
The Quirkless Hero: Variable (Mha)

When he found out he was Quirkless. he thought his dream of being a hero was over. until one day, a villain approached him offering him power. as he shook the devil's hand. he gained the one thing he wanted most, but at what cost? Disclaimer: I do not own the original characters of My Hero Academia. P'S: Mc is gonna be arrogant at first. but he's gonna numb down throughout the story.

KingHadesUltimate · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Time Skip #1

**Katashi Pov**

Time surely passes by fast. It's been 8 months since I joined the dojo, I've learned alot since I came here, my friendship with Ojiro and Itsuka has been going steady, we've also hit it off with our seniors. But sadly, Itsuka had to leave the dojo since her family was moving away to a different part of the city.

Ever since then I mostly trained with ojiro and occasionally Gojo-Sensei. He's training became harder and harder each week that I felt like I would drop dead at any moment, but I persevered and pushed on, now I'm close to getting my black belt.

One day Gojo-sensei approached me to talk to me.

"It's been 8 months since you joined the dojo, Katashi" there was a brief pause "And you've shown to be my most talented student, Your score with Ojiro is now 26-35, in just 8 months you've shown to be progressing fast enough to reach your senior, So I'd like to offer you my secret technique" he brought up his finger to signify something "I'll teach you something beyond what you've learned from me. so will you accept?"

I had no reason to decline his offer so I naturally accepted it.

**Secret Gym: after hours**

We are at the back of the Dojo and there are multiple small circles on the floor, there are also conveniently placed pillars to disorientate someone. The room was dim without any lights.

"Sensei what is this place" I ask gojo-sensei, he entered the room and clapped both of his hands and some candles on the walls opened one by one.

"This is the back room of the dojo, I used this place to practice students hand picked by me" he went to the middle of the room and looked around.

"You fighting style and technique is decent, but your footwork is lacking, so that's the technique I'm gonna teach you" he turned around and looked at me, "this training won't be easy so you'll have to give it your all" he pointed at the red circles on the floor.

"You see those colors? Red, Blue, and green, You'll have to use your footwork while aiming for a single color, for example, if I told you to only step on the blue circles, you can only step on blue circles so if you fail, I'd slap you with a stick" he pulled out a stick out oh back and placed it on his palm "Also you'll have to do it quickly"

I of course was a bit anxious since this is completely foreign to me.

"I'll show you a demonstration, don't worry" Gojo-sensei said before taking a deep breath. He started to step on the blue circles and became faster and faster, I couldn't take my eyes off him as the fluidity of his movements were insane. When I blinked he disappeared in front of me, I began to look around then I hear a tap on my shoulder, I looked around and it was Gojo-sensei.

"Yo, as you can see, this technique isn't only about footwork, but it's also about surprise attack" he patted by back before continuing "there will come a day when you'll use this technique, actually you'll probably use this technique in every battle if you were to master it"

I had sparkles in my eyes. if I were to learn this technique, I would become even stronger than before "W-why me?" I ask.

Gojo-sensei let out a small laugh before replying "You're one of my most talented students, of course I'd like you to learn one of my secret techniques" he stopped and looked serious momentarily.

"I know about your situation, and if you're gonna beat your father, you'll need to learn this" he then returned the grin on his face before cheering me up "I personally know you're father's fighting style, so I know that if you're gonna beat him, you'll need all the help you can get. But I'm afraid my technique wont be enough to take him on"

"So, Katashi, are you willing to learn 'Blink'?"

"Yes, sensei" I replied without hesitation.

"Mhmm, Let the training begin!"

After that day I spent countless hours every day on top of my already extreme training, I was able to learn the basics. My footwork is still crap but compared to before, it's certainly improved.

After 6 months I finally become a black belt. It took me 1 year and 2 months to finally become a black belt in karate but it was worth it, My body was conditioned, I was even making great progress with my master's 'Blink'. But sadly,

I had to leave the dojo to learn other martial arts so I had to say goodbye to ojiro and sensei and everyone else, despite our rivalry, I've actually begun to enjoy the challenge.

On the last day, I've sparred with all my friends in the dojo, I even won against Ojiro during our final match for now.

**Playground: Katashi pov**

It's been 2 days since I've graduated from the dojo, I've taken a few days' rests since I've deserved it. Since today is our meeting day. I've decided to go to the playground to talk to Uncle Hu

I walked to the playground to see Uncle Hu on a swing, I've called him out

"Uncle Hu!! What's up?" I sat on the swing next to him before telling him of my progress.

"I've graduated and became a blackbelt in karate, I'm one step closer to becoming a hero, right?" I cheerfully asked. Seeing him, it looks like he's become more muscular lately.

"Kuku, I'm afraid learning karate alone won't be enough to become a pro hero," he paused for a second "if it were that easy everyone can become a hero"

"Of course, I know that, But I've learned some techniques that can really help me out. I've even learned a secret technique" I say, hearing a curious "Oh?" from him

"What's the secret technique that you learned?" he curiously asked

"It's a secret~"

"I know, why don't you demonstrate it to me, so you don't have to tell me about it" Uncle hu proposed an idea.

"I guess that's okay" I agreed and stood up from the swing and walked on the sand.

"To make it fair, I won't fight you, I'll only defend~" said Uncle Hu

"??" Uncle Hu can fight? I guess it's sorta obvious considering his frame.

"WOOoosh" I've entered a slow stance, Timing the time he blinks. Although I haven't mastered 'blink' I can still use its footwork to make myself faster.

"Osu! Start!" I say before circling around him at great speeds. 'He almost has no blind spots, yet he's acting natural' I began to analyze Uncle hu "At this point my 'Blink Strategy isn't going to work. So I'll just' I stopped and prepared a jump.

I decided to abandon my training and targeted his back, but my whole body felt strange, without even realizing it, my whole body was redirected in another direction. I fell face first in the sand and began to ponder what happened.

"What?" I look at Uncle Hu, he looked serious.

I decided on an upfront strategy and lunged at him to throw multiple strikes. He kept dodging without moving from his spot. So I decided to kick him in the shin, but his chin didn't even budge.

'I was able to shatter wood with my kick so how can he?' I began to panic as I was running out of ideas. Uncle Hu never fails to surprise me.

'If that doesn't work then I'll just keep punching him to wear him out.

"Is this what your teacher taught you?" he asked, but I was too focused on landing a hit that I didn't bother to take it in.

"Mhmm, That's enough," he said before flicking me on the forehead, launching me multiple meters away.

"You've still got a lot to learn, kid, your karate practice simply isn't enough" He returned to his usual self, with that huge smirk.

*Huff Huff Huff* I began to ruminate our fight. I never stood a chance from the very beginning. I began to grip the sand in frustration.

'Keep your cool, You've only learned one martial art doesn't mean you're there yet!' I began to remind myself of my purpose.

"If you become satisfied at your current level, You'll never improve and adapt, Boy" he brought out a cigar and lit it "If you manage to become stronger, I'll formally take you in as my student."

Didn't really felt like posting a chapter today, But I really wanna get to the next story, but there is one more arc before we get to U.A and meet another cast member.

1430 words

KingHadesUltimatecreators' thoughts