. if he was going to defeat Naoya, it won't come without sacrifice.

Naoya lunged at katashi throwing a right punch, Katashi blocked deflected it, and use the momentum of Naoya's punch to shoulder bash him.

Throwing Naoya on the ground.

'Phew, if he stands up I'll take advantage of his shaky balance and perform an arm lock' Katashi planned.

However, Naoya placed his hands on the ground to propel himself at Katashi. Landing a dropkick on katashi's midsection


"!!" Naoya was alarmed and glanced at Katashi wearing a smirk, with blood on his lips.

"Iron-Breaker" Katashi tightened every muscle in his arms to perform an enhanced punch.

he landed it on Naoya who's laying on the ground.

"ARGHH" Naoya screamed in pain as the punch connected to his stomach.

he was rolling on the ground screaming in pain, Katashi avoided looking as he only felt regret in hurting a friend.

"Fshhh" Naoya slowly got up and walked slowly to Katashi, they exchanged no remarks as Naoya and Katashi repeatedly threw blows at each other, every blow they threw was either blocked or deflected.

'Naoya focuses on brute force and overwhelming his opponent, I can use this to my advantage and land a surprise blow on a weak spot.' Katashi began to scan Naoya for blind spots and found that he's not guarding his feet.

So, Katashi used his left foot to trip Naoya.

Naoya was caught off-guard and began to fall forward.

'NOW!' Katashi was hyper-aware of his surroundings, he scanned every part of Naoya looking for a vital spot

He started by uppercutting Naoya on the chin to disorientate him.

Then he followed it up with a left-hook, punching Naoya on the jaw.

Rattling his brain, giving him a concussion.

Then Katashi followed it up with a Left Side-kick, aiming for Naoya's Jaw.

**Boom** Naoya flew 10 feet in the air **Crash** and crash to the ground at high speeds.

"It wasn't even close..." "How can he improve that much in just 4 years" Kazuma along with another kid began to feel dispirited with Katashi's progress.

even Shiro felt discouraged despite being aware of Katashi's talent earlier than anyone. The speed at which he mastered the techniques he was taught was astonishing.

even the "Unstoppable Brute" was overwhelmed and defeated in the end.

but the fight was far from over, as Naoya stood up from the ground.


he spat blood then concentrated on Katashi, It looked like he was barely hurt from the combo despite being concussed.

'I see what he did' Katashi thought

He had used a defensive technique called 'Slimy Eel' and went limp to disperse the damage.

Without warning, Naoya ran at Katashi who was caught off-guard.

he connected a 'Shoulder Bash' following it up with a 'Left Jab' and a 'Right punch'

Naoya broke Katashi's guard and threw a barrage of strikes.

Katashi was left bloodied after the combo and didn't have the strength to put up his arms to guard his head.

Naoya used both hands to grab Katashi's head and head-butted him continuously.

*1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9*

Naoya was forced to stop as he felt himself slowly feeling drowsy.

Katashi however didn't fail to take advantage of this, Katashi grabbed Naoya's arm to perform a Shoulder throw dropping him on his head.

He then transitioned the throw into an armbar.

Katashi was barely conscious so he got desperate and used a grappling technique to have enough time to recover.

"Gaah, ah-hah GRRR!" Naoya struggled to breathe while being in extreme pain. he began to fiercely move around, trying to lift Katashi with one arm.


"AHHHHHHHH" Naoya screamed in pain as his right arm was broken.

Katashi quickly let go of the hold and rolled away to gain distance.

Naoya repeatedly Slammed the ground with his left arm to dissipate the pain.

He glanced at Katashi in frustration.

Katashi ran at Naoya intending to end the fight by knocking him out, but he forgot to survey Naoya's left hand, which caused him defeat.


Naoya used 'Iron-Breaker' on Katashi, hitting him on the chest, launching him 10 feet away, leaving a long crater on the ground.

Katashi was knocked out, blood pouring out of his head.

Cheng Hu was displeased at the result so he decided to call off the match. "Okay that's enough, Naoya has won"

he walked over to Naoya to congratulate him. while the masked figure slowly walked over to katashi.

"Master should I kill this brat?" the masked figure asked.

"Don't even think about it" a figure behind him said in a deep voice, it was none other than Kawata.

"Nah, it's okay, I was just kidding about the death match," Cheng Hu replied. he then gazed at the unconscious Katashi

'did this brat lose on purpose? *whew* this is troublesome'

"From now on, 'Naoya' will be a direct disciple of the Cheng Faction, He'll be granted access to the most advanced technology Evolution has to offer, he'll also be given access to our secret bases around Asia," Cheng Hu said to Fang Jian.

"Yes sir" Fang Jian replied while bowing. he then glanced at Kawata who's right behind him.

"Kawata, Katashi's training with me is over, all he has to do is refine the techniques I have taught him. He'll be an important sponsor in the foreseeable future" Cheng Hu said with a sinister smile.

although he didn't see it directly, Kawata sensed Cheng Hu's smirk. he was always vigilant whenever he was around the man, nevertheless, he replied.

"Got it."

he picked up Katashi and began to leave the forest.

'In just four years you've improved so much, although your temper still leaves a lot to be desired, I'm proud of you'

Kawata smiled at the sleeping Kakashi, feeling proud of his son's progress.

Katashi was still conscious and felt proud of his friend. he had no desire to be Cheng Hu's executive so he deliberately lost to his friend while giving him a tough fight. a small smile appeared on his face.

'Give me a break'

This chapter was supposed to be like a training & time skip. then going to school for the U.A exam, but it's already like 2k words.

KingHadesUltimatecreators' thoughts